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Copyrighted @ 台灣窮小子 050202013



















Copyrighted @ 台灣窮小子 05012013


The statement of stupid of history is only for themselves and not responsible,simply put,they are responsible for nothing. However,ending of history is still more true Taiwan Style in strategy and policy.The stupid of history and culture have never created national force that give us who are able to confront threats to Taiwan's national interests,even,defined the threats.The stupid of history and culture have never established effective,independent,free of peoples' mechanism,and prosperous national forces and numbers.The stupid of history and culture have never protected and developed Taiwan's concept of the National and Homeland security of interests,even,safeguard Taiwan's real power and potential with commensurate of national strategy.In particular,they overlooked central government of framework to execute rational,effective national policy.So,stupid of history and culture is system of failureYet,ending of history of changed power will build a successful,multiple Taiwan Style,in order to ensure war-fighting power of the future.Especially,the ending of history has already found increasingly historical-cultural violence extremism and terrorism.Because of Taiwan's national core interests they have scanted judge.In these situations,and this is an extreme crisis,which the means of stupid of history and culture failure-the national sign is stupid.In other words, stupid of history and culture cannot defend national integrity,also,nor integrate the joint operation capability and energy.These unfinished employment have forced national science and technology to retreat,so,Taiwan remains bogged down in many protracted nightmares,most of which are far from people.Therefore,stupid of history and culture are difficult to see what concrete strategic interests have furnished.In other words,the stupif of history and culture war-fighting objectives and capabilities remain seriously insufficient,so,lead the lack of national strategy,or of changed integrity Although,it had been successful,but,current and future,it got unwinnable.It cannot denied that Taiwan Style-ending of history of forces on change is adventure,but,we can be sure,and fully understand that this will be national war-fighting activity accordingly.


The age-old of history and culture have already admitted that their war-fighting means were no useless,only desolation and segregation,even,no rule of law,no war-fighting decisions-making and executions,and no accountabilities.After all,the age-old of history and culture have never establised a unified national strategy and policy,or only direct one of us.Also,they only openly show off their superiority.In particular,Taiwan's inherent spirit military unit.The age-old of history and culture have never told us,who how to face the future ;  a fact that it is fully unaccountable.Because of any analyses of age-old of history and culture are  distinguishing with them.The age-old of history and culture have their own administrative system of commands which,simply put,it is unaccountable to syatem and standard.In the basis of the age-old of history and culture exist, and only operated from nation and peopless' largesse,so,they can remain to get money and resource,rather than,seeks change.Thus,thay could also contend that they have never known what ending of history is doing for strategic deployment,and unfortunately,these explanations we are not reciprocally exclusive.For instence:Woman explanations are bull shutting,and 窮小子 could not befriend rich daughter of higher social position.So,as the age-old of history and culture exists only pampered,that its nation's political,military,and economic reliability is essential questionable. But,Taiwan Style of change is determining to National and Homeland security.The age-old of history and culture are signifying this violences and sophistries.So,we should not fear a ending of history,but rather,nation and peoples' efforts to operate the various technological advantage. All the R.O.C.-Taiwan are thoroughly corrupted and brutalized by stupid of history and culture.For instance:the rape is not criminal fact.The stupid of history and culture cannot afford natiuonal demobilization war-fighting energy,just brutalize their nation and peoples' subordinates,or play politics.Simply put,they are national criminal groups who use of corruption,hazing,abuse and violence in the our nation and people.They are  form coalitions with disaffected to attack national and homeland security of strategy and policy.This was a an ancient of mind their business of method  ; and even this is to provide an opportunity,but,they are not absolutlely understand national war-fighting system of the independence,freedom,and democrance.As Taiwan Style-ending of history of forces on changed is to effort to build a strong nation,in particular,re-turn back into super power,and freed from any restraints,also.welcom new concepts.The practices of stupid of history and culture are stopping,but,Taiwan Style-ending of history of forces on changed is to reinforce national  war-fighting system of the independence,freedom,and democrance.The stupid of history and culture are serious moral, psychological, mental of abnormals.There is mounting ebidence said that they did not understand a comprehensive,smart elements of national change.Moreover,Taiwan Style suggests, that we must be comprehensively ending of history in process.The stupid of history and culture are no rational national security strategy or consensus.But,the change of Taiwan Style is to bear mutual dependence partnerships between the nation and people.Ending of history,clearly,it can be help achieveing this about national strategic objective.


The entire trend of stubborn of hsitory and culture current means operative ability dispersedness,that consequences of its might become so dangerous absolutely for national security.Because of they lacked of self-directing,and alternative core concepts.In fact,stubborn of history and culture have rough blocked key of national security strategy and policy,in particular,military change of volunarism. 台灣窮小子 thinks that they did very not just to purpose,and also may to force central government to readmit capitulationism.Simply put,they start the age-old hardly directing system.In other words,capitulationism is as part of a larger effort by soldiers to attack national core concept.The leadership of stubborn of history and culture were in spite of contribution,also,had produced many opportunities and interests.But,the leadership of stubborn of history and culture will trail in the future of investment,at the hands of national framework and war-fight mission declining readiness may have little impact.On the other hand,the core crisis of stupid of history and culture may encourage potentially radical and terror relations,in particular,frustrate from volunarism change,in other words,it will be majoy national strategy of failure.This is quite possible assessment that if  an emergency situation occurs.So,stupid of history and culture will deceive our country and people.For instance,台灣窮小子 cannot betray 蔡英文 always,simply put,power of love.So,ending of history  presupposes that provide and support superior troops policy,rather than the age-old volunarism.This observation points are to ending of history of superior troops policy,which is mutual dependent and interdepend relations,also,ultimate national force.Because of stupid of history and culture does not conform to the national strategy  governing principles,and will seriously disorganize nation-people interaction.And they lack of coordination and administration between each other,in the national security of the future,that will being about  seriously threats.These are weaknesses of stupid of history and culture,so,ending of history is strong incentives,in which,in order to working tohether foster superior troops policy of self-autonomy,and to take autonomous war-fighting activity,even,against them.Therefore,this report not defame central government of strategic execution,but,ending of history must build a new military change-superior troops,in which,in order to achieve coordination,and support  effective command,and deployed military activities.For this reason,ending of history is in an effort to recentralize power to defeat stupid of history and culture,and stably create a national autonomy force - superior troops policy.These are not related to the age-old of history and culture.


Ending of history change is necessary,also,has to do so.Because of we quiet expect effective change.If ending of history,we will be able to have significance,continuity of national strategy meaning,and these are not related to the age-old of history and culture.Because of the age-old of histroy and culture only reflects struggles,and as a single show that they will be ended.We should understand war-fighting definition and the change process we must first the strategic objective of ending of history.The new story is that stupid of history and culture have been serious struggle occurring,and it cannot denied that they have already made side deals with national  principles of change power.Ending of history is new pattern of national security concept and change,simply put,it will be the national blueprint for the future,in which,in order to viewing direct threats up national security exist,in particular,guarantee national stability and security.Furthermore,based on the assumption that ending of history is national mission,and superior to more precise national strategy definition,and remove stubborn of history and culture framework,at the same time,not interfering on legitimate national desires.This is given stupid of history and culture of the age-old change process,and this is a declaration of war and confession of despair.Ending of history change is to restart the demands of the national mobilization war-fighting.Ending of history change must match the optimum war-fighting operation to the political,military,and economic development.And these are not related to the age-old of history and culture.Although, it is unclear what kind of war-fighting capacities and mobilizations,but,ending of history makes us to think again!Therefore,台灣窮小子 thinks that ending of history is not only a change to overtake stupid of history and culture existing defects,at the same time,also is a model to intensify national war-fighting capability and power.Thus,ending of history is a real,or,more precisely build nation's political,military,and economic models.The forthcoming ending of history of national security concept,the actual strategic objectives of the change will establish good national system because of stubborn of history and culture have little to do in reality.Stubborn of history and culture thinks that changed power is wholly threaten their  stability,rather than,deal with any advantageous to national interests of strategies and policies,simply put,subordinate to them.As in real Taiwan Style,interdependent relation will be ending stupid of history and culture.Of course,this is also needing the tradition of woman idea,although,台灣窮小子 is just a civilian,and believes 蔡英文 who make sure love of power to ending of history.The stubborn of history and culture consequences of the change are no less ruinous. They will also be unable to build any kind of nation's political,military and economic strategic operation in the current and future for national fundament.Thus we must confront ending of history issue. Ending of history change needed to ensure Taiwan's national core interests are lacking, as in national mobilization war-fighting energy,and than,use as way to the national science&technology capability to defeat concepts.Strategy and policy are in the ending of history concept,especially,women ideas.Unless ending of history change options are no better.


In this context, the age-old of history and culture of  strategic dead ends and  shameless-ism are hardly surprising. In spite of they add so prettiest dreams that remain to this discouraging.
Although,they arguably stopped situations from worsening,or becoming bigger national threats,but,stupid of history and culture does not know how to establish durable settlements that maintain national core interests.
The age-old of history and culture.this process that will destructively weaken national aspirations to  democracy,independence,and freedom.
So,ending of history of strategic operation is vital to national core interest,when the forces available to stubborn of history and culture cannot maintain order.
Because of ending of history is understanding national trends of the future,or,avoid face threat of renewed historical-cultural violence extremism and terrorism.
However,ending of history no settlement is in now,it will probably be denied any true change,simply put,ending of history of strategic operation is to play a major national core interests role.
So,stupid of history and culture of failure that will effectively sustain nation's political,military,and economic of strategic objectives.Especially,they will not achieve lasting national security.
Finally,ending of history reflects nation's political,militarymand economic determinations,which are not related to the age-old of history and culture.Otherwise,this will be hazard national own stability and integrity.In particular,triggering warfare.


It cannot denied that ending of history this national strategy plan is clever with ulterior,because of we understand stupid of history and culture who are seriously deficient in national disaster.
The past of history and culture change,rather than a real change in the national strategy definition.
Monastic Pig alone  knows what stupid of history and culture will come of strategic ignorance,and return back to the  ancient periods models.
But,ending of history of strategic operation can be reasonably certain that Taiwan will continue to be anything,in particular,a stable,independent,free and democratic of secure,cooperative partner.
If we do not ending of history,and question than become,what situation will be,and what happens then?


To this objective is as vision for the future,indeed,ending of history create change-a greatly developed the concept.
They include stupid of history and culture against the war-fighting mind,and
allow new national science&technology as new war-fighting models that can strike threat and spirit of historical-cultural violence extremism and terrorism.
Moreover,stupid of history and cultrue are losing competitiveness.In other words,ending of history is to reflect Taiwan's extreme disenchantment,also,the means that start national mobilization war-fighting energy and capability.These are not related to the age-old of history and culture.
But, those disaffected people who believe stupid of history and culture of ideologies and concepts.And it is wasting time,or will become Taiwan's enemies.
This concept of ending of history will be particularly attracted by us.
For us there is that we must be ending of history,a stupid of history and culture of ingrained  sense of superiority and realize.
Ending of history is a understanding,even,revolutionary development.Simply put,we are not turning.


Taiwan is a democratic snation, and arguably is proceeding towards independence and freedom.
These are not related to the age-old of history and culture.
In addition to stupid of history and culture neither are stable or predictable.
The stupid of history and culture does not have nation's strategic mechanisms for the future.
Simply put,stupid of history and culture are only having terrific prospects,and future conflicts and terrifies.So,they are failures,or,ending of history.
Ending of history makes us who becomes the one,and,stupid of history and culture crises are also one?

    Taiwan Style

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