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Copyrighted by 台灣窮小子











































US aircarrer  

Non-unclear family-national security space strategic operation.
In the past many of decades,Taiwan in energy deployment of operative environment has benefited.
Energy deployment has improved national security,and reinforced global relationships,also,we have changed people way of life style.
In fact,Non-unclear family is to provide national security space in the Taiwan, and with our partners,in particular, superiority for the future,which are to be in national strategies,operations,especially,homeland security.
So, national security space is to provide unfettered access,and to be established a superiority by enabling national energy for the future.At the same time,we will achieve national rapidly response of operative response,in which,in order to meet global energy challenges.
Because of national security space is key condition of the future.
We have avilities to respond to natural and man-made disasters,and than,we monitor long-term environmental trends.
 National security space is vital as well as supporting  for the future,in particular,it is not related to history,culture,and philosophy.
Moreover,national security space is to allow people,all whose can see worldwide with clarity - promise,certainty,and communicate with inter-action.
As establishing national security space the superiorities are afforded to the our national energy security in the future,and an evolving global strategic environment - this is challenge,we are working together to meet global energy superiorities.
They are not related to history,culture,and philosophy.

Chapter one: The strategic operation
The current-ubiquitous of energy powers are to own interconnections in the worldwide,yet,some of energy dependence on them mean that irresponsible acts,which may bring as destroyed effectiveness in process of the national development .
In executing the national energy policy and deployment,which are to intensify and own national security benefits,at the same time,in the national operative deployed-action and operative capabilities are to addressing and establishing national energy strategic environment,also,and than,intensify the foundations of industries.
Just remembered that professors 黃 and 紐 have said that before.
Because of nation must have competitive,contested of energy developing space,that speech the growing challenges of environment for the future.In a while,continuing to develop energy of survival ability.
Was it possible that Mr.楊念祖先生 has also seem to said that before.
National energy policy and deployment are derived from the national principles and objectives and builds on the strategic guiding principles laid out in the National Security Strategy.
These are not related to history,culture,and philosophy.Specifically, our national security energy security objectives are to:
1,Intensify the strategic national energy security  superiority.
2,Intensify the national energy stability and security.
3,National security space.In particular,we are supporting and promising national industries.
These still are not related to history,culture,and philosophy.
During the past many of decades, Taiwan's energy development.especially,cheaper energy  prices,which have advanced our national security, intensified global relationships,even,improved people way of life style.
So,energy security space provide nation and our partners unprecedented superiority.
Simply put,national operation is in the energy security space of the future.In particular,homeland security.
These still are not related to history,culture,and philosophy.
National security space provides unfettered energy security space,and establish a decision superiority by enabling a rapid and tailored response to global challenges.
We are faced with new challenges in the energy area,so as we must recognize that seek our energy and ability.
In other words,the current and future strategic energy environment are competitive,contested of trends.
Today,according with nuclear system and their supporting
infrastructure face a range of man-made threats,that may disrupt and destroy.
These will threat to national energy system,and challenges to the stability,and security of the national environment will increase.
Simply put,it is irresponsible national acts.
Because of energy is increasingly competitive.
Although,Taiwan still hold an overall energy capabilities,but.it may lower Taiwan's competitive superiority in the global market.
Taiwan's energy echnological superiority may breaking up in other countries.
As ensuring the competitiveness of the Taiwan's industrial base,also.at the same time,addressing national security needs,in which,cannot deny nuclear power.
Taiwan's energy echnological superiority and future security space are to inspire innovation,and keep leadership advantages and abilities to gain critical technologies,avoid critical dependencies,in particular,holding a technical workforce.

Chapter two :Operative environment and pattern:
We should be working together to upgrade security and stability in energy operation,at the same tome,we will continue to developing,compatible with right operation,and intensify secure cooperations with our partners.
These works with nation and history the responsible and peaceful use.
National security space operations are to operate national power,that we seek sets of mutli-interrelations strategic guiding principles,in which,in order to meet operative goal in energy operation for the future.As followed :
1,To build on a responsible,safe use of space.
2,To upgrade and improve national energy deployed capabilities.
3,To establish partnership with a responsible nations,global organizations,and industries.
4,Prevent and deter historic-Culture violence extremism and terrorism are to disrupt and destroy national energy space infrastructure that supports national security,at the same time.
5,Prepare to defeat degrade environmental terrorism of attacks.
Operative pattern:
Central government have the rights to operate and develop new energy,but,needs to comes responsibility.Yet,we call on working together to adopt operations for responsible activity in national energy to keep this for the benefit of future generations.
These still are not related to history,culture,and philosophy.-台灣窮小子
Energy security space will encourage nation with our cooperative partners,all whose to do the same - as directed in the strategy,we will promote the responsible,safe use of operative as the foundational pattern to addressing the out of sort of lacks of energy and competitive areas.
Energy security space is reasingly mportant that they act responsibly, peacefully, and safely in operation,which will be in sustainable development and management.These still are not related to history,culture,and philosophy.
Because of at the same time,we must be promised tional intentions to act likewise.
Also,energy security space is to encourage responsible national behavior,moreover,our engagements will enhance nation and our cooperative partners of ability.These are our common objectives.
The common objectives are the best exercises,transparency,and confidence-building measures for responsible behavior principles.
We should consider proposals and concepts for energy security space that  intensifies nation with our partners of security.If they are equitable.
Equitableness is shared awareness,that advances safety,and help prevent mistrustsand misperceptions.
Because of security and stability in the all of which are in
the all interests of nation.

In short,security and stability will seek,and build on common agreements,in which,in order to keep and upgrade energy security space of integrity.

Chapter three :We are having advanced national energy operative capabilities.
Being able to give capability cost-effectively when it is needed betters national ability to uograde energy deployment of effectiveness,in particular,flexibility with smart leadership making investments,in which,in order to working together to improve out of sort in necessary between us.台灣窮小子
national energy operative capabilities
National energy operative capabilities are fundamental for national security for the future.These are not related to history,culture,and philosophy.
Simply put,we will identify,improve and prioritize considerations in those capabilities that garner biggest national superiorities.
National energy operative capabilities are having interoperability,and intensifying compatibility of existing national energy systems.These are across profession and mission areas.
In other words,we will be maximize compatibility,energy efficiency of our national energy framework.The characteristics are to build into future national energy systems.
Ensuring national energy operative capabilities are developed and deployed in a timely, reliable,and responsive abilities.
These are critical for national leaders whose to plan and execute operations.
Intensifying national energy operative capabilities of process,technological innovation,enlarging energy developing space professionals work force are critical of role players,all whose to working together to maintaining national energy positions in the future.
Especially,through in cooperation with our industrial partners,all whose will revalidate current systems,where practicable,to stabilize program gaining more effectively and advance energy compatibility,stability.
Our operative objective is to intensify Taiwan's energy industrial base that is a strong,competitive, flexible,and provide reliable national operative capabilities in the future time.
Our operative objective is to continue to seek adapt, and evolve the unique technologies, innovative
exploitation techniques, and diverse applications that give Taiwan its owning strategic
These are not related to history,culture,and philosophy.
Nuclear power is Taiwan greatest asset.
To support the range of national security space activities,we will develop current and future energy operative capabilities,and than,we will be succeed in a contested, and competitive global environment.
National security space will support and encourage innovation, initiative, resourcefulness, and resilience.
These still are not related to history,culture,and philosophy.
As national security space operative priorities shift are to train and educate,in which,in order to builld strategic opjestive with new priorities for the future.

Chapter four:Prevention is in the national energy operative capabilities,and defeats historic-Culture violence extremism and terrorism attacks.

National security space will support Taiwan of national security,which can prevent and stop to attack Taiwan's energy systems and supplies by potentially historic-Culture violence extremism and terrorism.This capability is fundamental to the nation’s energy ability to protect national interests,and provide reliability and security in key of timing for the future.-台灣窮小子
At first,there are no matter what the Communist Party of Chin,KMT.even,DPP,all which is a political porty must keep right and capabilities to face energy change in self-defeat.Simply put,this is just principles of global law.When historic-Culture violence extremism and terrorism attacks,in particular,we will use force in a pattern.
Nation’s energy ability seek to improve national capability in the development,and employment ,at the same time,we support
national security,in which,in order to prevent and deter against Taiwan's energy system,channel,and fundamental  framework by historic-Culture violence extremism and terrorism attacks.
Giving the unclarity to which the nation relies on energy system,and supporting energy fundamental  framework for national security;so,we must operate multilayered approach to prevent and deploy.
Many operations of this multilayered strategy,also.will contribute to national energy deployment in the future.
National energy security space is to supporting and integrating in efforts,which are to promote the responsible operate of energy,and than,strengthen the security and stability.
National energy security space is to support and be effort of national behavior principles,and we seek global energy partnerships.These are not related to history,culture,and philosophy.
In other words,we improve our national ability,in particular,resilient ability,when we face historic-Culture violence extremism and terrorism against our energy frameworks.
National energy security space is to strengthen our nation with other partnes and industries of cooperative partnerships.
These are still not related to history,culture,and philosophy.
Cooperative partnerships are to be such as well as options,and other innovative operatioons,which provides national ability,in particular,when national energy system is attacked by historic-Culture violence extremism and terrorism.
Thus,National energy security space is to strengthen foundational intelligence and integration will be priorities options.
Because of them as our national ability - mational intelligence.
These are absolutely not related to history,culture,and philosophy.
In other words,we strengthen and protect our national energy systems of resilient capabilities,when we face attacked by historic-Culture violence extremism and terrorism and expensive cost-benefits.Especially,national operative ability.

Ultimately,we feel out of nuclear power,but,it is consistent with longstanding principles of international law and treaties .

Chapter five:Responsibilities with cooperative war-fighting partnerships.
Explore opportunities and use of growing global informations and knowledgies to upgrading National Energy War-Fighting Ability,and reduce the danger,vulnerability of  nuclear power system.-台灣窮小子

Responsibilities with cooperative partnerships includes looking ,allowing for opportunities,and operate with others,all whose are working together to meet the evolving global energy environment,in which,in order to intensify national energy deployment across many mission areas.
Establishing on cooperative partnering will be consistent with national commitments and policies,at the same time,consider cost,protection of effects on the national industries.
By sharing or exchanging,we ensure access to gain technologies,etc of superiority - in a competitiveness national security space environment.
These are absolutely not related to history,culture,and philosophy.Because of them as our national ability - mational intelligence.
So,partnering with other countries also is essential to ensuring the responsible and promoting security and stability.
In stitutions,partnering with other countries,will explore the development of principles and objectives,in particular,collaborative sharing of deal with crisis and conflict capabilities.
In stitutions,we will seek expand mutually beneficial agreements,and operate existing system capabilities that increase national energy security and capabilities with cooperative partners.
In stitutions,we will improve compatibility,and interoperability,that use of partner nations are to sopport sharing and efforting,in particular,mutual benefit and affordability.
partnering with us are to promote responsible,and energy security space.
These are absolutely not related to history,culture,and philosophy.
In other words,we will provide options,and establish through partnerships,which,intensify early-warning and inter-action awarenesses.
partnering with us establish a mechanism,which is to met attacks against Taiwan's energy systems by historic-Culture violence extremism and terrorism.Especially,strategic partnerships with us.
These are absolutely not related to history,culture,and philosophy.
Simply put,Taiwan's resilient capability.
Resilient capability will rely on innovative approaches,which are to meet timely requirements and cost-effective,and when national energy security needs dictate.

Chapter six:Preparing and Attacking to war-fight
National security energy space of mission-essential preparing and attacking enabled by start resilient capability against destruction,whether from more environmental,technolohical in antagonistic reasons.
I believe national security energy space is in  all of national interests to avoid out of sort actions in space.
In spite of this, some people,or groups may still believe out of sort actions could provide national energy superiority for the future.
As nation invest in energy deployment and war-fighting capability,we will consider current national capabilities and fill breaks,but,national resilient capability is as a key criterion for the future.In particular,we will evaluate alternative energy framework.
National resilient capability is to achieve any patterns of energy deployments and war-fightings,especially,effective-combination on a mix of platforms in various,operate worldwide,commercial partner capabilities,in which,in order to develop maturing national energy capabilities.
As our war-fighting deployment and capabilities must be prepared to defeat environmental terrorism attack against national energy system and supporting framework.
We are able to  compromise,but,must deny and at the same time,defeat environmental terrorism attacks.
After all,alternative energy systems are feasible, mission-effective, and fiscally sound mix of these combinations.
But,To make the most effective operate of  energy,save money ; we will identify and prioritize protection for vital nuclear power missions supporting national security demands.
We will upgrate National Resilient Capability,continue to develop war-fighting mission-effective alternative energies,including,solar and wondy power energy,so on,which will provide critical capabilities to energy platforms for the future.
In addition,we will find,and establish cooperative partnerships and agreements,whereby we can reduce out of sort.
Preparing for defeats,we will upgrate the mission of National Resilient Capability,that through focused training to intensify new pattern of national energy techniques,tactics, doctrine and procedures
These are absolutely not related to history,culture,and philosophy.
National security energy space is to executing,and than,to inform future deploying and guiding principles.Especially,consistent with the war-fighting guidance provided by the national leader.
National security energy space is to intensify cooperative partnership - integrate,balance and update national energy.
Further, national security energy space is as stated in National Resilient Capability that depends on national fiscal responsibility,especially,national energy war-fighting capability and survivability.


Our national security space strategic operation is,we can more effectively protect and promise,at the same time,renew national interests in many decades for the future;These are absolutely not related to history,culture,and philosophy.
We will do so by building on the our power ,while national order in the future time,in which,in order to working together to face global challenges.-台灣窮小子
Just as national security space operation is established on national energy strategic superiority of the future,in particular,it is determine to active Central Government of efforts in crisis,and conflict.
After all,the prospective and deployment positions of national security space needs whole-of-government future strategies,especially,industrial capacity and national technological power are to build.
The future strategies are absolutely not related to history,culture,and philosophy,or declaratory policy alone. It must build on a willingness to keep national energy strategic superiority,at the same time,cooperated with worldwide,develop joint operation capability.In particular, sharing each other.
So,,the prospective and deployment positions of national security space is to help nation and our cooperative partners,all whose are to face and address the challenges posed by competitiveness and contest.
We seek to address and upgrade national energy capability,improve national industrial base of competitiveness,in a while,reinforce cooperation and joint operation.
We seek to upgrade stability and security ; intensify national energy strategic superiority in the national security space,and encourage national industries that supports national security.
We seek to address the contest,and support transparency,and establish confidence mechanism;intensify integration,interoperability,compatibility,in which,in order to promote national energy war-fighting capabilities.Further, we seek to meet environmental terrorism that we will keep the
right and capabilities to defeat,when compromise and integration are to fail.
The strategy seeks to address national security space of the contest,and establish a set of interrelated mechanism,and encourage others to do the same.
Finally,achieving national security space objective will mean not only that national energy can safe use in space,at the same time,we will work toward creating a peaceful security space and environment to benefit for national energy deployment for the future.

The end


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二,I know if I can find the way of ending of history;
Because of 蔡英文 in my deep inside;
She would give 布衣小子 thinking just one more happiness;
That 's something only love I can say!

三,Never feel out of sort,even,when 布衣小子 has never forgotten,because 布衣小子always  remembered 蔡英文 who is remembrance with her smile.
The best and most beautiful things would be 蔡英文,who must be felt with heart.

四,Becuause of only love I can say;
Becuuse of I believe for 蔡英文 feeling;

五,The memory will shine again;
So,I just do my part;
Pray 蔡英文 will have a change of heart;
But,ending of history can make you see it;

六,This is only love 蔡英文 I can say !
That's something only love can say ;
布衣小子 love 蔡英文 not because of who 蔡英文 is ;
but because of who I love when I love 蔡英文 with her smiling.




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