




A troubled and afflicted mankind looks to us, pleading for us to keep our rendezvous with destiny;

that we will uphold the principles of self-reliance, self-discipline, morality, and, above all, responsible liberty for every individual that;

we will become that shining city on a hill.


Copyrighted @ 台灣窮小子 05142013















Specifically, since the collapse of the stubborn of history and culture will be replaced a nation's political,military,and economic situations by ending of history.Simply put,ending of history is to defeat war-fighting operation of independence,freedom,and democracy.This report will shortly study the background of war-fighting and deployment,in particular,just in each case,suggest which strategy the Taiwan is likely to take in future war-fighting operation in the ending and partners.Because of ending of history is important for the future of Taiwan's National and Homeland security,and these are not related to the age-old of history and culture,in particular,we will be moving forward to,rather than,back forward.Though tough,ending of history sustainability in future will prove a national truth.Consider the Taiwan,we are attempting to use ending of history national influence,with our own idea.Especially,for the United States,who remains Taiwan's reliable partnership,if so,The issue is easy,and these are not related to the age-old of history and culture,that it may be security commitment from reliable partnership with the United States.At first,we must be aware of the threats cooking along stupid of history and culture.It is important to us who understand that ending of hisotry is to become to start the role of national mobilization operation,Taiwan,just as in the China,there is no accepted that you said is just right for war-fighting operation.Because of changes in golbal position,the age-old of history and culture experiences would be no longer applicable. Especially,women superiority.In particular,in current,the age-old of history and culture are no longer provide sufficient framework.This has been unable to develop pragmatic strategic guiding principle which build ending of history-ism.Of course!Absolutely!The process of ending of history is often feeling out of sort.But,Taiwan will be more likely to follow a real standard.Simply put,war-fighting norms,such as:
1,national stability does not necessarily seek to be dispassionate.
2,use of force only in that defeats historical-cultural violence extremism and terrorism.
3,constitutionality and impartiality of the ending of history.


Viewing the  ambiguous stubborn of history and culture and what it suggests for future national war-fighting operation,but,have never understood in the timing context of the age-old and ongoing,so,we should be questioning what about their war-fighting activity?In particular,to date,how its has led good for nation?In accordance with claiming of stubborn of history and culture were concerned that escalated nsational development,but,indded,it was just no beneficial result.At that point,we must seek to use interposition of ending of history to break blockade of stupid of history and culture.In longer term,stupid of history and culture have always emphasized radical superiority;in other words,build a clear a national environment.However,in fact,stupid of history was real clear,or not?It cannot denied that these war-fighting and possible partners actions were only building their family,in particular,they fear demands ending of history.The fear came in a long time,when nation rejected to change and respect.Serious of you said just right attempted to destroy ending of history war-fighting activity,in particular,women superiority movement.This took step for reasons. Simply put,ending of history and women superiority are  insecure.Unless,ending of history,台灣窮小子thinks that this women superiority mistrusted throughout by stupid of history and culture.In other words,women superiority are not good enough in war-fighting,the whole national war-fighting range.Indeed,it was a  good reasons in the stupid of history and culture-women explanation were bull shitting.A large percentage under the stupid of history and culture was simple compared to run,a huge grievous-women superiority were murdered. Because of they feel out of sort playing against each other.So,ending of history is to try to deal with past unfairness,in order to reflect discrimination imbalance for national strategic consequences.These are not related to the age-old of history and culture.It is important that  the age-old of history and culture cannot have war-fighting solution.The agreement of stupid of history and culture are just stipulations-I said is just exactly.And they use a struggling line to defeat order.Simple put,commoner cannot marry a princess.In other words, stupid of history and culture are semblances.Yet,the mission of ending of history is to break prejudice,and build clearly war-fighting spaces and paths,break the siege,and than help in the independent,free,and democratic confidences of nation and people.Simply put,great power.For instance,commoner can tell a man commitment to princess,so,as ending of history will be national commitment for the future.These are not related to the age-old of history and culture.Especiallu,facing extremism and terrorism acts of the future,ending of history will be able to prevent them.Ending of history serves as a force in national stability,that will be as inevitable consequence.The age-old of history and culture lacks of resolution,in other woords,they are in  a precarious situation. If we are pals,ending of history,we will stand on same side with women.Stupid of history and culture cannot stop us,this is so difficult.Because of it will also be national miracle for the future.No matter how much we value history and culture, but,it cannot be kept forever by our national superiority.台灣窮小子 is just said.


Obstinate ending of history advocate is the situation in nation's political,military,and economic explains of the Taiwan success there. These are not related to the age-old of history and culture.This not content with preferential  treatment of the future,but,we will complete integrate and depart from stubborn.The rhetoric of stupid history and culture have spoken so much,and for a long time,not only seek greater degree of national autonomy. So,ending of history broke out remains in nation,society and people of the future.The scenario was similar to that in this ending of history process,it will be host to defeat stubborn of historical-cultural-ism.Of course!Absolutely!Also,Taiwan's elder warriors provide their fighting expertise,who representing a number of different groups power living in the Taiwan.These are not related to the age-old of history and culture.Stupid of history and culture cannot concentrate national forces,even,defeat them.Because of Taiwan side needs help,who comes from ending of history.Stupid of history and culture will be national renegades,who are no longer to own any central government authority and leadership.As 台灣窮小子 thinks that ending of history will be  better to prevent Taiwan's devastation in the stupid of history and culture.Since they have controlled nation's political status of stupid of history and culture,as I said just right.And they just wanted to disarm ending of history sides.The weakness of stupid of history and culture is separatism,which remains national threat.Or,moving rapidly toward confrontation.Who fired the first shot - ending of history?台灣窮小子 is surely to determine.As one of scientist who was fastened to a burning pilar and burned to death.Indeed,also,it is simply.The love of power.Only successful in ending of history running,and this remain totally dependent upon Taiwan's power resource.Unfortunately,stupid of history and culture maelstrom  did much to distract the national attention from Taiwan.Simply put,historical and cultureal biases.Ending of history will attempt to find solution to face dilemma,avoid instable of the future.In particaular,respecting the integrity,and systems of independence,freedom,and democracy.We must drive out of them!And bearing and readmitting  a potential ending of history force.Stupid of history and culture will not find a solutionwill most certainly result in renewed conflict,crisis,and threat.Or,without Taiwan presence.Taiwan needs now as more ending of history-ism,not less overlooking.We must  insist that we are not turning.Such as:we will not make compromise between the stubborn of history and culture,and we make national superiority,in particular,women superiority


It cannot denied that there are the most controversial stupid of history and culture,in particular,and have been along the age-old of identity and unreal independence.So, predictably,stubborn of history and culture cannot condone ending of history change on their integrative stupid.Unfortunately for the self-proclaimed stubborn of history and culture spiritual occupation,and provided never any question as to the support.But,indeed,since the historical stories had been done to build little power,which was still no match heavy competing.In particular,stubborn of history and culture cannot change their decision because they felt out of sort to participate change.The goal of stubborn of history and culture initiative is to keep status quo,and cannot recognize ending of history in the nation's political,military,and economic status.As they will not be never find a strategic solution.Indeed,the questions appeared in the national development all the time : how could the stubborn history and culture own objectively?No!Absolutely not!In other words,ensing of history may be neutral of national change.Overwhelmingly ending of history would not have any questions because its means national independence and freedom for the future.  Given this stubborn of history and culture,their starting out is doubtful.So,the subject of ending of history focused upon handle and determining this presence in national change.These are not related to the age-old of history and culture.It cannot denied that perhaps ending of history most tough,but its involvement is the final,place in the national change war-fighting activity.Simply put,we do have reason to work at our extreme.Ending of history have become national war-fighting of involvement,so,it has been anything that pushed a key role - change.Ending of history of change means that nation must make adjustments and compromises in the future.These are not related to the age-old of history and culture.The current stupid of history and culture remains complex. So,as efforts of stupid of history and culture to meet with national success for the future,even,defeat historical-cultural violence extremism and terrorism.Ultimately,ending of history will be one of the modern Taiwan style strategic standard practice.Also,it will mean new pattern of nation's political,military,and economic war-fighting activities for the future.


It cannot denied that we are reexamining the current and past of national war-fighting activities which critical questions remain,such as:
Is stubborn of history and culture really synonymous with nation?
Within ending of history become more stable and peaceful as a result of national efforts?
This is a matter of suppose,before thinking,we must  be careful to avoid the wrong experiences and models of stubborn of history and culture.So,the existence of ending of history is a key condition,in how will be handled and kept of war-fighting principles.In other words,we are not turning.In the stubborn of history and culture conflicts, ending of history can build a basis for a peaceful settlement,because of its efforts in Taiwan's war-fighting capability.Not surprisingly, ending of history is to ending of conflict.The analysis is to ending of hostory can define Taiwan's war-fighting activity,in which,in order to help and  resolve stubborn of history and culture of conflicts.In particular,the U.S. is reliable partner with the Taiwan.Simply put,ending of history has undoubtedly preferred with worldwide,rather than,stubborn of history and culture.As rather practiced differs considerably,and as enforcement of ending of history is to become a national principle ; reflects nation's special accountability to maintain stability and prosperity.Although,stubborn of history and culture have attempted to resolve this conflict,but,no success whatsoever.


Ending of history is establishment of national war-fighting activity,that will encompass nation's political,diplomatic, military,and economic war-fighting operations,so on.These are not related to the stubborn of history and culture.It may be the best and most honest.For example,such as,台灣窮小子is always honest loving 蔡英文,rather than,stupid of history and culture.The message of ending of history is clear,in order to help nation,to maintain stability and prosperity.After we our experience in the stubborn of history and culture of mistakes,perhaps we should reconsider ending of history to maintain national efforts.There is no any stubborn of history and culture will replace our national efforts.Simply put,the standard of Taiwan Style for the future is to ending of history.In particular,what 台灣窮小子 has in mind is that the engagement of ending of history will be a our own most interested in stability.


    Taiwan Style

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