posted by 台灣窮小子 11132011
Obviously speaking,so-called the National spheroid explanation,that should provide a common structure and framework.It cannot denied that it needs to build of national system.In particular,this will not be related to history and culture.
The National spheroid explanation is only approximately to explained:"under the framework of national system",in which,achieve,promise and protect the principles of interoperable.In other words,it will be national responsibility to build on relevant to infrastructure guidance and standard rules.
In addition, National spheroid explanation also provides support technological intention to agree to be applied to future determine interoperability needs,in order to upgrade national security and standard,that work together to achieve a management of national environment.
Also,National spheroid explanation is a concept of combinative operation,that provides technology and resources to reach a new of effectiveness.
In other words,it will noticed and through new concept of national combinative operation and action to direct national position.In particular,under the specific capabilities,in order to discuss new principles and patterns,that explains common directions as prepare to meet challenges and uncertainties of the future.
The ideal of new concept of national combinative operation and action should provide national capabilities to win national advantage of the future.As structure and responsibility of National spheroid will develop and provide help to it.
As structure and responsibility of National spheroid of Joint commands to ask and advance mor widespread partnership,including,academic and businesses institutions of Joint operation,to work together share information.
Structure and responsibility of National spheroid of Joint commands also provides capabilities included with the production,exploitation,dissemination,and management.They are national infrastructure capabilities.Simply speaking,under the national grasp,technical system standards.
Under the definition of national framework,as common pattern to promise the national system is operating.
Under the definition of national framework,that will provide guidelines principles in operative process,in particular,under the organizational structure of central government committees,which focus support to the military and people's interests.
Likewisely,the definitive framework to promise common denominator for mutli-understanding,and than,enhance current national capabilities and future improvements.In addition,it will also provide a national system for strategic direction of the future,and methods.
Under the definition of national framework,as means of validity to build has global sense of national system.
Reference:Ex.president Eisenhower said:"peace through strength."
1,Goals of structure for National spheroid.
After all,national participants have specific feelings and visions,and also are understanding how they interact relationship with each other.So,under the National spheroid framework,which through the technological integration of "common denominator" to reconcile any kinds of conflicts and out of sort.Simply speaking,and it is an ability to integrate under the national system.If so,in long-term,is accordance with study of vistion to show that,the range should include,across businesses and academic institutions,people and military,and so on.In other words,today,it will seek for the future,and under the technological integration,that will probably be accomplished toward of interact relationship.So,under the key of interact relationship,it may show that establishs many of organizational structure in a common framework,and than,setting the stage for integration.
Moving forward for the future,as responsibility of National spheroid,that push any of structures can work together to reach logical representation.
Because structure of National spheroid needs upgrade,not limit its development.In particular,it can improve the key of support responsibilities and the effective pattern,to build essential of strategic guide principles.
Structure of National spheroid relationship should use timing process to push the design of national system,also,including,definition and guide principles.In other words,a mutli-related of Technical and system structures.
Under the technique,national system structure are identified and asked the future and current national capabilities.It cannot denied that,it is national operation elements to meet activities and interact for the future.
At the same time,they will probably be applicable for national conventions and standards,in which,provides explainable and integrable capabilities.As it can imagine that its relates and roles play,which should be the principles of interoperable,and the definition of Joint operation structure.
If so,followed the operational structure to imagine,as:
1,National system:under the system that will provide and support national and soceity security of operational structure.
2,National operation:under the operation that will explain operational elements to be done and supported national and soceith security of warfighting capabilities.
3,National technology:under the technique that will promise its can improve national system standred.In particular,related with interaction and mutli-dependency.
So,it also can imagine that national spheroid should be system-operation-technology.
2,Goal of frameworkfor National spheroid.
National spheroid system structure should be a era process of change,definition,and assessment;in particulat,a time framework.Especially,it will be cyclical scheming and national budgeting process to support national capabilities of the future.
The operational of national spheroid system can explain the current situation.In other words,"To be" is the end.
Establish effective national spheroid system,programming are defeating distance and history issues,and identified the key of national structure for definition.
National spheroid system almost include set of products that has been identified for each structure part,simply speaking,as derived from the structure approach.
So,this holds pursuance to the process,including,the planning.resource using,even,soceity interaction.In other words,they are related to history,culture,etc.
National spheroid system should use as security technology to explain the future of national subsistent environment.So,as in imaginations,that they are more important of national subsistent environment in explaining the future.Of couse,it is not related to national constitution.In particular,national collection capabilities may be substantially expanded in the future. Because it can provide timely information.
Establish the national spheroid,that should seek and keep national awareness-a interactive of guidable-pattern,which use as the flexibility and timly information to provide operational support between the nation and security partnership.
Similarly,federal government will be follow guidable-pattern to improve and in order to rapid responsibly to global changing events.Expecially,attack violence history extremism,subversion and destruction,weapons proliferation,counter-terrorism.Also,including,national economic analysis, and environmental studies.
Establish the national spheroid system should achieve multi-level security capabilities,to reduce coextensive systems,and following time process,in order to reduce the cost of technology.
Thet will make more affordable to national operation.
3,Future environment for National spheroid
Obviously speaking,at first,presumptions are necessary in describing future environment for National spheroid,in which,not related to National constitution,or history,or culture,or philosophy,etc. Foremost is that they are of continued National confinements,in particular,National finance.After all,more and more biggest pressure will be increasing.
In addition,second of presumptions are that National gather capabilities will be expanded in the future.
In orher words,National gather capabilities provides timely informational needs.This should keep dominant national awareness that provides dissimilarity of information rapidly and flexibility.
At the same time,and similarly,government decision-makers,including,draft and plan,in which,will be able to ask for,and to get timly improved information,in order to respond to fast-changing global pattern.
Particularly,attack violence historical extremism,counter-terrorism,etc.And environmental studies and economic analysis.
By National spheroid that the implementation of multi-level security capabilities will reduce redundant security systems,in addition,followed the timing process,which the cost of implementing technology will be more affordable.
So,National spheroid may be in accoreance with core supported by individual nation and region.Hopefully, it will increase dependent on correlative naturally-occurring and significant man-made objects,that meet basic national location and capability of data information demands.
A word of National spheroid may be foundation,which is validated by nation for accuracy,including,scales and relative accuracies.In order to face the areas of national mission requirements for the future.Of course,it can also be operated separately.
In other words,the capabilities of National spheroid is fundamental to achieving dominant national awareness,that satisfying national requirements is the central goal.
Conclusion :
National spheroid structure and framework applications will include management, dissemination and so on.
Training and supporting will be National friendly-capability,where possible to be fully integrated and gathered from relative information source data.And in accordance with nation and region of the priority using.that ensure with nation and region of the their own infrastructure and support capability.
National spheroid structure and framework can be pre-established in anticipation of existing national tasks, or specific plan,in order to meet new furure demands and timly requirements.
National spheroid structure and framework will be followed National policies and security directives, on a prioritized basis.
Particularly,potential of the groups of the commercial and academic interests,including,others governments.
As National spheroid structure and framework vision is to promise dominant national awareness,and ready access to the global information,intelligence,and strategic space.
In order to achieve this vision,and use words to imagine that National spheroid structure and framework should have four of strategic goals,as followed:
1,To provide the global information,intelligence,and strategic space for nation and region.
2,To provide the time schedule,in process,to get the global information,intelligence,and strategic space for nation and region.
3,Obtain and use the best available of the National spheroid structure and framework;No matter what the government,military,and commercial, etc.
4,Operate best available advanced technology to improve service to nation and region.
To sum up,National spheroid structure and framework will be phased approach that ensures the greater quantities,and delivery capabilities,and than,in order to obtain the global information,intelligence,and strategic space.
Simply put,National spheroid structure and framework will be architecture definition under the general terminology.They are not related to National constitution,History,Culture,and philosophy.