
Copyrighted @ 台灣窮小子 06012013




為什麼馬總統讓我們灰心與失望,中國的鴨霸?不!全然不!頑固的歷史與文化是這樣的遺傳?頑固的歷史與文化 似是而非的歷史與文化,仍然是台灣夢想與希望,成功的最大阻礙;是以,馬總統的挑戰是終結歷史,而不是,拘泥在頑固的歷史與文化;頑固的歷史與文化,不希望一個強勢的終結歷史,它們決定在一個聽話的!為了有一個聽話的,其政軍制度的特點是沒有分享,可能是馬總統的想法!不過,馬總統不可能擋雨遮風,特別是,台灣面對全球改變;他領軍的歷史與文化,不會堅決地對外作戰,對內製造工作機會;因為頑固的歷史與文化,僅是壓制台灣的國家動員作戰!換句話說,台灣窮小子感覺,馬總統是埋在沙坑裡,像鴕鳥,不能動,也不能躲,讓台灣停下來!







Why Mr.President.Ma cannot?

Copyrighted @ 台灣窮小子 06012013

The problem of Mr.President.Ma cannot possibly to challenge stupid of history and culture,and win touching of historical status.He cannot possibly to become a really President of the R.O.C. because of he does not understand all Taiwanese confidence,yet,historical fact will also show that there are no Taiwan's dreams and hopes,if we do not ending of history.Change is not text,and is easier said than done,too.Because of Taiwanese are so smart ending of history warriors,when comes to our dreams and hopes,and we have awaited for a long time,in particular,we paid attention to national leaders' presentation,and we cannot give up a principle - bravely,ending of history.In other words,unusual woman,good leader will be easily ending of history.Taiwan's superiority supports provide our dreams and hopes,and give our power,but,Mr.President.Ma said that historical fact is unrealistic expectations.In other words,stupid of hisotry and culture are no visions,no pragmatistic,perhaps Mr.President.Ma's character.So,we must end and far remove from them.Because Taiwanese are ending of history warriors.
You want think about new national leader after ending of history.
You want think about magnificent crisis,weighing down our national system in the stupid of history and culture.
台灣窮小子 can swear that ending of history will show a new pattern of presidential explanation to show Taiwan's dreams and hopls in the future.Is this what?An opportunity is ending of history that maybe she,or not,by that time.We will probably disappoint,if it remains stupid of history and culture.Such as:Mr.President.Ma.
Why Taiwan cannot have dreams and hopes,and wrong with the United.States?
Why Mr.President.Ma has made discouraged and disappoint us,and arbitrariness with the China?No!Absolutely not!What is stupid of history and culture that sets up this inheritance?Stupid of history and cultureConfusingly,the history and culture itself remains the Taiwan's dreams and hopes the magnificent block to success.As Mr.President.Ma's challenge is ending of history,rather than,is a stickler for stupid of history and culture.Stupid of history and culture does not want a aggressive ending of history,and they are determined to a compliance.To has a compliance,their poiltical,military system characterized by no shared.Perhaps ideas by Mr.President.Ma.But,Mr.President.Ma cannot shelther Taiwan from the downturns,in particular,Taiwan faces global change,and he leads history and culture cannot fight outside decisively,make good jobs inside.Because of stupid of history and culture only keeps down Taiwan's national mobilization operation.
It other words,台灣窮小子 feels like Mr.President.Ma covers up in the bunk,like an ostrich,who cannot move,and cannot hide,and make Taiwan stop.
台灣窮小子guarantees Taiwan,this is war-fighting model for stupid of history and culture-Pool!
台灣窮小子guarantees Taiwan,stupid of history and culture are unrealistic dreams and hopes.
Because of history and culture have been born since they felt sort to give promise,and what the change is,and what they wanted,rather than,what the nation and people wanted?This is it,comes from stupid of history and culture.So,we face this gap what the Taiwan dreams and hopes expect and what we want,and we cannot have the president serve as a link between past and future,the only guy.Taiwan remains to has a stupid economy and historical-cultural violence extremism and terrorism attacks,if we do not ending of history?
Mr.President.Ma is addicted to stupid of history and culture,rather than deployment and development pictures more interest in the future.
Because of this, 台灣窮小子 naturally analyze and presume that the Mr.President.Ma does not know where the national power is.
Stupid of history and culture are lies.But,we build a powerful endiig of history which should be able to do astonishing national innovation with people.
Unfortunately! It just isn't so.
Because of Mr.President.Ma was not national leadership capability.because of he has denied to ending of history,so as his style has procrastinated to take struggle to the history and culture.
President is not a invincible robot.So,endung of history is to re-integrate our capability.
It cannot denied that arguement is the power to president,but,advice must be existence,also,Unfortunately!Arguement is stand along with stupid of history and culture,they are not Taiwan's dreams and hopes.
To be disappointed in history and culture with people,at first,Mr.President.Ma must have ending of history of dream and hope for people.
Taiwan does not need irresolute president,but by making the Taiwanese an unbreakable ending of history concept ; the presidency is the only national starter that we all help to create and start national war-fighting mobilization.These are not related to the age-old of history and culture.
In fact, we own.
Ending of history needs a image of the president who is powerful and attractive,In particular,woman superiority.These are not related to the age-old of history and culture.
In fact,Mr.President.Ma will be wrong president in the history of the R.O.C.
Stupid of history and culture are just so big,and so complicated,too.Simply put,the lies days are over.
Ending of history of national president will need to manage a completely national pragmatism,rather than,the age-old of history and culture.
Stupid of history and culture is elusive,and implausible ; it's no wonder the Mr.President.Ma is an impossible.
Ending of history remains Taiwan's idea,dream and hope - we do down to earth.However,stupid of history and culture is illusion.
This is a best lesson and story.On the other hand,ending of history is Taiwan,our own confidence,and we do not like Mr.President.Ma.Because of he does not understnad what we want?
What to do? Just ending of history,It is lowest dream and hope.
Do not give up ending of history superiority ; what Mr.President.Ma. cannot does,only we can do.
Do not wait!It is not Taiwan style.We are ending stupid of history and culture imaginations,we can stop expecting our presidents to be stately for the future.


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