Never feel out of sort,even,when 布衣小子 has never forgotten,because 布衣小子 always remembered 蔡英文 who is remembrance with her smile.
The best and most beautiful things would be 蔡英文,who must be felt with heart.
小子本布衣,布衣撿易開罐和躬讀於異域,還是保有一方台鐵便當盒!有日,居然發現蔡英文的相影!雖泛黃,還是不減記憶!喜歡蔡英文是很愉快的記 憶,這是為什麼,我卻還保留蔡英文的影子!歷史是無法抹去想念,即使,撿易開罐的布衣小子念書念得可憐!但會永遠記得蔡英文的影子,那無心的笑容,燃燒 著,也燦爛布衣小子的終結歷史!簡單來說,您她媽的烏龜王八蛋的歷史與文化,說了幾十年,真的不累嗎?我們一起來把他們趕出我們的國土,好不好呢?
Chapter two : Why did 台灣窮小子 love 蔡英文?
Copyrighted @ 台灣窮小子 / 12162012
The stubborn history and culture are insecure,but,women are secure.台灣窮小子 has just said.
Speechless!Speechless!Speechless!stubborn history and culture,although,you are so smart,and some people like,but,doggone it.
They are no longer able to help us,in particular,women.Thoughts from 台灣窮小子 across the woman on the 蔡英文 thinking with exceptionalism.Woman-I think that attractive woman is to be self-evident.Women - they are all in a Taiwan land for unprecedented of the freedoms and opportuntities.These are not related to history,culture and philosophy.This Taiwan land's women are shining opportunities-destiny,who help us to see new and pretty visions.If we are ending of history,despited that has been long and tough.simply put,women visions are more grand for being so.Women,Yes,they shall be always extraordinary,envy and wonder of the organism,also,ending of history is,like,wonderful!This, at any rate, is coming from ending of history commitment-a moment of women change.If women change is not extraordinary.that what are women and what are women change their war-fighting goals?The essence of ending of history commitment,what really unites women and us,becomes loyal strategic partners,is not history,culture and philosophy.It is an idea. But,what an idea it is. In other words,women does not matter where you came from?And focus is,it matters where you are dying?Ending of history commitment is to women and us can do great dreams-everyone can!
Woman-silence,and also,cannot be suspicion of fleet.
They are holding the stubborn history and culture,they are easy,also,more attractive.But,台灣窮小子 thinks that they are just as balderdash and baloney.Because of women are still most attractive.This very oldest declaration of the stubborn history and culture are just as two heads are better than one,which does not understand women power and status,even, pass over their seriousness.The stubborn history and culture does not spare us and women,so,we does not forget that they are more a spoiler than a helper ; maybe we forget,also.All great national superiority are history and time against women opportunities,but,worse still,we know it,than,pass over it.Simply put,a women century - silence,and also,cannot be suspicion of fleet.It cannot denied that the dignities of the stubborn history and culture were also never so keenly found a "LP" of spoil.In other words,great history and culture should be recessional,or not?Indeed,in fact,every one,even dumbo,not be able to deny women exclusionary.The stubborn history and culture thinks that they are superiority,so as they cannot be improbable to agree ending of history of essential belief,especially,women uniqueness. Ending of history of essential belief was obviously right,and in spite of great history and culture,for now, still,they are more a spoiler than a helper.Let's think!As women,despite many out of sort - we are pals,and ever would be an extraordinary country.We must admit that,ending of history,and we are not be able to deny women exclusionary.Women will be different,because of ending of history will be an extraordinary national war-fighting action - we must persist to ending of history.Women change may face next decade of full strategy.
Women are ordinary,and not far from an extraordinary,especially,not related to stubborn history and culture.
Women are indeed different from organisms ; the model is rasing of woman change and ending of history,that will predominate in national system.Simply put,a recognition that 終結歷史騰籠換鳥, even if we face stubborn history and culture.Because of few they like about this women?Thare are differences-prejudice!Moreover, whatever many complaints and out of sorts ; women are themselves exceptionals of strategic deployment,in which,drive the great ending of history.Namely that,after many decades of stubborn history and culture have never built a better future,because of their common goals are more a spoiler than a helper!But,women!yes!they can establish a sense of identity,respect history and culture of liberty- ideal of ending of history.Although,賭爛 is being prospected-unavoidable.As how did it come to this? Whence this 賭爛?Most of all, perhaps,where stubborn history and culture that they are more a spoiler than a helper!So,neither nation,or political party,the stirring answer is to this question about women change-ending of history,which,perhaps,it is mocked to death. But,rightly so, because of it is national strategy deployment for the future.What's more,national attention shift from stubborn history and culture to women change.Let's think!so great national stubborn history and culture!In general, a commitment humble-ending of history - Women are ordinary.Because of one day will be really changed that. Ending of history will find the grander women purposes.Women rising is power of ending of history.The national greatness is to hope to see women mission and strategic means.Women are not stubborn history and culture,because they are more a spoiler than a helper!
Today,stubborn history and culture-no power-feel out of sort is to camouflage their fears.They do not understand and face women,even,the future.Never mind!Ending of history of women power,at least,we know the consequence of stubborn history and culture arrogances.How could not it be otherwise in ending of history?Those after hundred,thousand of years,in attritional disasters.Because of stubborn history and culture arrogances will doom to lose.We do not fear women,who are mo longer as prejudice as they should be,yet,they should be our most loyal strategic partners.
Poor,Loss,Stubborn history and culture arrogances-They are more spoilers than a helpers!Women and ending of history cannot paradoxical,than so simply is it.台灣窮小子 loves 蔡英文,incidentally, that is vision for the future.Simply put,orthodoxy and full of independence and freedom.Women and ending of history cannot caused fears,or control the so-called arbitrariness-there are no any effect in the national value whatsoever.The consequences of women and ending of history of both future vision and happiness feeling are still being.Despite this,history and culture does persist an extraordinary,grand ancestral tablet's.Simply put,women and ending of history will be fact of the national success,in future sense.
In other words, independent and free of ideas are to encourage us,and women of thinkings.Although,we face stubborn history and culture.Women and ending of history will be right strategies and ideas.It will be really worth.This is something to worship,not faer and prejudice.Women and ending of history prosperity is more of a commitment,than a crisis and threat.Changed in terms of speaking,there have no to able to fear,and indeed,women are much of whose to be proud.Because of stubborn history and culture arrogances will be self-inflicted!Even if ,sometimes,they are watching national actions,but cannot eliminate prejudice.In fact,stubborn history and culture arrogance is one thing;women change is another.In other words,it is not betrayed,or also means that women opportunities for the future.Womam is a special being,who is not related to history,culture and philosophy,but they can change,and write a surprisingly romance story to us-as love letter!Perhaps that someday,we will tell ourselves a romance story -Women and Ending of history.Especially,this also will be no disgrace,as 台灣窮小子 has still been loving 蔡英文 for a long time.
The end!
Copyrighted @ 台灣窮小子 / 1220 2012