Copyrighted @ 台灣窮小子 04222013
Indeed,we are facing the current and future of Taiwan's change ; ending of hiostory of prospects and visions are a specific strategic analyses.These are not related to the age-old of history and culture.In the recital experiences of 台灣窮小子,Taiwan Style is historical,For many decades I have been studying in the experience,in particular,new pattern of Taiwan change.Ending of history will start national process of change,at the same time,changes nation's political,militarymand economic strategies and policies.Ending of hiostory of prospects and visions are in the nation's developed process,in particular,the current and future both historical-cultural forecasting and analysis.The futrue of Taiwan's change ; ending of hiostory of prospects and visions will be addressed national science and technology,included political,militarymand economic aspects of the issues,in which,in order to establish national superiority demand of the future,and process political transformation,especially,national and social of dominant ideology,and faced the roles of threats and crises.Simply put,at least,ending of hiostory of prospect and visions,these are shares,which give nation able to execute as protection and promise of core interests,and representing a struggled nation and power.These are not related to history and culture.Stubborn of history and culture are always dangerous,as pattern of ending of hiostory of prospec and visions does show that will prove a changed process,and than influenced by national politics,military,economy,and society. These are not related to history and culture.Because of,indeed,stubborn of history and culture,this means that a complex,unclear with that words.Ending of hiostory of prospect and visions are to establish a new stable order,and laying the foundation,at the same time,leads new national desires.These are not related to history and culture.In fact,台灣窮小子 is able to ensure stubborn of history and culture of troubles and feels out of sort,because of they do not have ideas,brains,and spirits.After troubles,ending of history will be restoring broken nation's political,military,and economic relations,and building a new corresponding to national war-fighting nissions and time-reschedules,and re-establishing national foreign policy of connections.In other words,the fundamental of ending of history is our nation's strategic logic of self-revival.These are not related to history and culture.
Obviously speaking,the changed strategy of Taiwan Style of prospect and vision is a broad definition,this is a clearly term,in particular,the ideas of changed strategy will transform into a national efforts amd forces,in which,in order to meeting and facing Taiwan's demands for the current and future.On the other hand,ending of history of changed strategy is a comprehensive process,which are including political,military,and economic,social of national core issues,and upgrading national war-fighting capabilities and energies of key of elements of science and technology.Also,ending of history of changed strategy is the war-fighting ability of the national economy,which supports homeland and national security issues with establishments in the role and position of regional and global systems,and we will be meeting threats and crises issues to closely tied together.These are not related to the age-old of history and culture.The ending of history change is a nation's developed process.At first,we will be ending of overcoming the legacy of dirts.So,as it will be an effective of new pattern system to replace the age-old of system,and meeting the transformation of the demands of an open national and social economy.In other words,the ending of history change is building the foundations for a new pattern nation,in particular,national forces,which supports new pattern of national and social of demands for the future.Because of stubborn of history and culture were happening in suffering of national,social,and people's life of environment,so,as ending of history will be determining the best option of key issue.Because of it corresponds to the Taiwan's national war-fighting capability and energy of mobilization,and the maintenance of a balance of competitiveness of advantageous to Taiwan in regions and worldwide.Moreover,under the most difficult conditions,unfortunately,stubborn of history and culture have been proved no strategic values,so as ending of history will find an optimum and necessary of strategic solution.It is directly tied to Taiwan's future,rather than,stubborn of history and culture.As result of national war-fighting capability driven by shortage.Unnoticed by many,The implications of stubborn of history and culture change are rough.In actually,stubborn of history and culture change appears that nothing but piecemeal storys.Simply put,stubborn of history and culture change are not entirely national strategy-logic in the future.It cannot denied that "change" has been a watchword by President Ma,in particular,ran his an elective activity.But,he ignored inactives of stubborn of history and culture.So,the stubborn of history and culture of change just inherited the age-old of concepts,that's why war-fighting mission would still become so difficult,and make people's feeling out of sort and frustrating.As,ending of history is to start nation and people's enthusiasms,especially determine on inherent brainstorm,rather than,stubborn of history and culture.In other words,new pattern of Taiwan Style-Ending of history will be the best product in our nation.
Indeed,at the current and this time,Taiwan style change seem be climbing out of valleys.It cannot denied that change is a voluntary priority,and which is not related to the age-old of history and culture.Because of it is only national commitment for the future,that we will gain speedy progress.The commitment of Taiwan Style change will be helping nation to save money.Simply put,it is only enthusiasm,also, is impulse.However,the age-old of history and culture have already lost enthusiasm and impulse.In other words,Taiwan style change is on the all-Taiwanese movement,and in order to support nation,in particular,re-integrate national science and technology,which its responded to challenge under the making a serious effort.this is not related to the age-old of history and culture.Taiwan Style change is a paramount problem,also,the war-fighting solution which seemed a top priority. After all,the age-old of history and culture are no major breakthroughs on war-fighting capability,or,only maneuvering so old dogmas.Before that the age-old of history and culture have already been into a period of military,political,and economic crises.And this is a very hot national problem.So,as Taiwan Style change is now,and promises of renewed efforts to get support,in particular,our partners,even,accept women.This is an important war-fighting activity because of it determined the national position to provide national leadership to the changed process.The direction of Taiwan Style is to get new national drive chain of change.Simply put,it will immediate speculation.This is not related to the age-old of history and culture.Because of the age-old of the history and culture lacks experience in this change,yet,the direction of Taiwan Style will take time to master the keys of problems.Finally,in this situation the age-old of history and culture change are even more unlikely to be in attention,but,Taiwan Style change will be deepening and seeking technology to engage change.This is what only positive national development.Especially,ending of history.
Obviously speaking,the stubborn of history and culture of change is only meaning that there is a no compelling national war-fighting plan,in particular,support,and broad support national science and technology.Simply put,in the current situation,they lack of dynamic change,and effective compelling.As Taiwan Style-Ending of history will be in meaningful change beyond them.The stubborn of history and culture seems to have the vision for pretty,but,lacks the national science and technology in the political,military,and economic war-fighting ideas.This is an analysis by 台灣窮小子-it has been for a long,a long time.Stubborn of history and culture must depend on the super power support,but,Taiwan Style-ending of history does not ; This is the conditional at best,which owns strong ;eadership and core concepts-independence and freedom. As change has been the stumbling block from stupid of history and culture in the past.There is no doubtful.Because of national leader cannot make choices,and has led to limited war-fighting superiority to disappear,and thereby reducing nation's overall war-fighting capability and superiority.So,ending of history is to create conditions,and cannot transform.For instance:the money we buy soya sauce,so we cannot buy salt.
Ending of history is to promise its rational and executive national budget,and absolutely deter embezzlement.
Ending of history is to ensure extremely important for laws protections and norms.
Simply put,ending of history of man,rather than,stupid of history and culture,in particular,an war-fighting instinct.After all,in the era of the future,stupid of history and culture will be no longer anachronistic ; national morale comes from ending of history!In other words,ending of history is to establish a "hallway of security",in order to guide national change.These are not related to the age-old of history and culture.