

Copyrighted @ 台灣窮小子 02052013



Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it on to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.

As 台灣窮小子 loves 蔡英文 who has always been denied by stupid of history and culture. 台灣窮小子

4,The Brainstorm studying of the Taiwan Style.

This report is just 台灣窮小子 expressed of love for 蔡英文,and never necessarily of stupid of history and culture.

(1),So-called a word of Taiwan Style,no doubt is our inherent brains,especially,women.And these are not related to stupid of history,culture and philosophy.In other words,the brain of Taiwan Style is classic work.Indeed,in many years and respects,at least in the national strategic definition that a word of Taiwan Style is also contributing both widely and easily to the discuessions,including,pragmatic strategies and policies,especially,national srtategic thought,and strategic art and culture of frameworks,in which,are not related to stupid of history,culture and philosophy.Yet,stupid of history and culture have lurked in the shadows,jsut a few people whose used as denied and thought,being ending of history of its existence or its importance. It cannot denied that this is ridicule,and in particular,they ignore historical facts,especially,scientific concept of ending of history will determine to national military sesurity,application and framework of superiorities.Although,stubborn of history and culture are acknowledged to have made an important contribution,in fact,so now than in the past,they are no longer to own national security concepts,even,national military principles.In studying 台灣窮小子background is being the importance of the influence of ending of history,and help nation to face increasingly shifting global security environment,in particular,establish new pattern of mational military revolution,and women opportunites of objective conditions,in order to determine on Taiwan Style of the future.An analysis of the issues would brought by the future of Taiwan Style process,especially,re-build and development of national force. Confrontation is roughly as result,yet,confidence will be add a re-thinking of new models to solving issues of maintaining national military security and national security as the basis for the decision,especially,women opportunities,who taken by leadership,establish within ending of history strategic studying of Taiwan Style.Their important role in its creation and establishment is a follower of our national forces.These are not related to history,culture and philosophy.In other words,Taiwan Style strategy of core mission is ending of history in applied research to the most important issues of national militaey strategy,art,philosophy with framework of the armed forces.Simply put,also,Taiwan Style will be along with a new name-women,or,it will be renamed " Ending of history".Viewing current and future,Taiwan Style should be identified as scientific-concept strategic-research.For now,in national strategic area,we will be tasked with simple military-political decision-making,in which,in order to upgrading national military security,and intensifying,and re-integrating national armed forces to solving issues,including,military administration at the national strategy as well as co-ordinating research in this overall extent.During this period,in essence,the future of Taiwan Style is quiet primely working on national science-technology,and these are not related to history,culture and philosophy.We should be remembered that stubborn of history and culture did not systematically exist of national force.台灣窮小子of planning what I considered to be the main principle of ending of history of military revolutions and women opportunities for Taiwan Style.Because of stubborn of history and culture did not do so until now.Ending of history is effective strategy of prevention when we trust in  independent and free of new pattern of Taiwan Style of national military power,in particular,we seek national strategic objective in national commitment-we do not use military force.Given the ending of history fact,independent and free of Taiwan Style is to commit,build new pattern of national armed forces,including,women opportunities.

(2),Interestingly enough,there are still thought that,maintained as the main component of national forces should owning the leading role in the history and culture.Of course,there would show to be a strong stubborn indication.But,they have never explained about establishment of national armed forces,such as, overlooked women opportunities.In fact,many old school feels out of sort changing,if not all,also,including,elder people who use as smart of make-up and speech-management to cover up lyings.Simply put,this is greatest history and culture.They absolutely overlook interests of national security:politics,military,and economy. So,we understands that:what will the current and future threat to our national security,in particular,stubborn of history and culture serious of conflict.Given that, Taiwan Style of ending of history is important its work,especially,our brainstorm is value,rather than,stubborn of history and culture.Although,their misconception affecting advantageous nature of women opportunities and military revolution.But,for this time being,they overlook them and that have no clear explanation on these matter for now.After all,there exist stubborn of history and culture extremism pretensions,in union with this,clear strategic research and deployment and natioal change is demanded - how we operate political, diplomatic and economic principles,in particular,intensify and re-integrate national forces.It cannot denied that the main strategic objective is to ensure and reduce national influence,because of potential sources of crisis and threat still be.So,as we are concerned women opportunities and military revolution by nations' internal change,rather than stubborn of history and culture extremism conditions.Stubborn of history and culture extremism is a instability and danger of national internal condition.So,we need a new Taiwan Style is to prevent threat national political and economic stabilisation of conflict war-fighting pattern,in particular,we must work out with women participation.Stubborn of history and culture extremism have no proper of integrative concept,and it only sees itself interests.So,as Taiwan Style is building our brainstorm and drafting new concept,in which,in order to our nation operate military revolution and accept women opportunities.As a result of change,Taiwan Style becomes women opportunities and military revolution will be responding threat and challenge for the future,and use as new pattern of political and economic war-fighting,in order to meeting national needs,This mean we are being taken.Stubborn of history and culture published remark is unwise,and its goal has always been well-known in historical process.However,Taiwan Style-women opportunities and military revolution will be strategy and policy for the future - we will be back into super power.

(3),Within the brainstorm studying of the Taiwan Style,the connection of the period,there is a perspicacity.These are not related to stupid of history and culture,in particular,they will show that nation facing the dangerous to terrorism and extremism.Ending first,rather than stupid of history and culture,and is interesting,the main conditions that most people's ideas at the time was the way that stupid of history and culture would be still such a significant contribution.台灣窮小子 also cannot  foresee the future of stupid of history and culture-absolutely ruinous,but,just questioning their future development disscusions which seem so optimistic,in particular,national military and economic power,nor how quickly the closer ties with partnership.After all,the analysis of the current and future global situation in Nation Style of the future,that will show various degrees of forces,so as Brainstorm-integrative may become an alternative to global changing in the next two decades.The future of Taiwan Style is national question,especially,military,political,and economic strategies,rather than use as stupid of history and culture protected national core benefits.In other words,since 1949,Taiwan has never been changed.While new pattern of scientific concept will show a conceptual approach in the Taiwan Style area of strategic analysis,and their framework will define Taiwan Style character  and nature of the future,in which,in order to  preventing crises,threats,and women opportunities of challenges for the future.In fact,Taiwan Style has an extremely broad and has been involved both in helping to new pattern of national military doctrine,in particular,national security concept.Or,they are only working out to secure national military security and women opportunities.Simply put,what Taiwan Style needs?where the Taiwan Style of brain is,and Are women complex mode?In other words,Taiwan Style is  being attached to the national military-strategic stability of objectives in the 21st century,in particular,national core benefits and common war-fighting actions for the future.In short,the past historical relation and lesson did not receive the attention,it seems to me,Taiwan Style of ending of history will have a little national strategic definition in the future.

In conclusion, as such,is worthy sounded on it as being brainstorm of Taiwan Style.It would have to be said that it can be little doubt that it does play an important role.However,as Taiwan to consider its future national military-strategy position and the challenges ahead.















    Taiwan Style

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