「Taiwan Style」is ending of history !


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 COPYRIGHTED @ 台灣窮小子 05202013








台灣窮小子認為,在任何狀況下,我們的國家規劃必須在終結歷史的模式;特別是,反擊暴力歷史與文化極端主義與恐怖主義的黑色威脅;畢竟,這是很容易推理的;如果,頑固的歷史與文化擁有國家權力,而沒有國家科學與技術優勢與能力,那我們將可能:kissed that Taiwan good bye! 或是說,在最壞的狀況,下頑固的歷史與文化,永遠都是一個充滿敵意的笑話;但是,終結歷史,整合國家科學與技術;與此同時,考量國土與民眾安全,而不是,依循政治企圖;終結歷史不要求一夜之間改變,僅是需要時間來轉型;台灣窮小子相信,終結歷史,這一國家戰略構想是與台灣的未來並肩走;雖然,我不太會直言;或如:台灣窮小子不太會說喜歡蔡英文!對於,所有的頑固的歷史與文化戲劇性的變化,顯少有改變,這是不論中國,或是,台灣;另外的自相矛盾是,頑固的歷史與文化的分離,顛覆與煽動,它們,基本上,不希望一個終結歷史的可預期的平衡力量與優勢,以面對挑戰;自終結歷史的視域來看,頑固的歷史與文化的作戰半徑不大,不能團結與國,家社會和民眾;終結歷史的能力是調動,優勢的國家科學與技術,特別是,國家經濟戰力與資源;尤其是,自台灣的國家動員作戰能量來看!笨蛋!只有頑固的歷史與文化,否定,這個開放的力量平衡;另一方面,頑固的歷史與文化,無法想像的應變作戰能力,以維持當前與未來,台灣的國家作戰能力與能量;伴隨時間的轉進,國家轉型決定在終結歷史,而不是頑固的歷史與文化;與此同時,這也決定在台灣的夥伴關係,不僅是,美國與中國,也包括,日本;最後一個自相矛盾是,頑固的歷史與文化,缺乏任何國家政治,軍事與經濟指導;是以,我們不得不面對,過時的歷史與文化的威脅;事實是,頑固的歷史與文化缺乏技術與理念,並且,缺乏靈魂;與未來視域相比較,頑固的歷史與文化是貧窮的!換句話說,頑固的歷史與文化,將不在能夠防衛台灣免受威脅與攻擊;特別是,頑固的歷史與文化可能確實成為一個主要的威脅到台灣國家,國土安全;同時,破壞社會穩定與民眾幸福'這是一個非常恐怖的可能性-頑固的歷史與文化!






總之,首先,應該強調的是終結歷史;台灣的安全環境的未來設想,這是非常不同的國家優勢;這是不相關於古老的歷史與文化!另外,頑固的歷史與文化是讓人卻步;可以這麼說,新模式的台灣安全環境,必須是唯一的終結歷史在創新與重整 ;終結歷史,應該是能夠讓,台灣發展自身的安全能力;這樣做的最好是在終結歷史的框架;這將是唯一的,台灣的安全優勢以預防,頑固的歷史與文化似是而非的威脅;同時,保有國家政治,軍事與經濟新制度;國家安全標準不相關於頑固的歷史與文化!



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According with many crises and threats surrounding Taiwan,and whether Taiwan will be able to overcome and maintain a national  politic,military,and economy in the stable aspects of the independence,freedom,and democracy.Despites that many of various discussions.But,ending of history is the one of option.Especially,we are ending of history warriors.The future theme of which is Taiwan's future as ending of history.In fundamentally,the age-old of history and culture that their political,economic change have failed,so,we could be reasonably to ending of history,which avoid historical-cultural violence extremism and terrorism to attack nation's political,military,and economic frameworks.As the warrior of ending of history will provide a most honest war-fighting assessment,in order to meeting the Taiwan's national war-fighting capabilities for the current and future.It cannot denied that it is a independently,freely,democratically chosen member of warriors.Simply put,we have traveled experiences in this past of many decades.Nonetheless, stubborn of history and culture how Taiwan's future difficult have explained been.But more importantly,ending of history will show vision for the future of the Taiwan.These are not related to the age-old of history and culture.The vision of ending of history is to establish a well-reasoned national superiority in strategic space,in particular,women superiority,and this including,national environment of independence and freedom,and the further development of national democracy.These are not related to the age-old of history and culture.The vision of ending of history is to refind Taiwan's partnerships,in particular,with the United.States.In other words,Taiwan and United,States are reliable partnership,rather than,stupid of history and culture.This is working to a new relationship for the future,and that relationship is integral to its ultimate shapeFor that reason, ending of history have principal national implications for Taiwanese all.


It cannot denied that the definition of warrior of ending of history is quite equivocal.After all,ending of history prediction remains in the huge and stubborn of history and culture because of it lacks of power and common concept.On the other hand, at least,ending of history prediction is including evolutional change and a time of dynamic,in which,in order to change nation's geopolitical and economic space.in particular,national military balance.These are not related to the age-old of history and culture.Consequently,we are addressing the Taiwan's vision for the future,this is a suitable ending of history for fulfillment of political,military,and economic development in Taiwan.In other words,ending of history prediction is to allow and provide principal of the possible  unifications.Accordingly,with a timeframe of the future,and  future national developing trends are sufficiently changed in current stubborn of history and culture,also,policy choices may influence developments in the next two decades.Besides,withis this time framework,the definition of warrior of ending of history is to discusses new pattern of the Taiwan's security requirements,in particular,military options,at the same time,upgrades national science-technology capabilities,in which,in order to meeing global change,especially,Taiwan and its partnership with other countries.These are not related to the age-old of history and culture.Because of stubborn of history and culture change is the narrow idea,so,the definition of warrior of ending of history is the comprehensive new idea that will be the Taiwan theme.


The change of  history and culture is lacking in the current strategy and change war-fighting plan,or only controls nation,society,and people of thinking andidea.These have absolutely ignored our own Taiwan's politic,strategy,economy,and national demography,during these times,they may deep change.The current disorganized history and culture have huge negative effect on the Taiwan's national framework,especially,autonomy of bureaucracies Obviously speaking,this is an exceptionally dangerous development,in particular,destroyies Taiwan's transition in the nation and society,independent and free system.This lack of control and huge,complex of stubborn of history and culture needs our ending of history efforts.Because of ending of history efforts will start huge national mobilization war-fighting cappability and energy.These are not related to the age-old of history and culture.After all,in the absence of a consistent national security policy from above the age-old of history and culture which cannot adapting traditional changes and ideas.Despite that they have been trying to keep their national strategy deployment,but,no longer to promise their ability to execute national missions,even,face national security environment for the future.Simply put,they are no longer at the best one.However,ending of history is to hold as much as possible of nation's traditional strategic roles and deployments,at the same time,giving lip service to the realities of the environment. Therefore,the warriors of ending of history are determining to national force framework and policy deployment.The warriors of ending of history drives national change.The stupid of hoistory and culture would bring into question their very reason for being that they are no longer supposed to prepare for any mobilized preparation that can directly threaten Taiwan.Simply put,the stupid of hoistory and culture reflects an unprecedented uncertainty in the national security environment.So,the warriors of ending of history must be prepared to fight alone and  alongside probable war-fighting ; we do have capability to prevent a as powerful and complex as historical-cultural violence extremism and terrorism attacks.If need be?The warriors of ending of history must be prepared to counter them,besides,kick out of this homeland of the Taiwan.Stupid of history and culture destroying Taiwan's overall war-fighting capabilities. And making difficult change to bring risks.As the warrior of ending of history is national decision-making must be imposed by determined leadership operation.


According with second dilemma is that despite all their stupid of history and culture explanations that,at least,they are no longer make our nation owning superiority and power.
台灣窮小子 can assume that,in any situation,our national program must be under the model of ending of history,in particular,defeats historical-cultural violence extremism and terrorism of black threats.
After all, it is easy to reason that if stupid of history and culture owns national power,but not have national science-technology superiority and capability,so,we will be able to say that"kissed that Taiwan good bye"?
Or say that, in worst case,stupid of history and culture are always as a antagonistic ridicule. But,ending of history integrates national science and technology,and at the same time,we are considering homeland and people security. Ending of history is not askong for change overnight,only needs time to transform. 台灣窮小子 believes that this nation's strategic concept of ending of history is with Taiwan counterpart for the future,although,I am less outspoken about it.For instance,台灣窮小子 is less outspoken about loving 蔡英文. For all stupid of history and culture dramatic changes that they
very little have change.These are no matter what the China,or the Taiwan.
Another dilemma is that stupid of history and culture of separation,subversion and instigation.In fundamentally,they cannot hope to a ending of history of foreseeable balance of forces and superiorities to face challenges.
Since ending of history perspective,that the combat radius of stupid of hostory and culture are not bigger.So,they cannot unite with nation,society,and people.
Given the ability of ending of history is to mobilize superior national science and technology,in particular,national economy war-fignting capabilities and resources,especially,from Taiwan's national mobilization operation energy perspective.
Stupidly!Only stubborn of history and culture can be relied upon to this force balance.
On the other hand, stupid of history and culture is no conceivable contingence of war-fighting capability,in order to maintain Taiwan's national war-fighting capability and energy for the current and future.
In time,national transformation will be determining on ending of history,rather tha,stupid of history and culture.
At the same time,also,it determines on the Taiwan's partnership,not only U.S. and the China,including the Japan,too.
The last one dilemma is that stupid of history and culture lack of any nation's political,military,and economic guidances.
So,we will have to face the out-of-date history and culture threat.
Indeed,stupid of history and culture will be lacking in skill and idea,besides,poorly soul.
By comparison to the vision for the future,stupid of history and culture would be poor.
In other words,stupid of history and culture will be no longer capable of
defending the Taiwan from threats and attacks.
In particular,stupid of history and culture will,positively,become a superior threat to Taiwan's own national and homeland security,at the same time,destroy social stability and people's happiness.
This is a so terrifying possibility - stupid of history and culture.


There is mounting evidence to say that.Taiwan,needs different national change ; the warrior of ending of hustory will provide national and homeland strategy in the next two decades for the future.Stupid of history and culture does not have ability to redeploy and restructure.So,given in the view of the current and probable future,and regional and global security environment,it is clear that ending of history is working together to face nation's political,military,and economic challenges.These are not related to the age-old of history and culture.Stupid of history and culture is just desirability of available.and no longer to have traditional of national strategy point,even,there is no good enough of the new strategy,in which,in order to meeting nation's political,military,and economic realities in the worldwide.In fact,it is,up to Taiwan no order to plan for any large-scale,clear - ending of history,with conventional partners of connection,for example.such,as the United States, or Japan. Stupid of history and culture does not have abilitry to assure sufficient of defense capability to provide for national deterrence force.Stupid of history and culture does not have abilitry to assure Taiwan's national core benefit,even,no flexible tactical force to face potential tensions,or protect Taiwan's national survivability.Moreover,Taiwan does not need the stupid of histroy and culture.Absolutely!This is it.the China nor does need.There is no matter what comes form different languages and faces,so we should be no longer to bearing perception of threat to stupid of history and culture.So,the best hope of ending of history for nation to develop science and technology capability,in particular,and to be good to open relations with secure partnerships in the future.In other words,the best hope of ending of history is to respond a real,national sound and strategic objective.Given current and future nation's political,military and economic challenges for the future we should be ending of history,that  how to get and start where national mobilization war-fighting energy.These are not related to the age-old of history and culture.The age-old of the history and culture is complex,so that can be assured to start ending of history.The nation's warriors will be capability for meeting unpredictable and unforeseen challenges,that may show late for the future.Not only ending of history is releasing national mobilization war-fighting energy,also,at the same time, preserve the traditional of national war-fighting force,in particular,women superiorities.This national war0fighting model,obviously,determined and strong national leadership and capability,in which,in order to working together to meet the important worldwide challenges of this new pattern,new era.The ending of history of national mission should be basically strategic principles in the national defense.
Finally,Taiwan's ening of history of national strategy force should have national science and technology capabilities sufficient for selective defeat of national strategy force.These are not related to the age-old of history and culture.Existing stupid of history and culture are dead resources because they consume huge amounts our inherent brains.Simply put,ending stupid of history and culture,and turned over to the women.The new ending of history will be very diversified war-fighting operation because you are,all Taiwanese are kind of the warriors of ending of history.



It cannot denied that the next two decades of the future,at least,ending of history will be determined by the Taiwan's national and homeland security,in particular,national core benefits and demands for the future.Global history has changed since 21st century.
Ending of history will be Taiwan's main an actual strategy and an axial principle.
Stupid of history and culture will be ended,and separated because of they are no values,no partners,and no soul.
Obviously speaking,it has been really for a long time,they are only symbolic of national  principle.
Stupid of history and culture not only understand Taiwans's definitions of the geopolitics and strategies,and not feel out of sort to face Taiwan in new pattern of global environment.
It cannot denied that national security concept is not different to Taiwan's ideology,and raced valie idea.In particular,Taiwan has been be subjected to historical-cultureal violence extremism and terrorism of influences,where will subvert and destroy Taiwan's national and homeland security.
So,ending of history usually quite stable,foreseeable,and clear,high nation's political,,ilitary,and economic,social stability.Sometimes,stupid of history and culture are  dangerous.
Simply put,stupid of history and culture exist in tension among themselves and with disputations,and even change.
Stupid of history and culture were through national crisis,but,have already been far from defensive line,and got experiences of remain in the age-old habit.
Although,it is still biggest.
But,ending of history will get to national status and solve historical issue because it start huge war-fighting energy and capability of national mobilization,and assure and protect a status for the future.
Taiwan remains a country.
Of course!At first,Taiwan must be ending of history,where owns stronger nation's political,military,and economic forces.These are not related to the age-old of history and culture.
This goes without saying that the ending of history balance will show huge change because of all Taiwanese are warriors of ending of history.These are not related to the age-old of history and culture.
The stupid of history and culture are character of the turn unfriendly suddenly,in particular,hegemonic concept,so,as most probably is being replaced by ending of history.
The stubborn of history and culture,in itself a stupid.in addition,they have come to an end.
So,ending of history correctly defines its place in the new Taiwan's relations for the future,and It is at least conceivable that,in that situation,Taiwan will be transformed,where make woman doing so.
However,ending of history seem very likely,simply put,Taiwan's dream and an opportunity.These are not related to the age-old of history and culture.
In accordance with historical experiences have proven that ending of hostory would probably enlarge and, with the acceptance of new partners.In particular,Taiwan will have a clear-cut national superiority in both tactical and strategic power.
These are not related to the age-old of history and culture.
The age-old of history and culture is a exceptional situation.
In contrast with ending of history,the  age-old of history and culture will not keep Taiwan's security superiority.
The credible ending of history power will ensure Taiwan's security superiority and status,in order to face next decades for the future.


In short,at first,we should be emphasized that Taiwan's secure environment to envision of the future,and this very different of national superiority.
These are not related to the age-old of history and culture.
Moreover,stupid of history and culture will be  prohibitive.
Sort of the new pattern of Taiwan's secure environment must be unique ending of history in the innovation and re-integration,
Ending of history should be able to develop Taiwan's own secure capability,and doing so preferably within the framework of the ending of history,
It will be only Taiwan's secure superiority to prevent logical threats of stupid of history and culture,at the same time,we keep nation's political,military,and economic new system.
National security level is not related to stupid of history and culture.

The end.


    Taiwan Style

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