




翻攝來自網絡 如有爭議 煩請告知 謝謝

Combining Change

七月十二日 posted by 台灣窮小子

















獨立選項與整合是連續性過程,手段來強化國家能源的能力和整體效益;尤其是,部署;首先,我們必須打擊極端歷史暴力主義和恐怖主義;因為它們是聰明的演員,或如:Green party等等,其完全忽略國家戰略嚇阻能力;今天,不論是核能或替代能源,它們是實現和創造,一個未來的國家能源目標和效益;













潛艦-sea wolf




未來的能源作戰目標是實現國家幸福,便宜電價的目標;以透過整合與聯合策略能力來打擊私有的壟斷和化石燃料的威脅與恐嚇;尤其是,未來的能源作戰,將是新模式的國家作戰計畫;遵照國家元首命令和原子能委員會的計劃安全評估,需求,作出精確與即時的能源部署規劃;精確與即時的能源部署規劃是未來能源選項; 同時,保有靈活性來面對不斷地改變的全球能源趨勢;換句話說,新模式的國家作戰計畫建構未來的戰略方案;因應和整合其他能源的手段,避免安全意外和考慮排解衝突








我們應該考量,當前與未來的能源威脅與需求,和在地區域關注選項;不可否認,能源安全是優先關注的理念,特別是,相互支持和操作部署;因為,能源部署是容易受傷;是以有合適的機制,採取保護,尤其是,嚴格的環境條件下;能源部署是需要專門訓練的工作團隊和個人;這類不相關於歷史,文化與哲學,因為他們是獨立的作戰單位;能源部署是國家有利可圖的目標,在未來,也是具有重大的影響;國家能源作戰是能夠預先規劃,或合適地,反應新出現的作戰目標;規劃提供機會和保持集中控制,增加選項;同時,最大限度地,降低反應時間,允許操作靈活性來實現目標;是以國家能源作戰是應對危機的國家行動方案;扮隨著全球情勢的改變,我們必須以先前未知的戰略目標來規劃和適應; 同時,允許重新定位快速反應的優勢;能源作戰支持與考量,國家聯合戰略能力和提供具體的支持;能源作戰,可以整合核能與新興能源的操作方案,以提高能源效率和減少影響;所有的能源作戰計畫是科學家與工程師的精心策劃,以確保所有的功能總成;有鑒於全球安全環境的改變,整合能源戰略需求,將可能會比古早任何時候都重要;成功規劃在能源作戰支持與考量,不僅是,理解當前與未來的全球環境;可能需要便利與安全的能源;不可否認,它是前進的積極的思維模式,而不是被動的反對的思維模式;特別是,不允許對國家利益構成重大危險!











It is a doctrine of war not to assume the enemy will not come, but rather to rely on one’s readiness to meet him; not to presume that he will not attack, but rather to make one’s self invincible. By The Art of War.







翻攝來自網絡 如有爭議 煩請告知 謝謝 

Does the Taiwan need nuclear power?

It cannot denied that environmental protection has already been no longer an ideological adversary,somply put,confrontation and out of sort have been over.
Because of global has changed,especially,which chewed up great natural energy in the many decades and a half.
Although,nuclear contingency has seriously attack national energy of its operationally deployed power.
These were historic experiences,and under the significant experiences,in which are fully rights to reject nuclear power.
Because of people needs security environment.
But,global energy environment will be unpredictable,in particular,future demands increasingly more complicated.
In order to nation still continues to own nuclear power.
This is fundament for strategic reason.
After all.political intentions are able to change,and advanced secure technology will be able to expected.
In addition,nuclear power continue to play solitary roles in the future,especially,supporting national security.
In spite of nuclear power make people fears,but,it will be agree with 21st century challenge,especially,nuclear power remain an essential key in national energy strategy for the future.
Because of nuclear power is national security and promise in the 21st Century.
Although,we seek beautiful dream of national energy fundamental action without nuclear power.Simply put,security and peace.
Yet,nuclear power exists,which will continue to protect nation and our partners of fundamental security role.
It will be fundamental statement for national energy strategy.


Chapter one:

In fact,national energy policies are shaped by many considerations,so as it is dynamic.
As followed,new pattern of  the concepts-flexible operation,and mutual guarantee.After all,national needs different types of energy systems which use as survivability for united command and control systems.
Because of us,all who meet new technologies and threats in the future.
New pattern of  the concepts will need to develop and integrate ideas,and systems,in which,in order to change national energy policies.
Simply put,future national energy policies affect will intensify our ability and competitiveness.
In order to be as a prospective and deployment,nation on using nuclear policy  to respond to future energy price is vague.
In other words,flexible operation,and mutual guarantee of nuclear power will be used to respond to national strategic-energy,and provides other energy of alternative options.
Looked back in the past over many decades of energy crises,nuclear power has always been throughout owned national strategy effects.
This is no doubtful.
Nuclear power are the convincing facts and widely recognized for national abilities,which is the cornerstone of national strategy.
Underpinned nuclear power are day-to-day precise,and unquestionable of operations.
Reliable nuclear power are able to be execution,accountability,and redibility for heart of national energy.

Chapter 1-1:

Operative objective of nuclear power is to provide secure,precise and reliable of national energy for ready,in particular,which in support of mational capability.Nuclear power adapts to special energy threats and global energy security of challenge.Simply put,national power.The role of nuclear power  is to deter from vague energy price for the future.At the same time,guarantee partners of the national energy deployment ability and  determination to protect them,in particular,cooperative partners.Simply put,national options.The day-to-day of nuclear power are  actually operating energy effects,in particular,to create desired effects.Nuclear power is national strategic-tool,in which,in order to affect the desired consequence for the future.In order to national leader who should have strong single to show and ensure new era and pattern of national strategic energy,especially,deployment.In other words,national determination.These no matter what are whether the non nuclea.or other alternative energy.In other words,energy capabilities provides realizable national objectives.After all,the use of nuclear power is usually with potential out of sort.Because of psychological effects can also be attack the use of nuclear power of fears.When we are trying and considering that non-nuclear alternatives can bring about what effects they do.Different strategy can improve energy and employ capabilities,if deployed, successfully achieve national economy  objectives.These  issues is critical for nuclear power conditions and understandings to meet changing affect.

Chapter 1-2:

In accordance with nuclear power offers different national superiority of capabilities.Simply put,it is the whole national power structure.And nuclear power - capable present only mission flexibility,response capability in different areas of signaling crisis.Over the past many decades,nuclear power has provoded a posture suitable for global environment.In addition,nuclear power structure are complex of supporting facilities and equipment,where a sense of security efforts.It remain essential,today.In other words,a sense of security  infrastructure and professional team-work,in which,in order to intensify nuclear power credibility,in particular,establishes national strategic deterrence capabilities.As we should hold and maintain nuclear power,which needs professional,precise skills with secure responsibility of team-workforce.In active and passive defenses systems,where provides timely,effective warning capabilities and secure intelligence,and than, intensifies national nuclear power of credibility.As long as nuclear power exist,nation will keep cheap,safe,secure,and effective of energy price,especially,we recover professional,precise skills of team-workforce and experts.Nuclear power is the most survivable energy in the future.Nuclear power is the future energy property,which forward-deployed combined with the global influence-based to guarantee and provide power to nation and partner.Though ofter referred to as a word of non-nuclear,in fact,it is a misleading.Because of non-nuclear effect is reaching only small regional operative objective.In order to operate of nuclear power will affect an ongoing engagement and friendly betweem other energies,especially,also,will help achieve nation's political objectives,and have an impact of energy relations for the future.Simply put,it is platform,which provide more flexibility in the national energies deployment under the high-threat,high-risk environment. The national energies deployment are including full spectrum of handle,and security,which support operative units must be appropriately trained.Training is balanced between the security and demands.Simply put,operative mission shifts conventional pattern,in which,in order to  those supporting and operating.For example,such as,nuclear generation of conventional shift.In other words,we will build standardized of national nuclear power policies.Nuclear power is working with other alternative energies in the ,standardized of national nuclear power policies.

The tactical activities,we should  focus on the mutual arrangement and relation,in particular,maneuver operative conditions.-台灣窮小子

Chapter one : reflective conclusion:

It cannot denied that the great nuclear power of threat and destruction,but,it can be limited for unusual proposal.
After all,the great nuclear power of threat and destruction are short- and long-term of significant political and psychological effects,which may not avoid to bring about unintended results.
But,significant  physical effects of nuclear power,which use as advanced technologies to strengthening security.
Because of unclear power development depends on advanced secure design,geopolitical  location,conditions and height,so on.In particular,we must consider the nation's political and military objectives,which provide secure system.
Simply put,it will have an immediate effect on national power and talent superiority.
National power and talent superiority are long-term of significant strategic operational-effect.Especially.another strategic operational-effect is radiation,which limit the effectiveness of unclear power development,so that,it makes people fear.
Unclear power is one of characteristics for the future energy,which the flexibility will still be given centralized control-this is unequaled of national power.-台灣窮小子
Confrontation and conflict may be lost national power,in particular,long-term relations with other alternative energies may be damaged.
In order to us,who should integrate and consider mutual operating environment.Especially,we build significant protective mechanisms.In particular,survivable capabilities in the environment.
In the facts and anticipations,which is difficult to determine exactly what that a word of non-unclear and alternative energies might be?
Simply put,out of sort is only psychological effects,not national energy of  prospective and deployment for the future.
In other words,unclear power is independent option to the nation.
Because of national independent option of objectives are to achieve national policical,economic and military objectives,also,use as terms favorable to deal wi]th out of sort and conflict.
Independent option and integrate are continuous process,means,that intensify national energy of capabilities and overall effectiveness.
At first,we must attack historical violence extremism and terrorism,because of them are the smartest actors,as:green party,etc,all whose are ignore completely national strategic deterrence capabilities.
Today,there are no matter what the nuclear power or  alternative energy,which are to achieve and create a national energy objectives and effects for the future.
Thses are timely progress,and toward accomplishing mission.
In short,strategies have provided tools and accompanying operative plans,that we are working together to understanding whether national objectives have been achieved?

Chapter two:


At all times,individuals included with operative units systems and are constituents are explainable,responsible for the security.
It is highly salary of value,that was paid by nation.
Nuclear power of engagement will execute
stringent positivity operative plans to ensure their constituents do not sensitive to unauthorized change,destroy,and steal.
As global energy of re-distribution,nation should consider with smaller scale,and their own equally professional team-work of capabilities.This will be ongoing challenge for the future.Simply put,it will be how to achieve a focused?

Chapter 2-1:Reliability

The future of national nuclear power development is to incorporate commitment,and consistent with its demands.
In particular,we ensure nuclear power secure accidents and loss,materiel and  contribute to the safety,including,personnel work,especially,cannot allowed unauthorized use by us.After all,the appropriate infrastructure already exists,this is base of national power.As we should consider their area of responsibility and deployment,with other secure demands.These are no matter what the nuclear power,or alternative energies.It will be national energy of joint operation,in particular,energy reliability.Day-to-day energy operation to reliable and precise will be national commitment for the future,especially,strategic deterence capabilities.The future energy of explanation are system's safety,reliability capabilities,including,safety design,with other energies of technolohical compatibility,and inspections guidances.Simply put,energies are joint operations,at the same time,also, an integral part of independent operation.Positive integration to ensure the reliability of national energy systems,which accomplish the deployed missions.In other words,national essential leadership whose behavior demonstrates the reliability,integrity of national energy systems,in particular,and loyalty to the nation.These are not related to history,culture,and philosophy.Especially,show business.In short,they are concepts, techniques and knowledgeable in the mission to be executed-reliability.

Chapter 2-2:Security

Indeed,one of energy is the foremost.In particular,energy standards can be met future demands.
In order to us,who should be positive integration measures to ensure future security of energy supplies.
The  positive integration measures is concept to prevent in accidents or incidents.In particular,we are on execution of emergency war-fighting orders. Because of secure measures are integrating secure design,specific of qualifications-compatible,future reliability and secure operative-principles.

Nuclear power units must ensure  secure  measures to ensure prospective and deployment - 台灣窮小子

Nuclear power units and  infrastructure exists at that traditional secure measures. In order to us,who must ensure comprehensive secure measures at that upgrade nuclear power deployment demeands.In fact, the security is a key component of that responsible concept.In particular,we  special care must be taken nuclear power deployment,yet,all of energies are the vulnerable.
The goal of security is - to improve,and  contribute to nuclear power deployment of effectiveness.There is no doubtful.

Chapter two : Reflective summary conclusion:

According with nuclear power  provides a  reliability,security patterns.
Also,to looked back in the past,it had provided a reassured means to response energy crises.
Simply put,nuclear power provides a unique of flexibility mission in different of crises.
Especially,we intensify the credibility of national energy power,and these are no matter what  concert with active and passive of energy deployments.
Additionally,imperative is the specialized skills to maintain and capable team-work.
This is national  responsibility,equally,they are not related to history,culture,and philosophy.
Through usually heard reliability,security,which to as oppose reasons.In fact,it is a misleading.
Because of short-term of tactical effect,which implies explaining only limited political objectives,not national energy of prospective and deployment for the future.
After all,zero-defects standard considering the safety was the joke,which  has never been a stated or implied willingness of allowence to reduce our own reliability of country.
In other words,we ensure nuclear power of reliability,security,in which,in order to be national responsibility.

Chapter three:Energy operative sopports and considerations

It cannot denied that,under the prospective and deployment - energy superiority  and challenge endures of nation is tough than even before.
At first,we need to identify appropriately priorities,and balance other energies resources,in particular,costs of operation.In fact,it will be energy challenges for the future.
The future of energy challenges is in the national policy deployment,not related to history,culture and philosophy.--台灣窮小子
Reason is beginning:
The operative goal of future energies are to achieve national happiness,and electrovalent cheap,in which,in order to through integration and joint strategic capability to attack private monopolization and fossil fuels of threat and fear.
Especially,the future of energy operations will be new pattern of national operations,in which,in order to be followed National Leader of  commands,and the Atomic Energy Council of  targeting secure assessments,demands,at that make precision and timely of energies deployed-programs.
The precision and timely of energies deployed-programs are future energies of options,at the same time,also maintaining the flexibility to face constantly changing of global energies trends.
In other words, new pattern of national operations will establish future pf strategic scenarios to response and integrate means of other energies,and avoid secure accidents,consider to fix conflicts up.

Chapter 3-1:Timely fixes secure accidents and conflicts.
Nuclear options included provide enough mission to promise mutual support,closely coordinated with other energies.
Simply put,energies intergrations are combining with national strategies and objectives.
Today,of particular,we need to concern is the timely fixes secure accidents and conflicts.
Mutual fratricide,or reject nuclear options at that they will reduce the effectiveness of energies integrations.
So,national planning coordinate between different energies to assure they cannot conflict,in particular,before being started.
In addition,we will reduce secure accidents of risks.
In order to us,who fully make sense of energies options,applicable information and data,and with energy security partners of support influence.
Especially,the influence of the central government will be also biggest determination,in other words - eyes drives insane are destroied by our own nuclear power.
Chapter 3-2:National nuclear superiorty
In fact,most national energy operations,depends on conducted across strategies with mutual support,complement of inter-dependent relations.
The special nature of Nuclear power,so as on  operations,which must be integrated to get up to superiorty objectives.
Success in superiorty objectives depends on national missions,at that will enhance national properties by protecting action.In particular,national energy space for the future.
Chapter 3-3:Joint Support
Effective support is key for nuclear power to be successful,at that support energy deployment of size,and all likely substitutive energies operative scenarios.
Also,effective support for nuclear power is to current operations of joint support operation,in which,in order to response potential energy crisis in the future.
In accordance with energy deployment of demands is to support effective operation for nuclear power,which throughout the range of national energy operation of areas.

Reflective summary conclusion:

We should consider, current and future,energy threats and demands of the future,and local areas concerned options.
It cannot denied that,energy security have priority concerned ideas,in particular,mutual support and operative deployment.
Because of they are sensitive to energy deployments,in order to have appropriate mechanism must be taken to protect them,especially,under the strict enviroment factors.
Energy deployments requires special-trained team-work and an individual.
They are not related to history,culture,and philosophy.Because of them,whose are independent operative units.
Energy deployments are lucrative targets in the future,also,are having the great effects.
National energy operation can be preplanned,or adaptively to response emerging objectives.
Preplanning provides the opportunity and maintains centralized control,increases options,while minimizing response time,also,allow the operative flexibility to achieve objectives.
In order to National energy operation,which are response to crisis of national  action scenario
Accompany with global trends of changing,we must be use as  previously unknown strategic objectives,to be adaptive planning,while allow retarget strike emerging of superiority.
Energy operation sopports and considerations are assigned to work with national joint strategic capability,and provided the specific support .
Energy operation can integrate nuclear power and  emerging energy operations to enhance energy effectiveness,and reduce  effects.
All energy operation are being cared planning by scientists and engineers of plans,in which,in order to ensure comprehensive capabilities.
Given the global security environment of changing,we are integrating for energy strategic demends will also be important than even before.
Successful planning in the energy operation sopports and considerations,more than just make sense of current and future global environment,at that,will be probably need easy and safe of energies.
It cannot denied that,they are forward-thinking, proactive of ideological pattern, rather than reactive and oppositional of ideological pattern.
In particular,we cannot allow them pose a significant danger to national interests.

Chapter four : Promise as future energy.

Energy options are operaions for national promise.In order to be responsible for the future security propmise of the options at all times.
According with future of global energy trades,which its emphasize that national energy and forces assigned,especially,smaller,and professional team-work of nuclear power.
As ongoing challenge to the nation is how to achieve promised in the energy.
It cannot denied that a word of zero-defects are ridiculous.Simply put,we need to upgrade relative standard security,and reliability of nuclear power.
National energy operation of strategic objectives are to incorporate nuclear power of promise,in which,its consistent with other ebergies of compatibility.
In particular,it intensifies confidence between nation and allies.
Because of precise and reliable nuclear are national commitment of the future,also,execute strategic deterrence of capability.
These are no matter what the nuclear powe,or alternative energy,and nation must ensure their security, and reliability.

These are promises for the future.Promise,must be positive mechanism.

1,National energy is an essential component  in the effective energy operation and deterence capability of nuclear power.
Nuclear power owns independent operation ability in the national energy fields,which must be in place to allow for support industries demands.
Therefore,we intensify secure, inter-operable with its survivable.
Under the energy interoperability,we need to use professional technology standards,in which,in order to interoperate with other energies,at least,to combine all energy  technology standards systems.
It cannot denied that a conventional conflict may interrupt nuclear power in environmental survivability,so,nation must have ability to exercise control force,which allow nuclear power cannot be interrupted by conventional conflict.
We must consider energy survivability,in order to still support nuclear power.
National energy of promise versus instable global energy trends,after all,energy prices are still a part of deceptive operations.
In other words,national energy of promise will strike the appropriate balance nuclear power of security,survivability,and interoperability,in which,in order to depending energy threats and challenges for the future.

2,At the heart of future energy reclines technological promise.
Future energy must  maintain the highest standards of nuclear power,rather than simply facing the alternative energy.
After all,not only the promise of the national energy operation,also,is the credibility,and in particular,is founded in the skill of nuclear power team-work and personnel.
Promise is essential for high-standard naclear power performance.
Because of high-standard naclear power provides energy reliability are key  elements that national competitiveness.
 so,in-depth nuclear power development is critical.
Because of nuclear power are integrating and understanding about how energies work,enabling nuclear power to resolve problems when we meet instable energy prices as operating nuclear power is support to.
Therefore,the importance of  alternative energy cannot be overstated.
They also present who short-term benefit only stand and wait.As 布衣小子 said.
The national nuclear power is,in fact,a power in being that accomplishes national longer-term operative objectives by not being engaged in energy crisis.
There are two major, interrelated objectives for operating nuclear pwoer-promise and deterrence.
Nuclear power provide country a standred and capability in mission execution,at the same time,bring  alternative energy of the prospective and deployment.

Reflective Conclusion

At first,to appoint as Sun Tzu,said:It is a doctrine of war not to assume the enemy will not come, but rather to rely on one’s readiness to meet him; not to presume that he will not attack, but rather to make one’s self invincible. By The Art of War.
Nuclear power is only preparation,which meets insufficient of the future,and it cannot attack,or become an attribut iinvincible.
This integration is not possible without exercising the nuclear power,in particular,intensifies national energy of process.
Nuclear power provides national ability to the  rest of the worldwide for promise.
In other words,nuclear power is paramount of national energy option.
So.there is no question.
Ultimately,re-start nuclear power is one primary superiority of national energy deployment.


Full reflective report Conclusion:

According with global energy and reserve trends change for the future.As we should re-build future national energy framework,in particular,future energy of deterrent capability.Capability provides guidance principle for national active framework,which are not related to histiry,culture,and philosophy.Simply put,guidance principle is based on experience and lessons learned gained from technology and knowledge,and than,deployed national power in support of national security objectives for the future.Nuclear power is responsible for keeping effective power with the capability to support national energy power,in particular,non-expectative global energy price from confronting the nation and its interests,especially,timely,step by step,to support national security of deterrent capability.In other words,nuclear power guarantee that determination and ability between nation and cooperative partnership.After all,nuclear power energy operation has been fighting for over 50 years,in the world.In order to us,who meet future globe realistic energy environment,which needs a in integration and understanding of nuclear power.
The nuclear power has no mission more susceptive than bulwarking essential national superiority and keeping mission.
In order to us,who must be steadfast in protecting we have owned nuclear power expertise and technological operation.Because of credible nuclear power is maintaining nation and secure partners of standards.
Integrating and compromising insist on standards, which are accountabilities in the central government,also,national deployment will be the foundations on which energy success depends for the future.As with alternative energy is only target,not authoritative national strategic deployment.National energy provides means,and keep enduring principles,at the same time,ensures high standred of guidance to drive.The nuclear power role sustains national energy deployment with the capability to support the national security goals,in particular,attacks instable global energy prices.
In other words,national determination and ability to protect our with secure cooperation partnerships.We cannot avoid instable global energy prices.Especially,violent history extremism.As we must maintain nuclear power strategic stability.Because energy will will be an important challenge in the future.Nuclear power operation is not limited to preventing energy threat for the future.Simply put,it is nation and cooperative partners of common interests.
In short,Nuclear power is national option,and ensures contribution.Because of our Nation's nuclear power are secure,credible,safe and prepared.

The end




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