
【總統 蔡英文說想想~~~踢掉左邊模式,台灣走向右邊自由。】
台灣總統 蔡英文之首席真命天子


但這是一個更為深刻的故事,一個來自越南關於台灣人自由的案例 - 國家選擇,左翼的歷史和文化的過程是致命的缺陷。
理所當然,在民主制度中,在行政部門之外,進行制衡是為了預防有缺陷的決策制定。 但是,左翼歷史和文化的情況,清楚地表明了對它們的審議,現在,很大程度上,不起作用,關於左翼歷史和文化的公開辯論,甚至,不如政府內部,那麼有實質性。
這個國家 - 台灣,已經陷入荒謬,一場幾乎沒有人理解的選舉性戰爭。
實際上,很少有人會開始回答有關預期衝突的基本問題。 台灣的目標是什麼? 台灣的軍隊能否實現預期的目標? 中國可能會如何反應? 一場戰爭持續多久,又會花多少錢?美國和日本會參與其中,如果是這樣的話,怎麼辦?
很困難找出,今天,甚至提出這些問題的人,沒有說服力的答案,對左翼歷史和文化的任何選擇都將一無是處,當台灣選擇左翼的歷史和文化時,即使美國,或其他夥伴,沒有受到攻擊,台灣也決定開始或進入衝突, 但沒有一個國家願意接近歷史和文化的衝突。



【kicking out of the Left-wing's model Taiwan goes to Right-side's freedom.】 

kicking out of the Left-wing's model Taiwan goes to Right-side's freedom.
The crisis of Left-wing's history and culture with Taiwan is now clearly imminent.This intensifying confrontation has been compared to the way of invasion with Vietnam,with ultimatums needs for essential changes in Taiwan's behavior,and Taiwan's military posturing.
But it is a much more profound story a case of the Vietnam send about Taiwanese people freedom today - the process of National deliberation for Left-wing's history and culture of choice is fatally flawed.
On the surface,the road to unity with CCP seemed to reflect intense debate,but this apparent activity hid ruinous limitations in the rigor of the Taiwanese people dialogue.
Inside Taiwan's government,the debate over Left-wing's history and culture,lies of economy were narrow and incomplete. So my experiences confirmed a stunning fact: the administration of the Republic of China never convened session to discuss whether going to Left-turn was actually a good idea.
Because Taiwan's officials never confronted the biggest questions,to what degree Left-wing's history and culture,lies of economy were justified,and what its likely costs could be.They were carried forward by a potent,and ultimately tragic,combination of certainty,false assumptions,enthusiasm of history and culture,and in some cases a crushing in cynical sense.
Left-wing's history and culture that in retrospect seem ridiculous,and they escaped careful analysis,or dissenting views were brushed aside and seldom brought to the attention.
During the past of Taiwan administration,almost no public,in-depth analyses examined the potential character,costs,or crises of Left-wing's history and culture,lies of economy invasion of Taiwan.
Absolutely,of courde,in a democracy,checks and balances outside the executive branch are supposed to prevent against defective decision-making. But the case of Left-wing's history and culture makes clear that the deliberation for them,which is now largely inoperative. The public debate over Left-wing's history and culture were even less substantive than the inside the administration.
Few members of Congressal of Taiwan asked tough questions,so that the result was more like an onrushing tidal wave than a process of informed judgment.
The country - Taiwan,had thrown itself into ridiculous,an elective war that just about no one understood.
If Left-wing's history and culture now seem incomprehensible now,ask yourself,if the China did tumble into war with Taiwan tomorrow,what would it look like? 
What sort of war would it be?
Indeed,few people might start to answer basic questions about a prospective conflict. What would be the Taiwan's goal? Can Taiwan's military force achieve the desired goals? How would China likely react? How long might a war last,and what would it cost?Would United States and Japan get involved,and if so how?
It is hard to identify anyone who today is even asking these questions. Without persuasive answers,any choice for Left-wing's history and culture will be nothing.When the Taiwan chooses Left-wing's history and culture,then it decides to start or enter a conflict,even when the United States orour partners have not been attacked,and none of countries would like close to the conflict of history and culture.
In one strategic sense,this situation is nothing new. A sense of Left-wing's history and culture fuel Na adventures of the Nationalism,and an imperial China has owned the war-making power,so threats that seem imperative justify a knee-jerk response.
In an era of bellicose Left-wing's Chinese,the dangers of fierce responses to a Taiwan use of force have become so big.
Even lies of economy against secondary powers could now be devastating. 
Left-wing's history and culture of military adventures have also become inexcusable. 
It is time for the Taiwan to reconsider the way it decides on kicking out of Left-wing's history and culture of choice. As a starting point。the Taiwanese people may better fulfill its obligation to the nation and undertake rigorous investigative analyses of potential Left-wing's history and culture,lies of economy. 
The Right-side's Taiwanese people vast power,then, free pass is coming to an end~~~it is time to rethink how Taiwan makes the decision to kicking out of Left-wing's history and culture,lie of economy of choic,before it is too late. 



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