
「Taiwan Style」is ending of history !



Copyrighted @ 台灣窮小子 07192013 1700PM


























「Taiwan Style」is ending of history !
Copyrighted @ 台灣窮小子 07192013

The R.O.C.(Taiwan) is such country,台灣窮小子 believes that it will be only thrugh ending of history,and no doubtful.In the wake of the ending of history will become as a national ideology,which its has been focused on the extant national power.Stupid of history and culture is not free,even,trouble,which depends on whether its own ending of history in the future.After all,stupid of history and culture of influence will continues to decline,and ending of history reflects the increasing emphasis that are starting another role.This can be said that the Taiwan's crisis in ending of history has shown as a direct result of turning point,in which,in order to face failure to stupid of history and culture,and build new pattern of nation's political,military,and economic new concept and order.Especially,we have failed to define history and culture relationship,because of they were liers,rather than,take preventative mechanism.National strategy of ending of history emphasis that the significant autonomy to promote the national conduct for the future,this is key,rather than,stupid of history and culture.A stable ending of history can contribute to legitimate and effectively governmental war-fighting base,which can limit stupid of histroy and culture right and mistreating,and than,creates greater opportunity for the Taiwan.Yet,the stupid of history and culture of this keys struggle to use as feels out of sort of nation,society,and people.Simply put,they cannot understand failed to themselves.Struggle is as an useful tool,and so old.By stupid of history and culture adopting of lies,only disunity and instigation which both to seek to increase personal power,for instance,gets rid of dissenters,if they are not our groups. Stupid of history and culture lacks of effective war-fighting deployment,and the process of conversional groups who are working together to separativetendencies.As ending of history of national strategy is to encourage prospective autonomy and power,which integrates Taiwan's characteristic as possible.The ending of history of national strategy is to state its national determination to protect and promise national integrity:We promise separative issues in the national politics,military,trade,economy,and even crime.We will not make compromise in the stupid of history and culture under any circumstances,ending of history allow the break-up of Taiwan's national superiority.Because of stupid of history and culture failed to institutionalize a national framework for relations,also,moreover,stopping the Taiwan's national system for the future.In other words, stupid of history and culture are no powers.The ending of history of national strategy is accordance with the National Constitution of the R.O.C. to promise and protect national integrity and determination.The ending of history conclusion is to provide the National Constitution of foundation.We must have a clear understanding of Taiwan's national strategy that will be ending of history.The goal of chapter 16 is to explain Taiwan's national strategy that will be ending of history,and after its transformation within the Taiwan's national framework of integrity on the maintainable security for the future.


Taiwan's political development isthe dominant trend in the 1990's that remains following the serious history and culture,in particular,south-northern regionalism plots.It cannot denied that it was a inequality,especially,the background of historical conflicts.Because of we saw the stupid of history and culture still depended on traditional war-fighting models,in particular,they emphasized that provoked tensions.They overlooked absolutely to used towards bilateral compromises and encouraged as the key mechanism.So,as south-northern regionalism plots destroyed the national foundation of the Taiwan.Not only south-northern regionalism,specific,over-sort,stupid of history and culture of theoretical will be acknowledged that they do not have national strategy benefits and values.台灣窮小子 is enough evidence to conclude that the age-old and stupid of history and culture should be relax ; yet,ending of history can provide vision and answer,at the best,especially,we must try to a closer woman partnership.Ending of history is impressive to us,and we realised national loyalty will be represented an much better opportunity for national survival.These are not related to the age-old of history and culture.Only stupid of history and culture can loud objections against ending of history,but we will find remarkably quickly with ridiculous in the stupid of history and culture.Because of ending of history will recycle power,and executive vertical to decided to explore Taiwan's the possibilities of war-fighting forces.In other words,of course,stupid of history and culture are no ideas,no souls,so,we are possible to conclude that they were only operating national politics games.But,ending of history will achieve national fundament stability,rather than,stupid of history and culture plots.Especially,we build and combine them in various war-fighting configurations.These are not related to the age-old of history and culture.The major question is the sustainability of this confident relation between woman with us.Looking at this question from national politic,military,and economy,it is possible to see a positive answer in the ending of history.Even,the ending of history base is not very stability,absolutely,but,the optimistic situation is that it will be on the national track for the future.Taiwan will need new war-fighting leadership of ending of history ; the age-old of war-fighting operation will be tough and painful decisions,and increase tensions.


On 20 MAY 2008 according with Mr.President.Ma tried to change to avoid crisis,in particular,political and economic crises,however,precipitating stupid of history abd culture.Obviously speaking,the crisis immediate effects on the age-old of history and culture relations.At first,it brought about attack the central government authority. National president overtops on the Congress,even,the National constitution of the R.O.C. The change meant the ending of hisotry,women involvements were the crucial national elements,especially,it clearly expressed we are pals and authorities-sharing,rather than.stupid of history and culture.Secondly,the crisis shown the core vulnerability of the stupid of history and culture and thus in relative,they steady their own sacrosanct authorities-Taiwan is only their fief,such as,women.Some insisted on the former president Chen's private area in his criminal action,though,they quickly acquire formal justice,but,yet,anti-national constitution behave.So,as stupid of history and culture of demonstration of independence and power was not more Tanwan's change than real.At the same time,Ms.蔡英文's Taiwan's common consensus is to promote Taiwan to seek more substantial mechanisms to ensure Taiwan's financial and economic self-sufficiency. These are not related to the age-old of history and culture.Locally based war-fighting model emerged relatively stronger than regional industries in the future.Above all,war-fighting model of local industries are the reality of the interdependence of the national economy development.These are not related to the history and culture.The violent history and culture alarmed worldwide,if we lost the Taiwan,we will not allow violent history and culture trends.This is Taiwan's crisis.To ensure and joint a understanding,not a stupid of history and culture conceptWe should re-integrate the whole vertical structure of national system inder the national constitution.Ending of history use as agreements into accord with a set of game rules between the central and local government.To solve the dilemma of strategic deployment,at the same time,national identity is to keep Taiwan's security of the future.Ending of history rationalises system,and intensifies transparency,rather than,re-division.Also,ending of history will make Taiwan re-entered the war situation,and build new pattern of autonomic vision because of it will be national commitment for the future,not stupid of history and culture.Yet,time will tell that ending of history will be exactly natiuonal strategy for the future.In Taiwan's crisis and dream,ending of history is grabbing opportunity rather than following a age-old of history and culture.On the other hand,clearly is,what are the ending of history prospects for Taiwan's dream becoming reality?

Political crisis

It cannot denied that ending of history is contradictory,but,re-integration of the national system which is the directly challenging principle.This principle will become way of independent,free and democratic country that Taiwan seeks,and is not entrenched in the age-old of the history and culture.

Economic crisis

Taiwan's economic crisis remained the key question in the regional industries where may lack of powerful national commitment.The solution is to build a optimising the fund management between the industries and government of distribution,whether or not this is the best solution,rather than,stupid of history and culture of carve-up.In particular,national taxes,through integrate and re-build a new taxes system ; levying of VAT on biggest corporations at the place where their main economic war-fighting activity and an imputed tax,not only deep small businesses.In other words,we re-integrate Taiwan's small businesses war-fighting capability.Regional Support,local small businesses cannot being carve-up by stupid of history and culture,and ensure that central government fund transfers to the local small businesses are spent for war-fighting objective.Or,local givernments are to be made responsible for tax levying,in particular,we should be given the responsibility.Simply put,the central government will not consider in the predicable future,remain help for re-integration.Ending of history with a new and careful central and local government,which work on the overall economy and tax framework remain remote.

Inherent ending of history

Ending of history,this term should become a concept as a unifying in the future because it remains most challenging of Taiwan's dream,and this will reverse the current and future trend,in particular,we face stupid of history and culture,which is to have room for them,sort or out of sort,a Taiwan's dream exception.台灣窮小子's national strategy has no intention to challenging the ancestral tablet,but the proposal for ending of history is rational.In particular,woman superiority of the future.The establishment of the age-old of the history and culture of the components have owed many rational strategy-programming,so I do have a strange sense,but did not have enough the ending of history,they remained fragmented.Floated Taiwan,and therefore,the national strategy of the ending of history will be a basis for future integration for dream.

The impact of Taiwan crisis

How can this be avoided?Ending of history.The destiny of Our homeland is Taiwan,ending of history is the most significant factor in influence on the crisis.The age-old of history and culture lost its cohesion which it has never become a real dream in Taiwan we own.But,ending of history is as important to base on national strategy,which its strategic objective is to establish a our own dream.These are not related to the age-old of history and culture.Ending of history,Transformation,build our home,in the R.O.C.-based republic,integrate national force,loyal is norm. These are not related to the age-old of history and culture.

(4),The interplayed normalization in the new pattern of ending of history

The regional trend and interplay of new pattern of ending of history changes provides a deployment for national logic in the future.The interplayed normalization may supoort this s ending of history concept,which ensure the integrity of national system.After all,pool history and culture makes them increasingly unreliable,and they are becoming greater and communication so difficult.This is expected,and not related to the age-old stroy because of the interplayed normalization is to promise national and local loyalties and solid central government system.In other words,stupid of history and culture have become naffordable to pay for national commitment,so,ending of history remains a major strategic principle,even,is process slowly.

National interests is the interplayed normalization.

Because of stupid of history and culture can be through the age-old of privative elements ,which reinforces them with their supporters of protection cover,in order to defeat against external ,or even,internal troubles.Inevitably,the age-old of stupid of history and culture of privative elements would lead a key issue - corruptibility.In fact,not privative element has been able to control by central government,that this might have been expected to destroy the national system's integrity.The national strategy of ending of history is to refer global traditions of independence,freedom,and democracy,in particular,we are taking into consideration a deep identity in the national loyalties and social ethics as a whole.Such ending of history explanations do not show to be sufficient,but,it will be a new pattern of national war-fighting force to start.These are not related to the age-old of history and culture.
The national strategy of ending of history is easy to identify the national war-fighting superiority,such as:
1,Defeating historical and cultural violence groupings of organised crime.
2,Building powerful our own national military force.
3,National science and technology of abilities to influence the national elections.
4,Nation and people security have priority of national leader knows.
These are not related to the age-old of history and culture.After all,stupid of history and culture of national interests are quite limited,especially,they are a potential threat to instability in the future.So far Taiwan have not contemplated any of the national strategy of ending of history.The stupid of history and culture of national interests are briberies,corruptions,and conspiracies.Former president Chen being the exception that confirms the game rule in the stupid of history and culture.台灣窮小子's reasoning may be slightly theoretical,but,rich studying practices and experiences are invisible.Such as,love of power.An extreme standrard of complexity and high level of risk is characteristic of the stupid of history and culture,therefore,national leader does not brave to ending of history only in order to reassure people.Overall,The national strategy of ending of history is to assuming national responsibilities of support,this benign national warfare force may,yet,change in the near future.The current political stabilisation remains in Taiwan,relative and fragile as it is, can provide for through means of elections that are maintainable national balance.Simply put,the stupid of history and culture of national era had ended,on the other hand, ending of history signifies that we will not be never turning.A background of the stupid of history and culture tragedy,this lost national dream may turn out to be quite expensive,and the waste of national resources on two decades may be unaffordable.Of course!Absolutely!A best option for the interplayed normalization will make this ending of history option workable.Normalisation is the way for moderate and pragmatic,Taiwan,our motherland can enjoy better cooperation with non-ideological history and culture.The character of normalized involvement will determine on the ending of history,in which,in order to meeting Taiwan's security challenges for the future.One completely critical,the national strategy of ending of history and culture is to prevent any privatisation of history and culture of national force.As the national strategy of ending of history and culture are really advantageous.One important precondition is to avoid the stupid of history and culture line in the Taiwan.The national strategy of ending of history and culture is reunification.


It cannot denied that we through many decades of the existence of the history and culture,as the national leader will be faced and established with the ending of history of new mode national integration mechanisms.
In doing this process,new mode national integration mechanisms will overcome the stupid of history and culture esperiences,this not only positive aspects of the national warfare,but,it also avoids the collapse of the stupid of history and culture.
Taiwan at the gateway of the next decade for the 21st century:New model of ending of history,and we follow the beaten route,or not?
The stable ending of history is the Republic of China central system of government,so whose our nation's the highest strategic guiding principles will explain strategic capability,status,and interdependent partnership.
This is what the national direction,which not related to the stupid of history and culture.
Or I should say that the stable ending of history,and strengthening national governance and loyal principle.
Or could it be said that the stable ending of history of key power that build an effective,new model of national force and potential to control and manage stupid and collapsed history and culture.
Chapter 16 only explains that the new mode of stability is said by Former President Mr.李登輝 ,and unpredictable,stupid of history and culture that defines Taiwan at the ending of history of the next era.
The new mode of stability is not driven by stupid of history and culture,but rather it shows by approve national stratrgy of ending of history,in which,in order to start and renew blueprint for national strategy.
However,according with current history and culture have already been outdated and largely stupid of history only provided a national destruction mechanism.
My explanation concludes by suggesting the new mode of stability is said by Former President Mr.李登輝 that a strong ending of history supports national transformation.
Because of stupid of history and culture,that eventually implodes under the its internal contradictions

The end

    Taiwan Style

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