



Copyrighted @ 台灣窮小子 04092013








不可否認,在過去的歷史與文化傳統下,保持原有的一切,是相關於國家安全;尤其是,保密,然耳,它僅是笑話;因為頑固的歷史與文化,明顯背離對如何改變台灣的黃金十年的辯論,不僅是,強詞奪理,也將是失敗;畢竟,任何有意義的改變願景,首先是,建立在終結歷史!於是,頑固的歷史與文化要求更多的錢是流行的反應,特別是,喜歡權力鬥爭!這種改變,僅是像往常一樣,高喊 輝煌的歷史與文化,以獲得民眾的同情和強烈放心;雖然,台灣改變,顯然不是一件容易的行動,但是,腦力激盪建立與民眾的互信,而不是不受理它;如果有改變,台灣將需要新模式風格來進行反擊-今天所作的是,明天的成功!頑固的歷史與文化-黃金十年的辯論是強詞奪理,也是不確定的國家未來;尤其是,它們喜歡曖昧,也幾乎可以確認無法適應任何未來的決定;所以,我認為終結歷史是有必要的,特別是,終結黃金十年,或如:










Chapter 9 : Taiwan change-Golden ten years of failure

Studied @ Copyrighted @


Talk of change,this has been a long time for historical story.Despite overwhelming worldwide has faced change,but,Taiwan's change still no comprehensive change war-fighting operations were adopted.For example,such as:Ms.蔡英文 of common concept.Indeed,it is simple.The stubborn of history and culture have spoken too much,and for a long time.So,as we can forecast that Golden ten years will be also failure.The stubborn of history and culture is to deceive us-who are on real national independence and freedom of war-fighting force holding.The anticipation of report will be Golden ten years of failure,yet,new pattern of Taiwan's Style-ending of history will also establish a real national independence and freedom of war-fighting force. In fact,change meant that this was all over,and not related to the age-old of history and culture.As I,myself consider that ending of history will change in the futre,and stick us together,forming a war-fighing base for a new nation.Such as :an aircraft carrier,and than,stupid of history and culture would be kicked out of our homeland.Because of stubborn of history and culture have never thought people whimpered-they were always in a distinguished spot.Simply put,Taiwan change simply had to put vision forward,rather than,holding stubborn of history and culture.

1, Common consensus on Taiwan change - ending of Golden ten years

Obviously speaking,a word of change for real definition is to establish and maintain a national independence and freedom force,and capable of basis for democratic development.It also means that our nation can concentrate in one direction,and afford relatively force.These are not related to the age-old of history and cultureAfter all,through many decades of unsuccessful changes and strives,however,the possibility that stubborn of history and culture threaten often to unite the nation and race ; this may make national hope to leave,and behind its single as has happened many times in history.However,real change that promise does not enough to prompt  restoration of national war-fighting capability.For many hundreds years,change commitment was considered the most important responsibility of nation.These are not related to the age-old of history and culture.In other words,any attempt of change today may be useless.Because of stubborn of history and culture destroying its war-fighting capability.Simply put,many people believe that stubborn of history and culture still have an opportunity,but,our nation and people will be killed by the stubborn of history and culture,someday.Many people believe that main problem with stubborn of history and culture is psychological.Indeed,they are only having serious brain-powerful vulnerability.Or,they would wallow in grand historic victory.If they are so stupid,why they should not be ending of history?Taiwan is now an independence,freedom country with relatively openness.But,national leaders still understand Taiwan as defectively as what the future will be?The future of  the strategic position of new pattern of Taiwan Style-Ending of history is much clearer. If we do not want to ending of Golden ten years. Because of the future of  new pattern of Taiwan Style may help reach national consensus,and nation's political,military,with economic change for the future.But,the existing golden ten years is just against possible for national mobilization war-fighting energy and capability.Without any ending of history consensus there can be absolutely no strategic definition of change commitment whatsoever. This is the principal conclusion after 30 years of 台灣窮小子 of studied experiences-ending of history.But at least there is some basis for an all-party consensus on strategic deployment to show in Taiwan.

2,Golden ten years that lost out !

Without clear-cut ending of history guiding principle,and a word of "Golden ten years" how to knowing what kind of challenge and adversary to counter?So,it will be lose out!Simply put,it will waste nation's time and people's money.To given as a national strategic deployment - "Golden ten years" is unable to make extended nation's political,military,and economic leadership,that will be failed in historical story.Because of stubborn of history and culture used any evilpower had no chance to change in any definition model.In particular,it could not be in opposition to all difficulties,that historical change was on track. The vulnerability of stubborn of history and culture are poor discipline,bureaucracy,low enthusiasm,and almost complete war-fighting incapability.The stubborn of history and culture thinks that they are the best strategic deployment should be to keep alive as possible of the good old framework.Simply put,they are just waiting money to begin growing;a real money ; they are no ideas in the future.Even,quietly,and feel out of sort to destroying "appropriate" new pattern of Taiwan Style!Because of "appropriate" new pattern of Taiwan Style will be to build a new and strong-standardd war-fighting system - ending of history.A bold new draft plan for national change war-fighting operation will increasingly obvious that even if Golden ten years was happening,but collapse. 窮小子's anticipations were not without foundation,Golden ten years really were not preparing a far-reaching national transformation,and  not as good as 蔡英文's war-fighting political strategy.As it must be ended.And a worf of Golden ten years must disappeared from the vocabulary of Taiwan.There were feeling out of sort and disillusioned force even before the historical evidences,but,the stubborn of history and culture - Golden ten years made the situation even stupid and worse.Especially,the stubborn of history and culture - Golden ten years could not make opportunities to people,even,almost starving. Finally,back to future we are confronted with the same problems,the stubborn of history and culture - Golden ten years left behind?On top of that the stubborn of history and culture - Golden ten years may be more a spoiler than a helper!

3,Golden ten years that lost out in an  sophistic analysis

It cannot denied that the past history and cukture tradition od keeping everything is related to national security,especially,secret.Yet,it was only ridiculous.Because of stubborn of history and culture have obviously departed from the debate on how to change Taiwan's "Golden ten years " disintegrating,in which,not only sophistication,also,would be lost out.After all,any prospects of meaningful change vision,at first,will build on Ending of history.So,stubborn of history and culture asking for more money are very popular response. In particular,enjoys the power struggle. Such change was as always that they were  shout loudly brilliant history and culture,to gain people's sympathy and strongly reassured,Although,Taiwan change is obviously not an easy activity,but,brainstorm builds confidence with people,rather than dismissing him. If there is change,Taiwan will want naw paattern style to defeat,rather than stubborn of history and culture - as we do today,and as success for tomorrow.Stubborn of history and culture - "Golden ten years" is sophistication,and also is as  inconclusive as national future.Especially,they enjoy ambiguous,also,they could not identify as adapt almost  any future executive decision.So,I think that ending of history is necessary,in oarticular,ending of "Golden ten years" , the opinion as followed:
1,ending of hitory is to make whole nation in line with the potential secure threats and challenges for the future,in particular,mational economic war-fighting capabilities.Rather than stubborn of history and culture.
2,ending of hitory is to reinforce national commitment and protection on the basis of existing national system,and re-integrate national characteristic of humanities.
3,ending of hitory is to reinforce national secence&technology,and strategy,policy efforts,to strengthen national war-fighting efficiency and capability.
So,as the strategic purpose of ending of history is to establish sufficient national force,rather than,stubborn of history and culture-"Golden ten years" of sophistication.However,despite all the information that  have been opened but, the overall picture--"Golden ten years" still be ambiguous and  big words.The effectiveness of the future process shown to people is usually unclear. "Golden ten years" of ending of history only means the change is no big deal.So,to prevent possible of such an ambiguous single,ending of history will take a principled decision,or,only change to defeat the stubborn of history and culture-"Golden ten years" of sophistication.As the stubborn of history and culture-"Golden ten years" of sophistication will became increasingly clear,and they have bothered to deploy it.So,the overall picture will seem increasingly foolish.Yet,ending of history is a natural-born optimist,and including
台灣窮小子,for example,such as,who loves 蔡英文,but,I do not blame stubborn of history and culture have just said that:"台灣窮小子 was stupid! "Like many Taiwaneses,all who  believes that ending of history will be a easy solution.Ending of history  will not be an easy decision,rather than the stubborn of history and culture-"Golden ten years" of sophistication.The stubborn of history and culture will be ending and convincing,that ending of history-imperceptible hand will state our nation real change,especially,the result of ending of history may help them who cannot become thoughtless desperados.


According with historical experiences have shown that stubborn of history and culture were left with a completely muddle shamble,that their development and deployment have alreade become dated,because of they were lacked of national science&technology support0consideration,in which were no longer to meeting more clear-cut adversary.Of course,stubborn of history and culture were almost so good words,it cannot dienied that they also had valuable little of an advantage to support partial prepare and integrative war-fighting force.stubborn of history and culture were approximately 20% of  texts,which only had meaning at all,in particular,balance,so others were not out of the change.As ending of history was no longer had any stubborn,conventional parity.Especially,ending of history will come into a new pattern of national war-fighting force to will global competitiveness.These are not related to the age-old of history and culture.Joint war-fighting mobilization capability is to announce at a new pattern of national strategy and  doctrine of guiding principle.As followed:
1,The age-old of independence and unification will no longer be strategic means of achieving nation's political,military,and economic objectives.
2,Ending of history will be asking for homeland security,and no nor does it consider other country to be its adversary.
3,Ending of history prevention,rather than abandonment,shown as new national strategic deployment of political objective.
These are not related to the age-old of history and culture.Ending of history is a new era tradition of Taiwan style that all nation's political,military,and economic change will be determined on ending of history.There is mounting evidence said that stubborn of history and culture  simply did not know what challenge,threat,and adversary,eben,secure partners,especially,did not know what kind of the future predictable will be?
台灣窮小子 predicted ending of hostory,not the real abandonment and challenge,but,it will be stability,development and peace in the future.


Ending of Golden ten years of failure,even though,it look like a big manticore.Golden ten years did not have a core of supports,and also,did not have the guts to engage a change,simply put,failure,or,only pleaded for money There is no ending of history of determination that come to be one of the main problems.Ending of Golden ten years is mainly we will not make compromise,but,we make national superiority for the future.In particular,it was cited as the reason that achieve fundamental change to reduce stubborn of history and culture of impact.Simply put,without ending of Golden ten years,there will not be Taiwan's change.

    Taiwan Style

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