







未來國家經濟學新模式機制(三) /台灣風暴作戰計畫









想要獨立與自由的幸福,必須經過終結歷史的支持 - 台灣窮小子




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女人一如流動的水,避免國家實力弱點 - 台灣窮小子








This report focuses on the long-term assessment facing Taiwan's natuonal economic deployment.New model of war-fighting program identifies the ending of history and change  that  will ensure stability Taiwan's national core interests and status,in particular,industrial prosperity-development,and peoples' income and security.It is not related to history,culture,and philosophy.台灣窮小子 believes that the challenges of our Nation will be demands of Ending Of History,and fundamental transformation to our National economic security strategy-deployment in strategic model for the next two decades.Dear Ms.蔡英文, Mr,洪榮一,I am pleased to provide the report of the assessment - NEW MOTEL OF WARFARE-TRANSFORMATION IN THE TAIWAN'S NATIONAL ECONOMIC SECURITY,and this report is in accordance with the U.S. Former Minister of Defence Mr.Perry's Preventive medicine.To meet challenges, I think the R.O.C. must undertake a broad transformation of key processes of Ending of history ; I believe the pace of Ending of history change must be sped up,in which,in order to be committed to significant change in stupid of history and culture.The Ending of history transformation 台灣窮小子 envision goes beyond stupid of history and culture of national economic operational concepts,economic war-fighting framework.It is critical that it also include National and Homeland security change.Finally, new model of war-fighting program is to start National Forces,in order to be highest integrated and responsive National Mobilizable Warfare that actively plans for the future one that face the models of global and regional environment rather than determined on stupid of history and culture.In the Ending of history change and extend that sense of joint operation,and the rest of national strategic definition with our partners.New model of war-fighting program report builds and provides on valuable insights and experiences,and makes it looking into the future,also,emphasis on the transformational deployment and strategy,so,I think we must protect priority our National economic security in the future.台灣窮小子 has not tried to provide answers,in turn,my strategic objective is to  motivate National Transformation to meet the challenges.It is not related to hisotry and culture.Simply put,if we cannot re-write history,so,ending of history!New model of war-fighting program  will be critical in building the necessary support National economic security consensus of the Taiwanese people for the extensive changes that must be made.I hope that my report will help to establosh a strong consensus for changing the national economic security framework to face and meet the challenges of the next period.If we do that,Ending of history will have fulfilled our National Mission and National Commitment to History, the Taiwan's society, and the Taiwanese people.


Today,our Nation face global transformational era,as we can expect stupid of history and culture,and they are so smart whose remembers lessons,so,we are  in  a  relatively  national economic security,and our Nation will confront many different models.Our Nation-Taiwan owns as the preeminent,nation's political,military and economic war-fighting forces,thus,we must be willing to ending of history-change as well or chance having forces ill-suited new model in the future,and maintain our nation's security-forces,in addition to only one thing is certain:the biggest national crisis  lies in feels out-of-sort stupid of history and culture or Taiwanese are in an unwillingness to change our National economic security situation,yet,only in time to ending of hisotry that will still meet new model of challenges.Taiwan needs new model of National economy and strategy current and future,that that will will enable our Nation can meet economic security challenges,however,we must be ending of history.台灣窮小子 understood that this ending of history  transformation promises to be complex,after all,we cannot imagine challenges of the future,in particular,stupid of history and culture,yet,Ending Of History starts National mobilizable warfare forces,and we must do this,and make critical strategies,decisions and choices that will remain to lead our Nation's significant investments and deployments in the future.

The future Taiwan's economic security war-fighting environment

Stupid of history are likely to find new models to challenge our National core interests,including,our people.As we can use ending of history safe assume that stupid of history and culture have change to smart.In particular,they will seek bitchy tactics that enable our National economic war-fighting activity and deployed forces may likely be challenged,or threaten our Nation's partners.Critical nodes that bitchy tactics of stupid of history and culture make our national economic warfare of power projection will be vulnerable.In short,we can expect stupid of history and culture opposed to our National core interests,so,as asymmetrical ending of history responses to our National traditional superiority to confront them.It cannot denied that new model of choices may invariably undertake risk, the only question is where we take the risk.Because woman is our the most constant strategic partner,who are working together to start new model of National Economy and National mobilizable warfare forces.Today's Taiwan, at almost the same time,so,I am concerned that,for stupid of history and culture,end has become a means of justifying current forces which can be used to reduce crisis to our long-term security. And this priority must still go to the future.


Ending of history maintaining Nation's political,economic stability is the most primary among them,for the best model to  prevent abrasiveness to stupid of history and culture is to build a stable nation's political,economic framework.This needs interaction with our partners through ending of history efforts as well as the comprehensive integration of Nation's political,economic,and military war-fighting activities,particularly.Because stupid of history and culture emphasis is likely to National politics and economuy collapsed.Taiwan stormy of deployments are to we should expect new model of framework,which will become the norm, and that parallel the development of new war-fighting-concepts,rather than,stupid of history and culture.In other words,Taiwan stormy deployment is as a core principle of the national commitments and responsibilities of the future,in particular,our traditional nation-mission.Just as re-deployment of ending of history is key to a stable national environment, an enough nation's political,economic war-fighting framework is crucial to the security at our home of our nation and people happiness,rather than,stupid of history and culture.Traditional concepts and war-fighting deployments may not be sufficient to stop stupid of history and culture against Taiwan and our partners.As over time, the focus of our national policits and economy efforts to prevent stupid of history and culture occupies Taiwan of solid crime,so form that of today.Taiwan storm regards to maintaining Taiwan's National superiority,and will integrate existing war-fighting system,at the same time,operating advanced technology.These are effective defensive and offensive national war-fighting capabilities,rather than,stupid of history and culture.Especially,we will need to understand that stupid of history will not go unchallenged. Taiwan stormy will be re-integrated politics and economy of major warfare  of national power.


We must never forget that Taiwan's war-fighting capability have been the core of our national force in the past.They, more than the BIG WORDS of stupid of history and culture,or will become the real,defensive and offensive nation's political and economic war-fighting capabilities.As under no circumstances,should we reduce stupid of history and culture training of useless people,whose seek to embrace stupid of history and culture will be for naught.If we shift war-fighting force,that TAIWAN STORMY will  granted.It is clear,we can use Taiwan stormy opportunity and thereby reduce the fog of stupid of history and culture stand to gain significant Nation's political,economic superiority.This mean that nation's political,economic,and military revolution stimulated by TAIWAN STORMY.Simply put,joint operation and vision of TAIWAN STORM,Taiwan need in the future.After all,stupid of history and culture are neither National concept nor economic warfare security concept,so,台灣窮小子 strongly believes the rift must be ending of history and makes a TAIWAN STORMY of recommendations toward that TAIWAN'S NATIONAL CORE OBJECTIVE.TAIWAN STORMY  integrated  comprehensive total force needs a common National culture to bring about unity-warfare of thought activity,shared historical experiences and lessons,we are working together to accept ending of history opportunities, that that will be help to deepen interdependent and  independent,respect national ethic.


NATION'S POLITICAL,ECONOMIC TRANSFORMING the Taiwan's 草泥馬  into so very different that which exists today,while supporting National war-fighting efforts,presents a significant challenge.NATIONAL ECONOMIC WARFARE,we must change war-fighting model,we process ending of history,in which promote national and social stability, and build national economic superiority.It is not related to stupid of history and culture/It is important to start the ending of histiry of national transformation process now,because today's end will remain to show new model of National Framework in the future.Changing will be National commitment and dedication and willingness to put money, resources, and ending of history warriors to start national transformation process.As strategic objective of Taiwan stormy is to identify the means to meet challenge,use the opportunities, and end those stupid of history and culture that do not succeed. Taiwan stormy is Taiwan's inherent wisdom and superiority to lock in the strategic concept of stupid of history and culture,and avoid Taiwan superiority effectiveness  may quickly counter in a rapidly changing global and regional environment.At the same time,Taiwan stormy should be integrated on new model of war-fighting concept with force framework,which emphasis that end stupid of history and culture.So,we should accord the highest priority to Taiwan stormy to executing a national transformation strategy,in order to start national mobilize force with technological overcoming and national strategy,rather than,stupid of history and culture.At the core of TAIWAN STORMY effort should be emphasis on national integrative operation,building on the conventional "TAIWAN 草泥馬" ,that can help in determining how best to use new technologies and capabilities,and deal with stupid of history and culture,even,new challenges.Although,it takes a long time,or can play out an effective national transformation.For example,such as,I can counter stupid of history and culture,and make Taiwanese GNI up to $30,000,if 台灣窮小子 owns National Power in the next two decades.TAIWAN STORMY will look beyond the challenges for us,and assess the relevance of the "十年政綱" of Ms.蔡英文 for next era framework,yet,this framework served us well in the regional and global environment,and we keep superiority and status,so,we must objectively reexamine our nation's political,military,and economic secutiry framework.At this  interagency processes,no matter what overseas and domestic,that will provide,command central government and Taiwanese people ,with an effective, integrated, and proactive war-fighting system .TAIWAN STORMY will work hard to establish NATIONAL COMMITMENT AND CONFIDENCE,and we must willing to give up to stupid of history and culture for common national objective.It cannot denied that TAIWAN STORMY is two-edged sword - opportunities and vulnerabilities. Indeed,we still need to to determine how best to use new model of national war-fighting system to make the appropriate adjustments,in other words, Taiwanese wisdom faces more complicated national mission ; asymmetric and stupid of history and culture brings special difficulties. The complex and stupid of history and culture we can expect,and they cannot protect our Nation and Taiwanese people.As TAIWAN STORMY is one strategic deployment of a broader nation's political,economic,and military security framework.So,we would like to be successful in meeting the challenges of the future,that ending of history ensures stability of Taiwan's national politics,economy,and military security.At the same time,TAIWAN STORMY will also become a comprehensive, proactive national strategy,rather than,stupid of history and culture.Achieveing the national ransformation shown in 台灣窮小子's report,and national commitment to be tough and complex national war-fighting mission,but,it will be able to keep our national core interests now and future.Ending of history is Taiwanese however, that if we do not end in a timely,we could be fundamentally unprepared to bear the security of generations of Taiwanese people for the future.We do have time and opportunity to deploy,but we cannot equivocate. We must begin now.


Today's threats are not necessarily existing we see in the future,as our Nation are according with today's threats.Unless we are willing to ending of history,seek transformation,that we will have forces,in particular,stupid of history and culture are ill-suited in two decades for the future,promise and protect our security.We must face new challenges of stupid of history and culture.Because they are so smart,that will likely confront our nation attack.The current and future,therefore,TAIWAN STORMY provides a enormous force,on the other hand, we cannot ensure about stupid of history and culture of crieses and risks.But,certainly,is clear,the biggest threat of our Nation lies in an unwillingness to end our security concept,and in time to face and meet new model of integrations and challenges.Therefore,TAIWAN STORMY warfare,we must start to end and change now or threat being caught unprepared.If we expect such threats and  challenges and if we cannot end and change,that our National war-fighting ability to protect Taiwan's National core interests will inexorably break up.After all,stupid of history and cultrue will seek BIG-WORDS means to attack our Nation's war-fighting capabilities and wills.As TAIWAN STORMY will re-integrate Taiwan's national superiority as the political,economic,and military war-fighting power.In other words,we can change our national forces and operational concepts,in which,in order to successfully counter stupid of history and culture,and avoid attacking our national vulnerabilities.Taiwan needs a TAIWAN STORMY strategy that enable is to face Nation's political,economic of security challenges.It is not related to stupid of history and culture.


At first,Taiwan must change a process that must start "ending of history" now.We must acknowledge that stupid of history and cultrue cannot face  future challenges,even,technological change.It cannot denied that TAIWAN STORMY transformation of national promise to complex. However,we must make critical strategies,decisions and options,and re-think current national superiority with its focus on future.TAIWAN STORMY WARFARE develops new model of war-fighting concepts ; use as Taiwanese inherent 108 superiority,and take an advantage of asymmetric 草泥馬 forces and superiority.It is not related to stupid of history and culture.This TAIWAN STORMY WARFARE report review the critical challenges,threats and problems,and 台灣窮小子 believes that they will show in the stupid of history and culture because they are unable to accomplish anything but liable to spoil everything.Finally, we should focus on the specifics of a TAIWAN STORMY war-fighting strategy,and we consider how to best establish our national political,economic,and military security.This is not only 台灣窮小子's hope,also,will be Taiwaneses' hope.Toward that end,I will simply provide war-fighting recommendations,and as a nation, we expect that forward to a more national political,economic,and military security for the future,rather than,stupid of history and culture.
We would like to happiness of independence and freedom,we must undergo the Ending of history supporting it. - 台灣窮小子


The new model of security change must be done within the context of ending of history the our nation needed.Our Nation,Taiwan,still the dominant entity of the politics and economy,so,we must emphasis the war-fighting abilities of central government to counter increasingly stupid of history and culture,and to meet peoples' demands.As in considering these elements and possible national strategies,environments,concepts,and definitions we will face.New model of war-fighting concepts will be re-developed,that reflect concerns about these evolving threats,crises,and challenges,however, less relevant stupid of history and culture will be kissed them ass.The important challenge that enables us to respond effectively to our new model of framework is forward-deployment,whatsoever uses any models.The single strongly shows a war-fighting model to preparing for the future.We must keep adequate and enough war-fighting capability as we adapt. At the same time,reducing stupid of history and culture operational concepts and the age-old capability.Absolutely!Of course!We cannot predict with any certainty of warfare model,but,it will show unique tactics,anr this will be many very different from those of today.Following time  passes we will understand about evolving threats,crises,and challenges,in particular,stupid of history and culture,with other competitors while  intensifying our Nation's force.Stupid of history and culture cannot change,Taiwan's dream must change if we hope to own and sustain it.Above all, we must recognize that promising and  protecting traditional history and culture core interests,TAIWAN STORMY is a new array of deployment and challenge.Ending of history,TAIWAN STORMY ececuted new model of war-fighting concepts and technological superiority,As we come into a new era,we will face challenges,that will require us to ending of hisotry.After all,stupid of history and culture may find new model to attack our National force,people,even,national core interest ; they will seek new way  to match their war-fighting strengths against our national vulnerability.Because we can assume that stupid of history have learned from the past.So,TAIWAN STORMY WARFARE is to use as Taiwanese inherent superiority to counter,and to be an adaptive BIG-WORDS of stupid of history and culture.TAIWAN STORMY WARFARE is our war-fighting will,and employ imaginative tactics and techniques-new model of jointness to deny that we will not be never make compromise with stupid of history and culture ; we make national superiority,in particular,women and opportunities.


Although 台灣窮小子 does not argue that historical and cultural achievements would actually happen,but,identify the principal elements of national change that are no longer being driven by stupid of history and culture. As TAIWAN STORMY will fundamentally change nation's political,economic security environment,also,we focused on innovating national culture,at the same time,to reflect global trends.Our Nation,Taiwan,ending of history will show an stable environment in which cooperation on economic development and security problems will create a relatively stable national order.We should understand that stupid of history and culture are as organized crime of extremism and terrorism,that will be understanding of the importance for Taiwanese in the future.As a result, the Taiwanese should accept ending of history,and use as TAIWAN STORMY strong engagement as essential to our national security.After all,world is not without its continuing conflicts,and these conflicts include national tensions and demographic pressures,so on.Nevertheless, these tensions  exist in isolated pockets of stupid of history and culture in which affect our Nation,even,regional and global prosperity.In other words,TAIWAN STORMY 'S principal role as a stratrgy and tactic is to our Nation's political,economic security of promise and protection,in particular,diplomatic efforts and preventive failures.Transformation of today,is a national baseline of  anticipation of stupid of history and culture uncertainties,at current and future,an increasingly global competitive environment,which make our Nation remains disadvantaged.Simply put,they are rogues.The Taiwanese homeland cannot be viewed as a sanctuary from stupid of history and culture use because their sustained nation's political,economic,and economic superiorities are uncertain.In turn,competition of TAIWAN STORMY envisions a traditional of Taiwan's superiority and force in which challenge stupid of history and culture competition.So,we must understand that crises and threats foster national and social stability and peoples' confidence for the expansion of nation's political,economic,and military forces.We must position ourselves to being protected  our Nation and Homeland against devastation and attack by stupid of history and culture,and it is not related to stupid of history and culture.Stupid of history and culture are unpredictable and opportunistic which bringing about national and social chaos and collapses.And let our Nation-Taiwan losing war-fighting will and ability to influence contingency-capability of the global emergent events. Taiwanese experiencing of influencing the chaos of stupid of history and culture will increasingly penetrate,destroy National actor and security,in other words,we do not want to admit that they are national crime.Finally,TAIWAN STORMY is accordance with regional aand global trends for now and future,such as:
Global change

Entering into the second decades in 21st century that may define the new of The global political geography,not very old of 20th century vision.As followed:

1,Technologic development,change historical trends.
The national security policy will play technologic imperative role for the future.
It cannot denied that it will become a part of everyday life,no matter what
nation,soceity and people.Technology has to essentially change histiry,believe it or not,and technology beings well-being to people.Technologies as will be discussed to play superiority and role,that provides national prospects for the future.
Technologic development and improvement are defining characteristic of this era,in
particular,change,in which,they may effect new national
strategy,including,operational strategies and concepts that fundamentally change the
meet of fiture.It would be fundamentally change the history,if we would feel out of sort from technologic development.Perhaps that change will be only a dream,or not?

2,Economic integration,change historical trends.
Economic integration to meet closely tied of the challenges,that use as society and
population trends developments are the effects of the expanding global
marketplace,and than,change historical trends.Nation will continue to get economic power and political power influence to meet challenges and opportunities,in particular,global relations and diplomatic areas.Resists and sanctions will be more difficult to execute.Integration may affect political, cultural, and economic patterns,especially,keys of strategic resources.At the same time,particularly,Economic integration keeps global economic stability.Although,very old of disparities of wealth may bring about tensions and challenges central government.Finally, integration keeps power that work together to meet challenges and crises.

3,Social and population development,change historical trends.
It cannot denied that social and population development threaten to national ability,in
particular,national political developments must adapt these influences.Also,economic power in the impact of burgeoning will effect population growth,that its will not be evenly distributed over the world.Social and population development will be especially serious of challenges,in particular,cities and countries.Such these developments may fire off criese,also,may procure military involvement and concerns by the global community. Especially,population-migration and immigration,and chronic unemployment and underemployment,and energy and water resources,in particular,intensified competition for strategic resources.So,face challenges that we should provide jobs and health care,fundamentally living conditions,so on.Especially,essential social services.Conversely,to meet social and population development will create economic challenges.

4,global developments of political geography,change historical trends.
Out of sort based on nation's internal and external of political ideology.Yet,pressures
for independence and sovereignty that may continue to fire off over the next several
decades,in particular,reconfiguring.So,according with developments of political geographythat may joint as nations to work together to seek regional security,especially,to keep common political and economic interests. In addition,they are not related to vary old of history,so on. In a while,the role and importance will push growing influence.To achieve in the political geography development that may get strong security arrangements,as followed:
1,To support partnership under the history,that promote,in long term of both bilateral
and multilateral relations as partners.
2,Increased interactive dialogue and economic cooperation to effects on global
stability,especially,long-term national needs.
Nation's strategic interest determines on the promise of developments of political
geography.Especially,secure partnership.
Partnership will continue to be involved with the nations and regions of mutual
Developments of political geography in these can have a deeply effect,in
particular,partnership,which can promise and protect national security and economic


National economic war-fighting capabilities are to face continue to increasechallenges and demands.Simply put,our National opportunity,competition,and vulnerability for the future.The importance of owning our National economic war-fighting superiority and position,stupid of history and culture cannot be overstated.Our National economic superiority and position will determine on a secure and pledged ending of history foundation.It is  instrumental to the success of national war-fighting activity.In the past of historical experiences and lessons,we know,and also understand that  aware superiority in nation's political,economic war-fighting capabilities we must be ending of history, translate directly into significant superiorities.Therefore,national economic war-fighting of ending of history is  likely to be crucial to the process of future transformation,challenging Taiwan,our Nation,and our partners in both are working together to effort,rather than stupid of history and culture.Even if we keep the necessary bases of history and culture to support deployed power,but,may be able to reduce national wae-fighting effectiveness.Ended realities are upgrading the demands of the national war-fighting capabilities. As national economic war-fighting attempt to protect our national force,although,remains left with a dilemma,our partners and we want to protect whom will no longer remain exposed in stupid of history and culture which needs new model of ending of history ; our national defense.If we are to own and maintain our current and future national econonic war-fighting ability,that we must be controlled,stupid of history and culture changed relations ; new adaption and condition,in which,in order to promises to create both opportunities and risks for our nation.Reality starts option for our National war-fighting capability.For example, and the meaningful national strategy of ending of history will be future relations between nation and us ; and national strategical war-fighting action will play national superiority.Ominously,stupid of history and culture just create national security vulnerabilities as we cannot be denied it.And they have already been demonstrated to strike our National economic war-fighting forces.As definition of TAIWAN STORMY needs partners response to face stupid of history and culture challenges and threats.Stupid of history and culture are  truthfulnessIn short, the increasing stupid of history and culture of sacrosanctity will be challenges described above,and force us away from our existing model to be humbleness.In response,TAIWAN STORMY OF ENDING OF HISTORY will have to be developed and adapted to new model of national war-fighting system.


A challenge that crosses confused history and culture- our national political,economic security demands.We must maintain national political,economic independence and freedom,with Taiwanese valie concept,including Homeland security ; protect Taiwanese security,provide people's happiness and prosperity.This will being  key trends and challenges by TAIWAN STORMY.

The Strategy for the future:TAIWAN STORMY.

New model of concept to engage the future change war-fighting framework to match emerging challenges develop concepts.TAIWAN STORMY starts comprehensive Taiwan's national mobilization force to meeting national political,economci security challenges in the next three decades for the future.According with the Taiwan's predicament is to show no national strategy that will be capable of fighting national economic warfare at almost the same time. TAIWAN STORMY concept is predicated on confidence because this concept is determined on that 台灣窮小子 understood stupid of history and culture,especially,confidence with all Taiwanese people.As a result, it is 台灣窮小子's judgment that we must continue to work with ending of history,and start TAIWAN STORMY to cope stupid of history and culture crises and threats,in particular,re-integrate national political,economic war-fighting models.TAIWAN STORMY will make our Nation  have a transformation strategy-deployment and status,in place, creating a strong demand for direct,deep in ending of history,in order to defeat unwise,stupid of history and culture.Finally,to some extent,TAIWAN STORMY will be a useful war-fighting mechanism ; our Nation needs time framework in the next twenty years for the future.


Protecting from meet any threats to national survival as a remains the primary war-fighting,it is not related to stupid of history and culture.Therefore, we must keep and develop new model of national war-fighting capabilities  to protect and defend against the coercive threat of stupid of history and culture. After all,stupid of history and cultrue destroy and attack our national economic power,governmental system,and people's values of ending of history,so,it cannot denied that it is as dangerous. Consequently,our National war-fighting capabilities must be able to help in protecting the nation from attacks and threats such as historical and cultural violence extremism-terrorism.In particular,historical and cultural violence extremism-terrorism remain the primary threat.Our national core interests must be national stability that may establish strong war-fighting capabilities which use as an effective response to threats,crises and challenges.The historical and cultural violence extremism-terrorism undermine national economic war-fighting capabilities,system,and peoples' values concepts.This relationships with national survival is interdependence,with that ensure stability orderly of national politics,economy ; and ability to ending of history efforts.In particular,our Nation's partners.At the same time, we must maintain national science and technology in progress,including commercial development,and stable national security and economic  prosperity with partner's cooperations,rather than,stupid of history and culture.Taiwanese people must feel security in our own national politicas and economy,These are national commitment and responsibility to ensure us  against stupid of history and culture attacks,no matter of their source.ENDING OF HISTORY OF TAIWAN STORMY imperative cannot be considered in isolation because we are the one who interdepenent and mutually fortifying,and contributing to the overall political,economic security of the Taiwan.


Although,it is only 台灣窮小子's judgement, but a strategy appropriate will be good enough for twenty years of the Taiwan in the future,in particular,stupid of history and culture neither desirable,also nor possible.Therefore,I believe that the best way to ensure our national future security is to provide new model of concepts to achieve the most appropriate national strategy,rather than stupid of history and culture.As,the Taiwan's national warfare system  of the future must have the ability to respond effectively to new challenges.Especially,we defeat stupid of history and culture.


Current,Taiwan's political,economic security faces a challenge that is unprecedented,in particular,changing into a new mpdel of national war-fighting system from that which exists today.At the same time,we must be ending of history the TAIWAN STORMY to play a very active war-fighting capability in supporting national efforts to preserve national stability within national strategy of engagement and enlargement.

Why we need for a TAIWAN STORMY strategy?

We will find difficult the risk stupid of history and culture,if possible,also,if the wrong change process is chosen that we will made it,or we are unwillingness,feeling out of sort to ending of history.Because worldwide will be comprehensive technological change era,in particular,geopolitical environment.It is not related to stupid of history aand culture.Moreover, it is important to start the change process,since decision-making in the national strategy will influence national war-fighting model and system.In other words, it is no exaggeration to say that the Taiwan's national political,economic,and military war-fighting models have already being formed by ENDING OF HISTORY being made.Consequently, the Ending of history should accord the highest priority to executing a change strategy for theTAIWAN STORMY, beginning now. TAIWAN STORMY change strategy is characterized by nation's strategic surprise,in order to face changing  continuously stupid of history and culture of power counterattack.TAIWAN STORMY change strategy is to integrate national science and technology,and restructure new model of national warfare concept,and than,brings about leap in effectiveness of national revolution,rather than,stupid of history and culture.In other words,TAIWAN STORMY change strategy is to execute the framework of new war-fighting concepts,and through advancing technologies to develop.The objective will be  to identify those that are capable of solving our Nation to face and operating opportunities,the focus is on Taiwan's national asymmetric superiority,and deny the BIG WORDS of stupid of history and culture troubles.The end result we will find the Taiwan's national strategy having options and new model of war-fighting capabilities.Especially,options could be used to deter from potential stupid of history and culture,and after the dissuasion or deterrence fails,that options counterattack stupid of history and culture.Most of all, TAIWAN STORMY change strategy is to Taiwanese peoples' inherent national wisdom,superiority,dedication and commitment ,and we are willingness to ending of history to drive national revolution process.We are choosing the good change strategy which must be national war-fighting objective,also that become clear.If that is the case, we must start now to develop TAIWAN STORMY,and execute a NATIONAL CHANGE STRATEGY.It will be so different,and also,we will see that we will be ready war-fighting readness and challenge,rather than,stupid of history and culture.Conclusively,in 台灣窮小子's final report shows how can start our national change strategy,first,Taiwan needs a broad,comprehensive national security warfare of ENDING OF HISTORY.In particular,Taiwanese peoples' inherent national wisdom,superiority,rather than,stupid of history and culture.


We can expect that the increasingly complex and global environmental change,so,stupid of history and culture are no longer maintain Taiwan's national core security interests.Ending of history is one condition of nation's political,economic,and military security system.If we are to be successful in meeting the challenges of the future, so that Taiwan must adapt to become comprehensive,proactive and integrated ENDING OF HISTORY OF TAIWAN STORMY WARFARE.Although,ENDING OF HISTORY changing Taiwan's national strategy  may present some risk,but,台灣窮小子 believes that it is acceptable,and nonetheless,Taiwanese people is ready going screw oueselves!At any point during ending of history process TAIWAN STORMY should be able to deal with any war-fighting operations - Taiwaneses people can and our war-fighting will,in order to face  potential,stupid of history and culture.It cannot denied that promises to be complicated,and this will need a delicate balance.For example,such as,台灣窮小子 is loving 蔡英文,but,what screwed stupid of history and culture up!So,we must be careful not to make stupid of history shamed into anger.台灣窮小子 believes that if we deny to ending of history in timely,fundamentally,we will being unprepared for the future,in particular,we give up the national core security interests of future era of Taiwnese people.WE DO HAVE THE TIME AND THE OPPORTUNITY TO ENDING OF HISTORY,ESPECIALLY,WE CANNOT EQUIVOCATE,WE MUST START TAIWAN STORMY NOW.TAIWAN STORMY is Taiwan's National transformation to reflect Taiwanese people conscious decision to commit challenges in the future,rather than,stupid of history and culture.At the same time,worldwide's technological revolution is just changing global politico-economic models,also,will change Taiwan.As moving forward to the future.ENDING OF HISTORY TAIWAN STORMY will dominate national status,unless,Taiwanese is willingness.


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