






COPYRIGHTED BY 台灣窮小子 NOV 16 2013 1500PM


分子物理 2  





一,台灣的經濟活動 ;
二,資源貧乏的縣市政府 ;
三,台北市與高雄市的經濟作戰行動 ;







Holds stupid of history and culture that they are interesting,but,make nation and people to the feeling out of sort conclusions-the limits to big words.
Yet,stupid of history and culture central concern is not fulfilment of basic demands and dreams to the nation and people,but rather the bring about a poor nation.
The Taiwan's mechanism will be projected and developed planing by ending of history for the future,in which,in order to comprehensive national science and technology responsible for long-range national integrative strategy programming.This is not related to the the age-old of history and culture.
台灣窮小子 is accordance with Mr,洪榮一's explanation, presented the new pattern model,which its principal strategic purpose is to determine to whether ending of history,and that pose Taiwan's national economy-development strategy,these strategic objectives include the following:
1,Integrating national science and technology,and creating 10 million new jobs opportunities in the next decade.
2,Ending of history,re-integrating national financial distribution to reduce poor.
3,Ending of history,re-integrating homeland averages.
4,Ending of history,giving priority to take care of the basic needs of all people.
Re-integrating the national industries are in order to achieving a new national economic order,such as,open finances and markets, tone up to national science-technology,and stabilize home commodity prices,and establishment of national code of conduct of translational industries.

(1),New Taiwan's economic framework and assumptions.

The new model of national economic framework as basically a ending of history economic model and thus applicable to the strategic analysis of the Taiwan and worldwide.However,台灣窮小子 has cautioned that: we must be ending of history,and to respond to history-culture violent extremism and terrorism attacks.
After all,we cannot predict the future of the Taiwan's esonomy,yet,we can end out of stupid of history and culture big words and brags expectations ; future Taiwan's style will be national internal consistence,and than,we start possible the new model of Taiwan's economy.
To end out out of stupid of history and culture inconsistent,big words and brags expectations,and we need to establish a Taiwan's style of ending of history,in order to protect and promise nation's internal consistence,by ending of history the national mechanism of interdependent process in which each process,start output,and sponges a specific war-fighting combination.

(2),New Taiwan's economic framework and assumptions.

The harsh accounting needed by framework analysis and balance the model of Taiwan's economy,in particular,industry growth ; after all,national imports and exports must be balanced and consistency.
National accounting is technique,and not related to the history and culture,which allows a representing particular stupid of history and culture.Because of its relatively specific national strategy-policy definition,so,it cannot denied that it will be advantageous,rather than,stupid of history and culture.
Indeed,we have questioned mechanism whether this national standard of clear is justifiable because it needs an enormous amount of
informations,and we must be adapted from ending of history.Absolutely,this is being accorded with assumption of Molecule.
As new pattern of model will divide Taiwan's economy into a homogeneous economy,although,definition and presentation of results are just show national driving equations and single model,and in addition to trade has been kept simple.For example,such as:
1,Taiwan's economic activity
2,Resource-poor county-city government
3,Economic War-fighting-Activity of the Taipei and Kaohsiung
These three types of economic war-fighting-actibities does not reflect the effect of development and deployment in the stupid of history and culture,or,in any sense, be viewed as a mutli-culture model,or,only got national driving equations,and are solved stupid of history and culture intervals.
In other words, usually at decade intervals, the model can be applied ,through to a wide variety of war-fighting missions,despite that how many usefulness we do not know,but,we have been included many controversial assumptions.
It is not related to stupid of history and culture.
In other words,the conclude of stupid of history and cultrue is confusion of national assumptions - not made in assessing time trends,and not comes to considering
the model as a new model of National Economy.
In order to many assumptions and a framework is in National Vision for the future that there has been so tough put to assess stupid of history and culture reasonableness,however,new model of Taiwan's national economy framework may be only applied into strategic and policy-deployments,in which,in order to respond rapidly wide range of Taiwan's National Core Interests,and re-build National System - commissioned in Ending of history.


Stupid of history and culture of study's results, particularly that no objective,also,no optimistic cannot-end barriers exist within nation and society,and the key of its is to being worked together to National Determination by National member of people.
In other words,National pollution is stupid of history and culture,and no doubtful.
NEW MODEL OF TAIWAN ECONOMY IS A NATIONAL SCIENCE,AND TECHNOLOGICALLY MANAGEABLE QUESTION,however,stupid of history and culturew with economy is discredited for national limits.
The economic model of stupid of history and culture cannot deal with many fundamental problems faced in the limits-to-National economic growth.
And indeed the optimism of stupid of history economy cannot supported by the specific results of nation.
After all,history-culture economic order is based on historical trends,so,they cannot face the current and future global economic arrangements and trends.
This situation history-culture economic order will be so pessimistic,even, perspective of loose end.
Simply put,Income per capita will face an absolute descent in living.
So,war-fighting operation of NEW MODEL OF TAIWAN ECONOMY,and than,we are ending of history,and in such a way as a model ,NEW FINDING to reflect more optimistic assumptions and assessments.
It is not related to stupid of history and culture.
For example,such as war-fighting operation of NEW MODEL OF TAIWAN ECONOMY :
1,Re-integrate National agricultural investments and strategic deployment.
2,Increased investments in National science and technology,rather than,stupid of history and culture.
3,Re-integrate National resource ; deny stupid of history and culture.

NEW FINDING IN following strategy and policy war-fighting modelling,have been used to check the national economic consequences and strategies,and are not related to stupid of history and culture.
In other words,NEW FINDING over the next two decades,technology through the reasonable substitution of labor and capital power.
This shown that technological conservation can reduce national balance-of-payments.In particular,requirements will ask for a 20% in national savings rate.
In other words,NEW FINDING of the national savings rate will be given to nation in form of direct assistance,in addition to national balance-of-payments deficits will also reduced,so as an analysis and comparison in these situation,台灣窮小子 thinks that :1,On the Taiwan projection of the future development of the Taiwan economy under the new model,and show that the practical possibility of such an optimistic national strategy-program such must be start.
2,We must be seriously questioned stupid of histoey and culture
3,We must integrate THE RE-ALLOCATION OF NATIONAL ECONOMIC RESOURCES,which will be current and future the most prospecting of the national economic development.
Yet,none of stupid of history and culture,were capable of starting per capita income.So,study of the future Taiwan's industrial development and peoples' live and consumption will be shown by new model of Taiwan's national economy.It is not related to stupid of history and culture.


In general,that the national economic prospects of the stupid of history and culture are not so optimistic.
Development Decade cannot be insufficient to start new model of development,and we must consider two decades between national population growth and national per capita income and savings rate.
The limits imposed by stupid of history and culture could be end,so,we can overcome through appropriate strategies,policies,and investments,in which,in order to speed up nation's political,military,social and institutional in change.
Ending of history achieve rapid development therefore, general conditions are considered essential.
The new model of start often changes in nation's political,military,social and institution,including,national economic strategies and policies.
30 percent of National GNP must be applied for investment,especially,national agricultural operation,especially,we will be equitable income redistribution,and identify effectiveness of national investments.
The significant changes in the national economy,strategic objective is to reduce potential stupid of history and culture threats and crises ; balance-of-payments deficits ; stimulating national exports ; at the same time,we shift regional development of imbalance.
It is not related to stupid of history and culture.
So,as new model of Taiwan's National Economy is not taken separately,is promise to identify a advantageous national superiority consequence.
Only achieved through ENDING OF HISTORY a combination of new model of Taiwan's National Economy,and in addition to defeat Japan's Abe's economy and China's economy.



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