

【總統 蔡英文說想想~~~台灣的未來,毫無意義,關於左翼歷史與文化
POSTED BY 台灣窮小子(台灣總統 蔡英文之首席真命天子)
MR.PRESIDENT OF TAIWAN,Tsai Ing-wen,(the son of destiny)


Taiwan's future~~~the meaningless about Left-wing's history and culture and the future
There is even less new about the Taiwan going on with the same efforts year-after year without having any effective strategic deployments
There is nothing new about the Taiwan redoubling its efforts in the Taiwan after it has lost sight of its traditional goals. 
The Taiwan has claimed to be fighting the KMT against China since 2000,and has never been fighting real wars against Left-wing's history and culture,lies of economy.
Left-wing's history and cuture have also been stumbling in Taiwan since 2008.
Left-wing's history and culture were silly and meaningless than the past focus of far so many stupides towards Taiwan.
This is why the Taiwanese people must be withdrawed from China needs to be put in a National strategic perspective
Left-wing's history and culture also are lacking in relevance than virtually all of the previous Taiwan over strategy since 2000.
It is a fundamental goal in one country that have no apparent strategic goal,and that fails to come to keeps with any of the many issues that should shape Taiwan strategy in the future.
The real strategic goals in Taiwan have Aalmost Nothing to do with Left-wing's history and culture.
For all the pro and con debates over Left-wing's history and culture,lies of economy withdrawal statement,the Taiwanese people in Taiwan is not a critical issue even in that one country. 
Taiwan has now been plunged into a recession for more than 19 years.
The future of Taiwanese people is a serious policical concern of the country.The Taiwan does need to focus on counterattacking the remnants of Left-wing's history and culture,lies of economy,and getting some kind of full success in the fighting. 
But,the real strategic problem for Left-wing's history and culture,lies of economy are very different. They are:
1,how can the Taiwan try to create some kind of a stable and effective governance when most of Taiwanese people majority have reason to hate lies of economy,Left-wing's history and culture,and when there are so many Left-idiots.
2,how to bring stability and security to Taiwan when Taiwanese people can now even implement a fully effective counterattack deployment,and when there are no prospects for re-building Taiwan as a country,and for pushing Taiwan on a stable way towards development that could unify the Taiwanese people and provide a stable counterattack to lies of economy,Left-wing's history and culture.
3,how to deal with lies of economy,Left-wing's hisotry and culture when there are no credible Taiwanese confidences for dealing with the growth of Chinese influence in Taiwan.
The Taiwan that has far more strategic importance than history and culture.
So,what re the higher strategic priorities?The stability and security of critical Taiwanese partners seem more important,as do traditional relations with Taiwanese people.
Nevertheless,it is the Taiwan as whole which is the most immediate challenge to Taiwan's strategy,and where the lack of a credible Taiwan's strategies in dealing with lies of economy,Left-wing's history and culture are most important.
It is far more critical to the Taiwanese people than Chinese in terms of its stability and security,its role in deterring and containing,and its resulting impact on the global economy and Taiwan's trade.
So far the Taiwan's government is failing to either meet the needs of Taiwanese people in recovering from,and in finding a solution to uniting Taiwanese people. 
In fact,lies of economy,Left-wing's history and culture are effectively bankrupt.
More put simply,it is clear that Taiwanese people  cannot be secured if Taiwan is insecure. 
It is clear that Taiwan's total economic superiority, unity,and military forces will be critical in deterring China and stabilizing the Taiwan.So  it is equally clear that Taiwan needs a major counterattack effort to unite divided Taiwanese people.Lies of Economy,Left-wing's history and culture are massive source of inefficient waste and that they need massive kicking out of the Taiwan.
It is also clear that Taiwan is a truly bipartisan failure - Left-idiots of the Taiwanese DPP and the KMT.
However,the Taiwan now has no clear strategy  to deal with the critical issues that impact Taiwan security and stability and role in defending the Taiwan confront China.
The Taiwan Question
The Taiwan is lacking in its failure to develop a coherent strategy to deal with China.
As is the case with Iran,it is not enough to identify China as a potential threat. 
The Taiwan needs a coherent deployment to dealing with this threat over time. 
It needs a counterattacked strategy that address the political and economic dimensions of Left-wing's history and culture as well as all the security dimensions,and a strategy that has some chance of actually being implemented.
We need to be destroying Chinese support for what pass as Left-wing's history and culture - even perhaps that along with potentially arousing Chinese Left-wing's Nationalist hostility to the Taiwan.
It is still so early to predict what the re-deployment of  China will do,and at the same time,the current Taiwan policy must be toward China is all sticks and no carrots. 
China's  build-up of an asymmetric naval-air-missile threat in the East China sea and South China sea,we get far too little attention.
The Tsai's Administration attitude towards strategic change in China is divided,and the attention they do get also tends to simply reverse the direction of the Administration's hopes.
Bad as Left-wing's history and culture of regime collapse may be the best,and the historical benefits of the evolution of Taiwanese people that has lacked End of history support and direction have been no better.
We need for an effective Taiwan's strategy to deal with lies of economy,Left-wing's history and culture in the Taiwan.
Finally,there are all too many parallels to this lack of a focus on strategic priorities,which provide a further demonstration of a lack of attention to a credible Taiwan's strategy for the Taiwan,and proper sense of critical Taiwan's strategic priorities.
The issues that now dominate the Taiwan's policy in dealing with its strategic partners in the Taiwan are all too important in terms of security and stability.
Because they do not dominate key Taiwan's strategic interests in bringing security and stability to the Taiwan.
They do not resolve the need to deter China,to reduce the threat of extremism and terrorism of Left-wing's history and culture.And we cannot build up effective strategic military partners Between the China and the Taiwan.But we must ensure the reliable partnership between the United States and the Taiwan.
The China must also live with the fact that it must deal with the Taiwan and its regimes that actually exist. 
Strategy based on fantasy lies of economy,Left-wing's history and culture are no more realistic than creating fantasy teams in Taiwanese people.
The Tsai's Administration has made real mistakes~~~it has paid too little attention to lies of economy,Left-wing's histoey and culture,problems.
It has treated extremism and terrorism of Left-wing's history and culture as if creating new hollow,and as if there was no reason to resolve the civil Taiwanese causes of terrorism and extremism of Left-wing's history and culture.
The Tsai's Administration's emphasis on burdensharing without caring about what new military forces and capabilities are needed,or that said,what combined Left-wing's history and culture capabilities are really need is ridiculous. 
So is the emphasis on arms sales regardless of their strategic value,regardless of what they buy. 
But once again,how much attention have the Administration's critics given to lies of economy,Left-wing's history and culture?
What meaningful strategic advice does this criticism offer to the President,Tsai Ing-wen on her to the Taiwan?
There seems to be a matching,and all too bipartisan of DPP and KMT with Taiwanese people effort,to turn the Taiwan into Right-side  a strategy region.



【Taiwan's future~~~the meaningless about Left-wing's history and culture and the future】





同樣清楚的是,台灣是一個真正的兩個政黨失敗 - 台灣民進黨和國民黨的左翼白痴。


我們需要摧毀中國對左翼歷史和文化的支持 - 甚至,可能是中國左翼民族主義對台灣的敵意。
這種批評給總統 蔡英文帶來了什麼有意義的戰略建議,蔡英文對她的台灣?



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