


有圖有真相 2  


小子本布衣,布衣撿易開罐和躬讀於異域,還是保有一方台鐵便當盒!有日,居然發現蔡英文的相影,唉!雖泛黃,還是不減記憶!喜歡蔡英文是很愉快的記 憶,這是為什麼,我卻還保留蔡英文的影子!歷史是無法抹去想念,即使,撿易開罐的布衣小子念書念得可憐!但會永遠記得蔡英文的影子,那無心的笑容,燃燒著,也燦爛布衣小子的終結歷史!簡單來說,您她媽的烏龜王八蛋的歷史與文化,說了幾十年,真的不累嗎?我們一起來把他們趕出我們的國土,好不好呢?


Posted@ 十一月六日二零一二年 台灣窮小子


















The ending of history of force is equality to woman power.
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1,Conservative history and culture are having global preeminence,who have observed abilities with clarity,but now,historical and culture extremism and terrorism are murmuring how attack us,so,as at this time,we must get act together to protect our conservative history and culture.Insight of conservative history and culture are determine to national security and economy deployment for the future,in which,these feel  easy in everyome mind of more persuasive.Yet,ever since the hold,and rise of unorthodox history,culture,and philosophy as concept - depart from the superiors and revolt against orthodoxy has become their strategic meas.Today,the power of trends,will change the national security in this face,in spite of you do not - technology will change history.Do not be surprised,because of it will be era learning.The new pattern of national security are ending of history,and we must take strategic means of force and security.The most significant is that we are working together to defeat historical and culture extremism and terrorism,and protects our national and homeland securities.Ultimately,ending of hoistory should not be as a surprise,because of we face future challenge many times remember to history,which give us and our nation are having competitive thinkings and capabilities to achieve - ending of history.Ending of history are also restoring national credit and commitment,in particular, great power status,and owning loger-term serure and coopersative partners - without suffocating conservative history and culture.

2,The past of histroy and culture have seemed to lost the integrated abilities.Perhaps that their perspectives on outmoded conservation,that leading our nation and people rarely understand its innovative deployment on force.As ending of history,at best,the character are simulative and suspected,not stubborn in the ancestral tablet's.Or,at worst, ending of history would be probably to become a reason for back home - combination and confidence.So,ending of history are engrossed and provoke in their divide macrocosm,for the future strategies.In the past over century,very oldest histoty-culture tradition was deeply infected and wrong with thinking logic pattern.Simply put,we cannot distinguish from the left and the right,and disparage the narrow-mind and crass with everyone,or stupidest,they denied the women who have disgraceful influence.These are history and culture as narrow views.More unfortunately, thinking about our innovative ideas have become a lost myth.How on earth did this happen?If we saw from earlier experience that we have talked too much,also,for a long time,that reflected change from chained by old traditions.Yet,the new of ending of history will bring and recover our innovative ideas-lost nation.This principle are independent and freedom of understanding for the future,so challenge to the very oldest history,culture and philosophy nevertheless.Although,it has been tough,but,we have to do so.Because of women who are our most loyal strategic partners,not them.In other words,ending of history are breaking blockades,bullies and monopolies of established force.

3,Today,ironically,they took the failure of history and culture,which opposed our development for the future.Because of ending of history are main principles of nations' political,military,and economic security policies of the future.As we could be memorialized the greatest history and culture,as a resort,there led us from behind.So,as we face in an age,ending of history gives our understanding ,that concentrate on the strategy of independence,freedom,and operness for the future,and that provides national and homeland securities for the future,in particular,face ocean.In the past,we lost,and holding very oldest tools of history and culture,but,they can not  resolved.So,the future theme of ending of history will be secure partnership not an ancestral tablet.Simply put,where fruit will be?Today,an ancestral tablets of history and culture are very oldest,no longer as well as enough for us.As ending of history will be touchstone for our future,which repletes with a strong force of central government,that promise,protect,and understand our nation and people,also,including our partners.For example,as ending of history,the Japan is our partner,too.Ending of history is to give us that pierces into the ocean barrier,and seeks openness to ensure equal opportunity,and we are working hand in hand. In other words,what we call future values.Also,ending of history are reacting as very oldest  perpetuated hostilities,so in my narrative,we need new war-fighter pattern-national strategy,not history and culture.In particular,the women who are in our nations' strategic principles process. Simply put,we have struggled to integrate the women into our nations' strategic principles.This will be change of ending of history,and also,will be a historical signal.Especially,homegrown talents.Now,we need a fuller understanding-ending of history,in which,in order to match of the era links.History and cultrue have not faced up to real change at force.If we will be without ending of history,we will not face change-pierce to established so oldest practices.As just as dangerous history and culture are losing their identity and vitality,so we are ending of history,and also,re-building national unique superiority.Especially,the women.

4,We want to understand the history and culture stories,in particular,its significance for strategic definition.Simply put,ending of history is helpful to the history and culture stories.We are stumbling in the history and culture stories that is important for national unique superiority to re-build.Perhaps that ending of history has seemed to film-back to the can give our nation and people are to understand era links-these are not related to history,culture,and philosophy.I,myself,compassions for suffered the history and culture stories.But,moving forward to future,they are no values,because of us all who are forward,not backward.The history and culture stories were no plans to face current and future of the challenges.Do not lying.Following over time did process,ending of history will be trying to avoid repeat of the history and culture stories wrongs,and than,find their causes.As we need to ending of history that lead national security of planning and designing,which are not related to so oldest history,culture,and philosophy.The national security of planning and designing are dynamic of logic presumptive,and balancing of future force.So,the history and culture stories have overlooked the future of dynamic of logic presumptive,and balancing of force for national security.As ending of history will be dynamic national strategy-deployment for the future,so their war-fighting ideas of integrate and stability ; balance and confidence.Especially,also,ending of history will be national vitality,innovation,independence,freedom,in particular,national military,economic forces.

5,It cannot denied that we must understand ending of history distinction,especially,that come later of stories.We must  be recognized that potential force created by ending of history,in particular,national science&technology is to keep steady in balanced politic,economy,and military.To looked back the past ,on the historcial and culture stage,they could have used of force in stead of strategy.As a result,indeed,the past of history and culture have already clearly understood the force operation,so,they could not easily to send it away.In particular,the past of history and culture were no national security idea-reality.Especially,they did absolutely overlooked our inherent in interdependent and confident ideas.So,as ending of hoistory will be change the lack of reality-interdependence,and reinserte new technological framework.Simply put,various history and culture of the interdependent and confident are timely.It is interesting,across many decades  to observe that-the philosophy of picks cans up.In other words,ending of history is to effort on national war-fighter activity of integration and  innovation,which are not related to history,culture,and philosophy.Some critics have argued that it did lacked of assumptive thinking,but,it sure was,and determine to based on a balancing national strategic-deployment,prospective and vistion for the future.Yet,from the future of national security perspective, ending of history is to defeat relation,and balance the future.So,as national rising is to ending of history,that turns into combinative activity,influence activity,and force activity with connection between national science and technology.In short,this will be change and stability framework for the future,at the same time,also,it will be a option-for good or sick.

6,The national priority war-fighting mission is to ending of history,and than,it will be defined and extended,as a result,in doing so,we will be still revival and connection.
We are promoting national ending of history that rebuild system still face the shocks of the era,simply put,destruction-innovation.In other words,qualitative flexibility and continually to upgradeing technologies to defeat global change.The change of ending of history were not just a venture and threat.But,perhaps well intended,or,national commitment to sound it.Together,the change of ending of history enabled us to adjust,after all,history,culture,and philosophy could not adapt to its challenges for the future.Because of they could not cope with changing technology, productivity and competition of new era drivers .We geared toward the calculations of national future,largely avoided wrong historical and culture stories,in which,in order to buildup and unite with advanced technologies of national joint operation.The change of ending of history and its immediate aftermath brought astounding success.The change of ending of history aims of secure will achieve without war-fighting.

7,Ending of history will bring the greatest of the national changes and supports-until we will re-write history.After a ending,we will use pragmatism and compromise,in re-building history and culture strategic and framework relations for the future.Simply put,it will play new era of role,and start a process coordination in the future.Ending of history are to complete and create independent,free,opened,and influential of national transformation.Ending of history will be the future of the national commitment,in which,in order to working hand-in-hand to defeat history and culture of hazard.Ending of history will be reunited.In particular,we will be ending of Communist Party of China and KMT,in the future,in order to give all Chinese will be really to owning independent,free,opened of Life Community.In addition,just as importantly,technology change history.Because of new technology-brainstorming,that will provide a new era vision.This is a real integration and adaptation,in which,in order to our nation must face complicated technological globe,rather than,we would hold the stubborn of history,culture,and philosophy of ancestral tablets.Because of ancestral tablets were wrong.Although,it will be painful restructurings.


Ending of history almost all are including current and future for technology and experience.Simply put,the recovery national strategies are to save more national reserves war-fighting capabilities for the future.In other words,these are not related to history,culture,and philosophy under the ancestral tablets.Because of under the ancestral tablets of the stubborn history,culture,and philosophy will ultimately as the bubbles burst.In particular,under the ancestral tablets of the stubborn history,culture,and philosophy cannot avoid frauds and foolishness,or,since longer-term,they suppress our independent,free,opened of ideas innovations.In addition to impact and destruction of the ancestral tablets of the stubborn history,culture,and philosophy,that are killing our inherent independence and freedom ideas,especially,women - what the screwed women's explanations up?So,as ending of history is to give our nation concentrated in the future.The women are our reliable strategic partners.In conclusion,ending of history will change vision and power for the future - we cannot stand still,forever.

The end! Thank you!



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