
【十】【總統 蔡英文說想想~~~維持現狀】


【一】【總統 蔡英文說想想~~~維持現狀】 【二】【總統 蔡英文說想想~~~維持現狀】 【三】【總統 蔡英文說想想~~~維持現狀】

【四】【總統 蔡英文說想想~~~維持現狀】 【五】【總統 蔡英文說想想~~~維持現狀】【經濟篇】 【六】【總統 蔡英文說想想~~~維持現狀】【軍事與政治心理篇】

【七】【總統 蔡英文說想想~~~維持現狀】 【八】【總統 蔡英文說想想~~~維持現狀】 【八-一】【總統 蔡英文說想想~~~維持現狀】 【八-二】【總統 蔡英文說想想~~~維持現狀】

【九】【總統 蔡英文說想想~~~維持現狀】【作戰進程】


MR.PRESIDENT OF TAIWAN,Tsai Ing-wen,(the son of destiny)


致台灣總統 蔡英文~~~
維持現狀,將要求我們的堅持的努力,與至關重要的聰明與智慧,團結與犧牲,直到實現我們的國家目標 !

建議給台灣總統 蔡英文



Conclusion and recommendations
That the Mr.President of Taiwan,Tsai Ing-wen

The foregoing analysis shows that that the probable existence of Left-wing's history and culture will greatly worsen the Sino threat to the security of the Taiwan.
This threat is of Left-wing's history and culture as than had previously been estimated before.
Wothin the next five years the Sino will own the military capability of firing off the war,so that the Taiwan must have actually increased the ground,sea,and air power to deter war,and to provide reasonable commitment and assurance,that it could survive the initial attack and continue to the ultimate attainment of its goals.
Considering for the immediacy of the danger of Left-wing's history and culture,the statement of the Sino threats,remains valid.
The gravest threat to the security of the Taiwan within the foreseeable future stems from the Sino and from the nature of Left-wing's history and culture.
In turn,the risk of war with the Sino is enough to commit,in common of deep plans and distant thoughts,timely and sufficient preparation by the Taiwan.
Since the economic,psychological,and political warfare which the Sino is now processing has dangerous potentialities for attacking the relative position of the Taiwan,and devastating the traditional Taiwan by means short of war,unless these tactical deployments are encountered.
As Taiwan,the possibility of the Sino's deliberate to war cannot be ruled out.
Sino's domination of the potential power,whether achieved by Left-wing's history and culture,or by political and economic means,would be politically and strategically unacceptable to the Taiwan.
Serious spying of Left-wing's history and culture,sabotage,and subversion by through and gone in for socialist and communist activity.
Such as,Prolonged "Big Words" of hisotry and culture,and Left-wing's economy instability.
Such as,the social Taiwanese people disunity.
Such as,development of a false sense of security through false change in Left-wing's history and culture.
As courent and for the foreseeable future,since the Sino will be probably misinterpretation of the determination of the Taiwan to maintain the status quo of indepenence and freedom with the traditional Taiwan,and its security,so that the war which we might take.
The capability of the Taiwan either in stability or in the event of war to face with threats to its security or to achieve the National objectives would be severely weakened by Left-wing's history and culture,such as:
1,to reduce the influence of Left-wing's history and culture to limits which no longer constitute a threat to the stability,security,independence and freedom of the Taiwan.
2,to bring about a fundamental change in the conduct of Left-wing's actions by the R.O.C. government,to conform with the purposes and principles set forth in the traditional Taiwan.
In achieving these goals,due care must be taken to avoid Left-wing's history and culture making worse Taiwan's economy and the fundamental values and an attitude inherent in Taiwanese people model of life.
We should be through to achieve the National overall objectives by methods of war through the following the maintasining status quo:
1,to encourage and oush the traditional Taiwan,and retract undue Left-wing's history and culture and influence,and the emergence of the countries as entities independent and free of the Taiwan.
2,To encourage the abandon of history and culture among the Taiwanese peoples of attitudes which will help to change Sino's behavior and evidencing the ability and determination to maintain National independence and freedom.
3,To be removed from the myth of Left-wing's history and culture by which people remote from Sino's influence are to adopt a logical and pragmatistic attitude toward the traditional Taiwan.
So as achievement of these goals needs that the maintaining the status quo:
1,commit and assure the stability and security of the Taiwan against crises of subversion and destruction,by Left-wing's history and culture.
2,the strengthening of the local economy's war-fighting potential,and the establishment of economic potential of readily available in the event of war.
3,If necessary,develop standard of military readiness which may be maintained as long as a deterrent to Sino's aggression,as indispensable support to Taiwan attitude toward Left-wing's history and culture,as a encouragement to Taiwanese peoples resisting Sino's aggression of power,and as a sufficient fundament for immediate military mobilization and commitment,if the war prove unavoidable.
4,maintain the Taiwanese peoples fully known and cognizant of the threats of Sino with its Left-wing's history and culture to the Taiwan's National security and homeland security so that Taiwanese people will be prepared.
Given the current and the future,Left-wing's history and culture,economy are becoming so dangerously,and also,insufficient to accomplish the attainment of the Taiwan's political,economic,and military developments,so which the maintaing the status quo is imperative.
When a continuation of current history and culture trends would result in a serious decline of the Taiwan,or these trends lead in isolation,not by deliberate decision but by lack of the obligatory fundament for a mighty initiative in the disputation with the Sino.
As independent and free position as the National status in the R.O.C. takes a heavy responsibility on the Taiwan for leadership;in other words,without a cooperative effort,led by the Taiwan's leadership,we will have to make gradual withdrawals under Left-wing's history and culture,pressure until we find one day that we have sacrificed status of important traditional Taiwan.
As Left-wing's history culture trend be reversed by the maintaining the status quo that will involve significant the Taiwan's politicasl and economic reforms.
In summary,we must be maintaining the status quo of the Taiwanese freedom and independence,confronting with the Sino,and according with the convincing evidence of the history shown that the determination and power of the freedom and independence can defeat Left-wing's history and culture.
The success of the maintaining the status quo depends on ultimately on recognition by the Taiwanese peoples , and this Government;because the Sino with its Left-wing's history and culture are in fact a real war in which the survival of the Taiwan is at stake. 
The the maintaining the status quo will need of us all the ingenuity,sacrifice,and unity required by the momentous importance of the tenacity to persist until our National objectives have been achieved.

Recommendations are to Mr.President of the Taiwan,Tsai Ing-wen


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