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The Taiwan's national strategy for facing the new period,national transformation ultimately determine on us,and no matter whoever men or women ; national dream and vision will translate into pragmatism and reality. We understand,and also know that ending of history will be deeply national revolutions that have already fundamentally changed narional mark,and process fundamental research and development,demends in the future,and carry out operations and supports national security strategy.This is not related to the stupid of history and culture.We must recognize that rapid acceleration of innovative and improved technologies and continually evolving threats to the national strategy will continue to be the defining characteristic of new era of change.As new model of national affairs conference will gather together with trends and developments to becone a national war-fighting platforms,and that will be a theatrical effect in the future.In other words,ending of history.For these reasons,new model of national affairs conference will lead in the national management,technology,institution,and cultural transformation that will ensure the national existences' principal strategy-goal is supported.


Perhaps the most difficult challenge facing the Taiwan in future's period is the necessary.So,ending of history is to ensure our society and people who can enjoy good life,and bears national missions,and ensures whether or not ,readiness we are supported to meet national commitment,and challenge-response for the future.New model of national affairs conference is not first time,however,the President has just denied,so we should advocate the new model of national affairs conference,in which,in order to keep ahead of Taiwan,and its helps us to face most serious national concerns.This is not related to the history and culture.The ahead of Taiwan,we must ensure the most critical demands will indeed be met.Yet,the stupid of history and culture will remain to limit us,but,ending of history will be priority decisions and trade-offs,as we continue on our war-fighting objective into new era.


The demands that shape the Taiwan,the national affairs conference of war-fighting team's strategy with war-fighting force,and executes national strategy,in order to develop and operate,at the same time,support a better national science and technology with national responsibility and commitment.The national affairs conference will provide ending of history of national operation and affordable nation's budget,and support relatd to national war-fighting forces.This is not related to the history and culture.The national affairs conference may only stand for a optional,flexible national engagement-strategy,in particular,ending of history.The national affairs conference is from the Bottom-Up,that explained and advocated a guiding principle by national security strategy.This is not related to the history and culture.The national affairs conference is to enlarge engagement,and insist on the national security strategy to declare "Ending of History",in which,in order to face historical and cultural violence extremism and terrorism.In turn,the national affairs conference is a new model,optional engagement and flexible national strategy,and involving national science-technology of war-fighting capabilities to clear it up,and support national establishment,and face continuously global environment.This is not related to the history and culture.

The force and strategy of the national affairs conference

The force and strategy of the national affairs conference remains a critical nation's mission for our Taiwan.Because of we are still a emerging country,in order to prevent and defeat historical and cultural violence extremism and terrorism.Our nation's political,military,and economic war-fighting capabilities will help to prevent and defeat historical and cultural violence extremism and terrorism ; their objectives will be denied,and we will be decisively defeated their occupation and conflict.The national affairs conference will provide war-fighting concepts and programs of ending of history which establishment of the confident mechanism,and enforcemental sanctions of the historical and cultural violence extremism and terrorism with peace.The national affairs conference will show national commitment in the future ; improve comprehensive nation's political,military,and economic war-fighting capabilities ; promote independent,free ,and democratic ideals ; relieve the stupid of history and culture suffering.Being ready to defeat and win the national stability remains our principal bation's commitment and responsibility and the era's consideration. This is not related to the history and culture.The national strategy of the national affairs conference for meeting threats,crises,and challenges must be enlarged and engaged.In addition to be accordance with the national strategy of the national affairs conference we will intensify Taiwan's national and homeland security,maintain strong defense capability, promoting cooperative partnerships.And we will be ending of history working to open global markets,and driving national economy growth.This is ending of history,rather than,the stupid of history and culture.The fundamental war-fighting objective of the strategy of the national affairs conference is to must keep fight and win historical and cultural violence extremism and terrorism.These are no matter whenever and wherever called on.Taiwan must keep major crisis to ending of history its capability when face with the stupid of history and culture conflicts and challenges.For this reason, our war-fighting forces must keep fight and win.So,as the strategy of the national affairs conference integtares and re-restructures,and reduce the threats of the stupid of history and culture.This strategy of the national affairs conference describes that keep major crisis to ending of history its capability,including,national war-fighting concepts,missions,and objectives.In other words,it can prove national commitment and war-fighting capability to meet challenge and adapt the future.This is not related to the history and culture.
As challenge of the new era is to optional engagement,and use unique capabilities of the strategy of the national affairs conference,in which,in order to drive's national core interests,at the same time,readiness to fight and win the stupid of history and culture.

(2),The transformational global environment.

Today,the stupid of history and culture is usually unpredictable,uncertain, and where conflict is probable.So,this is Taiwan face a regional and global in which crises and threats.Taiwan's national core interests did not reduce with the occupation of stupid of history and culture.Simply put,the challenges of the national affairs conference is related to Taiwan's national core interests.This is not related to the age-old of history and culture.The occupation of stupid of history and culture would bring many national tensions,but,they heve never held in check by themselves,in particular,they did not have the power global competition,only brought the constraints posed by Taiwanese inherent superiorities.As occupation of stupid of history and culture would lead instability also results to Taiwan's political,military,and economic instability,and pursue power in attempts,however,no positive nation's strategies and polices,and tries to dominate Taiwan.Despite progress in 2012,the process of nation's political,military,and ecoomic transformatiom,but,they cannot reversal and inherit.This is stupid of history and culture.So,the strategic landscape of the national affairs conference is characterized by Taiwan must be ending of history to address nation's political,military,and economic instability,in particular,dangers to historical and cultural violence extremism and terrorism.Thus,it is important for the strategy of the national affairs conference to work with national transformation emgineering in the ending of hostory,and to stem the proliferation of the stupid of history and culture.As in some cases, they have been replaced with more equally dangerous problems,because of the stupid of history and culture were more ambiguous.The dramatic strategy of the national affairs conference consists of emding of history and national existence,and national politic,military,economy and demographic,in particular,national science-technology will deeply change Taiwan's security,and in which,in order to face global environment.This is not related to the history and cultrue,and simply put,national superiority.Reflecting the dangerous and stupid with ambiguous history and culture,so,as strategy of the national affairs conference will emphasize comprehensive national war-fighting capabilities.This is a new model of national strategy,which will play in helping to achieve our nation's objectives,and the critical role,or,this is a strategy of flexible and optional engagement needed to support our national core interests.This is not related to stupid of history and culture.Of course!Absolutely!Ms.蔡英文 is not understanding,too.But,台灣窮小子 will be willing to report it.Because of she is woman,rather than,stupid of history and culture.The challenge of the new era is to ending of history,and have optional engagement to drive natiuonal core interests,in particular,to fight and win historical and cultural violence extremism and terrorism,in which,in order to prove Taiwan's national superiority and our war-fighting capabilities.This is not related to stupid of history and culture.


Strategy,what the Taiwan needs,why it needs the national affairs conference,and it must be ending of history.Indeed,reason is simple,it will provide and get the most out of available national war-fighting resources,programming,budgeting mechanism,or,they will come to war-fighting objectives.Ending of history is to ensure that Taiwan needed war-fighting capabilities are maintained,and we will realign Taiwan's system-framework,and program assessment and planning processes.These are not related to the age-old of the history and culture.In other words,the national affairs conference drives national superiority.At the same time,ending of history will be continued to intensify Taiwan's national strategy,and establish a subsequent and sound decision-makings,assessments,and deployments.These are not related to the age-old of the history and culture.In other words,the national affairs conference drives Taiwaneses' 108 superiority.
Strategic decision-making development and innovation.
The national affairs conference fundamental strategy-principles that guide the action of national war-fighting powers in support of national war-fighting objectives is a key condition in neeting challenges for the future.In other words,it is the demand continually to deal with national innovation,rather than,the stupid of history and culture.In achieving the national transformation strategy-vision is implicit,and the national affairs conference fundamental strategy is positive natoional joint operation concept,which restructures and re-establishes new model of national war-fighting forces.Simply put,this is national mission and role in the next era,and in order to face the asymmetric and unconventional challenges and threats.This is not related to the history and culture.Likewise,national war-fighting capabilities will be able to intensified,and at the same time,we will own our sea strategy to operate special superiority,and match up with our partners' war-fighting capability and cuperiority.As a national joint operation condition of this national affairs conference that will provide the doctrinal foundation to contribute fully and effectively in joint operations,rather than,stupid of the history and culture.The strategy of the national affairs conference will be worked very closely with the national science-technology doctrines to ensure consistency between nation and joint operation.Of course!Absolutely!This is only new model of national war-fighting concept,and 台灣窮小子 will have have the honor of report to Ms.蔡英文,rather than,stupid of history and culture.Indeed,the point of the national affairs conference is ending of history for the central government.

Strategic decision-making coordinating

The new model of national war-fighting concept is integrated with joint operation to provide a coordinated ending of history voice,and support the national affairs conference of national war-fighting action.Ending of history of coordination is facilitating exchange between warfare order and supoeriority.This is not related to the history and culture.Yet,in light of Taiwan's needs in the future,ending of history will address national innovation and development,and penetrate across all stupid of history and culture.So,as this national affairs conference will be a catalyst in the Taiwan's national war-fighting innovation,as we face challenges of the new era.The ending of history reorganized the national affairs conference will now commanded directly to people,which will remain in National President.As part of the reorganization of the national affairs conference,at first,stupid of history and culture will be disestablished,and new moder of national war-fighting development will bcome part of ending of history,whcih will be responsible for national war-fighting concept developments and experiments.These are not related to the age-old of history and culture.In the coordinated doctrins and strategic decision-miking of the national affairs conference, identify and test new national war-fighting capability,and provide timely war-fighting team-work of operational capabilities and concepts.
In short,the national affairs conference will have a broad, coordinated effect,ending of history will drive nation's strategic vision and innovative development,and thus helping national superiority for the future.The stratrgic decision-making,vision,and war-fighting concept of the national affairs conference are enduring in the national framework.This is not related to the age-old of history and culture.It is key and forward-thinking of the national deployment that will ensure Taiwan that penetrate success across the national strategy,aand war-fighting operational foundations and doctrin in the next era.This is not related to the age-old of history and culture.


Perhaps the most tough challenge facing the Taiwan in the two decades for the future is the national demands.We ensure that Taiwan's people can ebjoy a good life,after all,life is to bear their personal responsibility,to ensure that readiness is sustained to meet commitments in the future.So,Ending of history is as national National Responsibility to meet nation's global commitment for the future,threat and crisis-response,in particular,national war-fighting objectives and needs.These are not related to the age-old of the history and culture.
For the national affairs conference ,Taiwan's the most critical needs will be met in fact,however,it remain constrained, and perhaps that difficult decisions,but,when we able to continue on our national transformation process into next era.
Because of the stupid of history is most serious national concerns,which cannot keep ahead of national superiority.
The re-establishment of Taiwan,the strategic decision-making of the national affairs conference ; operational war-fighting forces ; execution of the ending of history strategy to develop ; and support a national science-technology superiority,and this ready force framework remains national responsibility and commitment,rather than,stupid of history and culture.
The national affairs conference will provide a comprehensive,war-fighting capability-based view and concept of the ending of history.Simply put,this will be national learership and direction.
The analysis of the ending of history is to become the standard,assessments necessary of the national affairs conference,and transformative and directly feeds of the national war-fighting program and objective.
The analysis of the ending of history is to become of the national affairs conference that are critical to the effectiveness of the process.
The war-fighting assessment of the national affairs conference
Prior to the national affairs conference basic to the tactics fundamentals layers used to build the congress one,that 竹篙倒菜刀 had changed this approach.
The ending of history has thus the "platform national affairs conference " approach that will bring about National science-technology of integration and competition.
It cannot denied that ending of history has been tough decisions,but,it come first,and which is new model of natoional strategy concept,thereby avoiding unbalanced,stupid of history and culture.
Similarly,new model of war-fighting concept of the national affairs conference is national ocean concept,and in order to address across all stupid of history aand culture,and ensure that the most unprejudiced assessments and allocations possible.
Taiwan should be rely upon the national affairs conference of ending of history,in which,in order to promise and protect Taiwan's national core interests,including,Taiwanes and our partners,there is no matter whenever and wherever.
In short, we will continue to invest for the future; to sustain a fiscally prudent recapitalization and modernization of ships, aircraft, and weapon systems; to continue the transformation of the Cold War Navy to the 21st-century Navy; and, at the same time, to ensure that our people enjoy the highest quality of life possible so that the Navy of today can meet its global commitments and operations anytime, anywhere.
In short, we will continue to invest in the ending of history for the future,the national affairs conference sustains a national budget and finance of re-integration,at the same time,we will ensure prople enjoy good life,and avoid stupid of history and culture threats.
Today's the national affairs conference will be meeting national commitment and ending of history for the future,anytime, anywhere.

The end!





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