

有圖有真相 2


小子本布衣,布衣撿易開罐和躬讀於異域,還是保有一方台鐵便當盒!有日,居然發現蔡英文的相影,唉!雖泛黃,還是不減記憶!喜歡蔡英文是很愉快的記 憶,這是為什麼,我卻還保留蔡英文的影子!歷史是無法抹去想念,即使,撿易開罐的布衣小子念書念得可憐!但會永遠記得蔡英文的影子,那無心的笑容,燃燒 著,也燦爛布衣小子的終結歷史!簡單來說,您她媽的烏龜王八蛋的歷史與文化,說了幾十年,真的不累嗎?我們一起來把他們趕出我們的國土,好不好呢?

布衣小子,正在搜尋古早的記憶,當喜歡需要用文字來作報告時,足見我對記憶的重視;布衣小子,不爽歷史,需要蔡英文的啟動;在此之後,在我笨拙的說明,但今 後,我所能做的只是在終結歷史,打破對立的時代巨輪;我該說什麼呢或是,我該如何說明呢?我不爽,也不願意丟棄記憶的一隻狐狸;我相信,情書對於保留記憶 是跨越時空;即使,記憶有點螁色;但仍不失喜歡蔡英文的衝動;互信雖然微小,但是終結歷史,打破對立真的是實在的幸福;


Being ended of history by 蔡英文 gives 布衣小子 strength,loving 蔡英文 deeply gives 布衣小子 power.


Why did 台灣窮小子 love 蔡英文?

Ending of history through love eyes,and because of she is woman?
Every one have been proud of the nation needed woman revolution since ending of history.
Simply put,it was that Taiwan's traditio - generation transferring to the woman would be in charge of household.
The very oldest history,culture and philosophy should be retired,because of no values,and deal with crises and conflicts.
In an article interactive with 台灣窮小子.I speak of what I have understood about current and past history and culture of war.
It was Taiwan,but,that finally ending of history on women an unexpected after many people abandoned that country.
History and culture of war were sparked by the loss of Taiwan-talent,no matter whose you are?
The very oldest history,culture and philosophy of cold blood can be  the death of country,as only iron ideological from ending of history will still give women opportunities and changes.
Although,she is not so pretty,also,so stubborn,but,more attractive than history,culture and philosophy.
I believe our history and culture,that have already lost sight,which could not help us understood about history and culture,as Taiwanese.
Regardless of out of sort,or 賭爛,we have experienced difficulty, tragedy and conflict.In spite of they were reflected on the histroical stroies as well.In particular,woman.
Ending of history is to establish an obligation, based on the transition from our  out of sort,or 賭爛 towards that national vision of achievement,so we must bear difficulty and conflict,that give a voice to women.
They will be history-culture stories for the future.
Simply put,it will be perspective.Or,in longer-term,台灣窮小子 loves 蔡英文 of reason.
Besides very oldest history,culture and philosophy,how was Taiwan  different than China,you konw,or not,also?
The ending of history of objective is clear cut,therefore we do not never in doubt that achieve our strategy for the future.
We have ever studied the history and culture?Why study,or why not ending of history?If so,what does women have opportunities?
What the history and culture speak,and women as our strategic partners?Have we learned those women experiences?
Unknowingly,woman in my mind,that caused me to re-think how I viewed very oldest history and culture.
I understand the principle,additionally,woman  gave me a comprehensive understanding of how tolerance and  ingenuity in explanations,and served  war-fighting a super power in the country.

It is a truth of history and culture-man loves woman is a matter of course,and not related to history,culture and philosophy,in particular,how rich,or not?-台灣窮小子

Stubborn history,culture and philosophy are  still have failed to fully understand women,because of we believe women,all whose are hand-in-hand to working together to fight a new era war-fighting.Why did 台灣窮小子 love 蔡英文?This report still in re-new,entitled-ending of history!
Stubborn history,culture and philosophy thinks that they are greatest!So often they cannot give opportunities to 窮小子,even,women.Because poor is damning,and they are  fully failed to grasp the importance of these effort and innovation.
As we must recognize in defeating stubborn history,culture and philosophy-who gives an opportunity to woman?
If woman has commanded opportunities even after the war-fighting,we could have confirmed a key condition-why we challenged during the superiority.Stubborn history,culture and philosophy have never told us that how did  operation unless they understood woman,who were our loyal strategic partners.
The principles of ending of history is to support 台灣窮小子loves 蔡英文-commander leadership is determine to an opportunity of ending of history.Where are we recognizing the principles of ending of history,in Taiwan,in China,woman change is not a dream,is it?The principles of ending of history explain clearerly to 台灣窮小子 of strategy, thus creating and giving an opportunity to woman,that we are working together to defeat violent history-culture extremism of instability.
The principles of ending of history is able to help us successfully destroy history-culture extremism of violence and instability,in particular,women-who will achieve the way of  stability and peace.

There were two types of 斯斯,豬哥亮 had just said.So,as 台灣窮小子 was also saying that:"two classes with women,too."蔡英文 is no any different from women,indeed,they are womens' opportunities.In other words,smart woman is ending of history of power,or not?-台灣窮小子

Stubborn history,culture and philosophy have failed to learn historical  lesson.In particular,the women.Throwing aside the reality that every war-fighting strategic action will have unique levels,the focus,at least,they can give us,that we are identifying an achievable dream and action.Stubborn history,culture and philosophy cannot,but ,women can,cannot they?Unfortunately,also and unbelievably after experiencing the problems stubborn history,culture and philosophy have encountered ; they were no clear strategy to be explained-This was fated to God.As example:窮小子 cannot marry the apple of rich eye of higher social position.stubborn history,culture and philosophy were just said.
In other words,we are holding stubborn history,culture and philosophy that is the danger of war-fighting action without a clear-cut women strategies and opportunities.In Taiwan,in longer term,a national coreism is lack of motivated women benefits.
This was so oldest designed by stubborn history,culture and philosophy.It could not denied that it was wrong.National coreism,either before or after taking war-fighting actions,that must be  including women benefits,with coherent and sustainable war-fighting strategy.After all, stubborn history,culture and philosophy was extremely difficult,and this mentality has existed for generations.But,they have been proved a successfully in national stability. As,undoubtedly,next two decades of women could have made  some different determinations,or,as women power are to ending of history.Today,our adversaries are stubborn history,culture and philosophy,and our strategic partners are women,which is  much different.I learned stubborn history,culture and philosophy of  motivations,because of they did not have ideas!But,women could help us to  survive and live life.
If we lose women,stubborn history,culture and philosophy will be continuely still in our homeland,simply put,we are no home?
What 台灣窮小子 may be love 蔡英文?


Was loving woman a mistake?Why or why not?No,Not at all!
台灣窮小子  believe that never again will the stubborn history,culture and philosophy have opportunities with woman,even,窮小子.
Because of they are more a spoiler than a helper!
For us, the stubborn history,culture and philosophy  were the wrong strategy,and unfortunate events persistently show on hostility process.But,women can played out differently of historical visions,and as we go on  to support the our nation in the competition for the future.In particular,these are not related to history,culture and philosophy.Simply put,the stubborn history,culture and philosophy are full scale confrontation as national deployment mistakes,eventually,woman will lead us from full scale confrontation mistakes into different sides of visions and  desires for the future.
I love woman as self-determination,which are not related to history,culture and philosophy.The stubborn history,culture and philosophy will quickly fall out of favor in the future.Because of they are no ideas and souls.
Let's think that woman will be more loyal strategic partners for us.
The stubborn history,culture and philosophy were mistakes,also,perpetrators.台灣窮小子 filed my last reason on the stubborn history,culture and philosophy,because of us,all whose are no home?Home is a hauntingly ominous,especially,woman.So,we should clear out of the stubborn history,culture and philosophy-they are more a spoiler than a helper!Woman will be able to help our nation to be recovered,rather than, the stubborn history,culture and philosophy.

Woman -Accordance in the our nation is the basis for success in any promising.









Woman -Accordance in the our nation is the basis for success in any promising.



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