
12212012 Doom copyrighted @ 台灣窮小子  

有圖有真相 2




The Universe Correct Energy of Taiwan's Miracle - Woman./騰籠換鳥,引鳳築巢


Ending of history is our fundamental principle that universe correct energy is changed by women for the future.-台灣窮小子
Taiwan's Miracle - Woman,who will remain in a supportive role,and continuously,closely on cooperative in the strategic deployment of the future.Women will gather and play a unique and valuable role strategic correct energy in two decades for the future.Simply put,they are still national correct energy for the future.The success of universe correct energy challenge will be our most important war-fighting mission,and continue to receive the highest strategic guiding principle,in which,in order to working together on constancy and consistency for achieving ending of history strategic objectives.In other words,the future of national correct energy are strategic objectives for achieving women change and peaceful prospective.We look forward to the day,when we and women are owning prosperity and freedom,including,no prejudice of constructive of strategic relations.Simply put,women are our pals,rather than stubborn history,culture and philosophy.Long term war-fighting objective what are women miracle-


台灣窮小子 of explanation is build on our 騰籠換鳥,引鳳築巢 solid partner-cooperation relationship,in particular,women opportunities.Because of stubborn history and culture are no values,and also,have never given opportinities to us.We and stubborn history and culture were were forged in the past of time process.Although,stubborn history and culture have been remained for more than hundred years,we can change their framework,but,we do not want to change.騰籠換鳥,引鳳築巢-women,who have been integrated and  passed down by long cooperative patterns of history and culture.Simply put,women are Taiwan's Miracle,and the fuure of national national correct energy,that have expanded rapidly to our war-fighting power.And as ending of history,this has developed our own independent and free systems ; 騰籠換鳥 to share our common valuse ideas,that has intensified the 引鳳築巢 between our promises.On ending of history foundations,we stand ready to support 騰籠換鳥引鳳築巢 in meeting challenges of women and opportunities.It is national fundamental principle for the future,that challenges of women and opportunities must be determinrd by ourselves.The stubborn history and culture will not be acceptable in the future,because of they are more a spoiler than a helper!As 騰籠換鳥 will remain in national strategy of supportive role - we cooperate closely and develop respective strategies toward the 引鳳築巢.

1,Vernal Women - As phoenix will be coming.

In space,women are having active and constructive current energy role,simply put,independent beings,reflecting their status as the life community.Today,we begin and hope - 騰籠換鳥,引鳳築巢;these developments mean that we and women increasingly work together and cooperation,that we are meeting many important issues and challenges.These are not related to history,culture and philosophy.To understand where universe correct energy-vernal women toward current and future changes,that they must be through the evolution of 終結歷史騰籠換鳥.The universe correct energy-vernal women are to open partners' hands,strategies to start.The next step of 終結歷史騰籠換鳥 will be 引鳳築巢,and they are hopeful dialogue.The focus is that ending of history.Vernal women are becoming a focus of national attentions,which should not be denied,and mistrust grew that women are our partners,whose drive us determined national effort for the future.As soon as  whatever we do,vernal women can help us to resolve challenge and crisis,rather than,stubborn history and culture.Simply put,we establish framework of the universe correct energy.Working forward from this universe experience,we should be continuely to give women opportunities,and own our longer term partners for war-fighting objectives - the transformation-pattern of 終結歷史騰籠換鳥.The transformation-pattern of the universe current energy will be followed,as through substantive-終結歷史騰籠換鳥築巢引鳳!Current and future, all that has changed.Vernal women will be a  real national success story.

2,Promise of current energy - women change

For over two years,Taiwan has not produced any change - Women were talking non-senses.Promise of current energy make more progress that we expect the framework for achieving women change.The frameowrk will lead our nation to face challenges and threats for the future.In particular,stubborn history and culture.These dramatic of promise of current energy will make women change framework to become most significant accomplishments and models in the nation.Promise of current energy has activated women of national mission - our nation could not be lack of women.Promise of current energy will start our country cooperation with women-supported for ending of history ; called for the jumping cages over for early birds.Women change framework will gain broad of global support,or plan,or indicated their goals to do so.So,given the major contribution which promise of current energy - women change is to national stability,and these are authoritatives and mportants of national mechanism.Women are along with our partners,and intensively engaged,supported,rather than stubborn history and culture.Stubborn history and culture are seriously lingering,which no absolutely in dialogue and confidence,after,I will return later,if it will have an opportunity?Because of stubborn history and culture still postures a serious threats and policy challenge,especially,women.Stubborn history and culture are no longer having energy to drive.But,women can reduce conflict and tension.Stubborn history and culture still the continue a isolation and confrontation,which no forward-deployed vision for the future.Because of they are electrode energy.Consequently, a key objective of promise of current energy - women change,that give us to  be preserving national security and stability.In other words,the cornerstone of promise of current energy is our efforts,also,our partnership with women.Promise is solidarity - they are both of us who create a stable of national forward-deployed vision for the future.We should support fully promise of current energy,and establish a new pattern of women partners mechanism,and willing to play any strategic roles.Ending of history is an essential support,and full achieve prerequisite corrent energy for jumping cages over for early birds.Promise of current energy is importance-the fundamental importance of improved women partnerships.I believe promise of current energy-women change will be beneficial to our nation and society.Simply put,national miracle.


Current and future,we should be committed gradually to end of history as well as national strategic relations,and gains process.
In particular,the jump cages over for early birds is made on the women change framework.
Yet,the process and timing of the "as phoenix will be coming" will in large part determine on our willingness to engage with women on the ending of history.
The return of universe correct energy  remains,and most importantly-women.
The pattern id stubborn history and culture are sophistry,and  more a spoiler than a helper!
As it is essential that we and women relations in parallel,at the same time,we encourage women who are operness and engagement with the partnerships.
This process of universe correct energy  reflects the determination of women who are our close pals,and enjoy deep and productive friendship.
So,we will be ending of history to work closely with women to start cooperative relations.
The universe correct energy - women miracle will be great national success,in which,in order to working togeher to face challenges and threats for the futrure.
The universe correct energy - women miracle provides national stability.
The universe correct energy - women miracle will play the leading role,so as women pals,we should stands ready to attack.


The End! Thank you.



12212012 Doom copyrighted @ 台灣窮小子













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