


台灣總統 蔡英文之首席真命天子



目前,沒有明顯的結局。可以導致軍事勝利,或建立穩定和安全的台灣國家,歷史和文化的解決方案可能是不可能的,但到目前為止,這似乎只有在足夠有利於 中國人,這樣的歷史和文化可能只是通過其他方式成為戰爭的延伸,並允許中國人利用它,到至少。控制國家的地步 - 台灣。
報告指出~~~關於左翼歷史和文化的報導極具爭議 - 台灣,似乎忽略了對左翼歷史和文化的報導,謊話經濟學控制和影響,不再報導許多方面的台灣傳統。




【A Taiwan in crisis of Left-wing's history and culture !】
【Taiwanese people in Mid-2020. 】 

The crisis in Taiwan is at a critical stage. There is no clear end in sight that will result in a military victory or in the creation of stable and secure Taiwan country.A settlement of history and culture may not be possible,but so far,,this only seems possible on terms sufficiently favorable to the Chinese,so that such history and culture may simply become an extension of war by other means and allow the Chinese to exploit it to the point where it comes to control at least of the country - Taiwan.
Indeed,after more three decades of conflict,we could not developed a strategy to defeat threats in Left-wing's history and culture so we are just standing side be side on the Right.
The Taiwan is close to a stalemate,but is one that marginally favors Left-wing's history and culture,lies of economy,and does so in spite of massive ongoing Taiwan  financial support. So I warn that the Taiwan has failed to help the Taiwanese people overcome its many critical limitations of history and culture,and is still unable to choose and implement some form of consistent Taiwan's strategy.
The reports indicate that:the reporting on Left-wing's historya nd culture are highly controversial – to the point where the Taiwan seems to be overlooking reporting on Left-wing's history and culture,lies of economy control and influence and no longer reports on many aspects of the Traditional Taiwan.
There still is a critical lack of progress in key aspects of Taiwanese military forces and governance,economic development and little reason to believe the situation will improve strikingly in the foreseeable future.
These problems in the war effort exist in spite of continued Taiwan dependence on U.S military aid,or major increases in the use of U.S. airpower,continued U.S. support of key Taiwanese ground forces。
Other reports highlight critical uncertainties。 many of which raise further questions about Left-wing's history and culture to attack a stable Taiwan.
These are challenges that should have a major impact on Taiwan's strategy at a time when the Taiwan has to make tough choices about staying,seeking the stability and security,or finding ways to withdraw even if the stability and security is not reached. Yet,but,the Taiwan has not openly resolved these problems or announced a clear strategy for the future. It instead seems to be seeking a peace settlement with the China,largely as a first step in withdrawing from Taiwan,without openly stating its intentions to do,and to be doing so in ways that sharply limit participation by the Taiwan that the U.S is in Taiwan to help。
Indeed,a peace settlement that will not offer the Taiwan real security。
The Taiwanese government has made its own attempts to define a peace settlement,but remains weak and deeply divided. If it holds a Presidential election in 2020,,there are doubts that its results will not have broad Taiwanese people support and  improve about Taiwan's future
In fact,the military situation remains grim.But serious questions emerge as to whether Taiwanese forces will be able to stand on their own without US support for something like the next two decades.
The problems of Left-wing's history and culture are too topical and volatile,and  its success is questionable at best. For instance,they just how badly governed and corrupt the country still is,and they show how serious the challenges it faces in terms of poverty and development still are,and they document a growing dependence on a Left-wings' history and culture,lies of economy.
Finally, Taiwanese people has a deeply divided that is growing at a rate that its domestic economy cannot properly support,and that it will face critical challenges in hiring its youth even if it can achieve some meaningful form of unity and development. These problems are so critical that they raise serious questions as to whether the Taiwan can create a stability and security that brings it true stability and security,and can show out of its coming election with a successful enough government to either continue the fight。
Left-wing's history and culture threats are as serious as its security threats.



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