Make progress from the Air / 自空中出擊
COPYRIGHTED BY 台灣窮小子 AUG 19 2013
No matter what view and see,there is not blaming between the DPP and Chairwoman 蔡英文,but,it wonder whose did not know what the National Air Force Framework is,since 60 years,the KMT has been in power in the Taiwan?
Restructuring of National Air Force and Joint Operation to face the challenges of as providing accurate,timely support defense.Although,it has been in the second decades of 21st century,but,cannot avoid that still face the global threat and crisis.So,National Air Force must be reconside,in particular,blue sky force strategic goal to fight high speed,high-quantity of the threat,especially,regional threat.This is change.As use of Technology and Brainstorming to be adjusted and providing under the Joint Operation of more the flexible and reliable needs,in particular,face the ocean challenge.National Air Force Framework can be improved by growing interoperability and cross-training opportunities,especially,and by increasing the Joint Operation of ground capability training.It cannot denied that key of conditions which cannot avoid,as training, obtainment and modernization requirements as well as support National Air Force shift and contingency.
Make progress from the Air:(1)
The regional change in keys and priorities for National Air Force service to attack,in particular,direct control of the striking power ,including,international open sea of air force.These means that the basis of the national security;National operations and programs to face new of National order.
These are also the fundamental change in National Air Force service anteriorities,especially,the regional strategy change,so,facing the future threat and challenge,and must demanded the National Air Force with new equipment,training,personnel and demonstrations.Make progress from the Air that addressed is whether the rebuilding the National Air Force to provide timely,of relevant intelligence,in a while,developing and supporting the Joint Operation.What is the threats and challenges to our national security interests?But,the National Air Force strategic goal is still to fight the regional threat.
So,from National Air Force advocates that restructured,expand and operate its traditional roles play.It cannot denied that it is a national characteristic and culture to operate forward,and to respond quickly.This change to establish different the Joint Operation Network for National Air Force.Obviously speaking,this change is effective to get the flexible and reliable of the strategy,tactic and theater of the properties and informations.Make progress from the Air that restructuring the blue sky threat,and technique supports the National Air Force.
Make progress from the Air:(2)
First chapter:Facing to derive from the different directions of the threat and challenge.Make progress from the Air of the strategic definition should change from blue sky operations,in particular,power projection.So-called the change of the National Air Force,it will response and face to the new and evidence threat,especially,as subvertion and aggression by specific countries and groups.In a while,it also make much of what is command?Facing future the threats and challenges;National Air Force,to be capable of rapidly responding projecting military force to propect and promise Homeland security,in particular,forward-deployed forces.In other words,Those are supporting national strategic objectives,through,Air strategic deterrence and An air line control to protect National Air Rights and strategic air freight.Obviously speaking,history have changed,and no value.So,it emphasis on National Air Force in response and challenge future of National security environment.Because it is National superiority and in strategic focus.In spite of danger,but,also is an opportunity.Technology and Brainstorming support to participate and anticipating needs,so,in this foundation,intensify mission,tactical purpose and operation to provide right information and resources uses.It cannot denied that China presents the most direct challenge,so,central government must have ability to operate,in particular,homeland security.History and identification cannot protect our country;National characteristic can work together on united.To sum up,What on earth the National Air Force concerns include?
Make progress from the Air:(2)National technology support to face new pattern of challenge and threat.
New pattern of challenge and threat has been changing the pattern of the National Air Force.
From the objectivity perspective,the future of warfare pattern is rapidly and information change,in particular,dynamoc process change,so,it must be securely and rapidly to privide an accurate information to enhance concern,it will be a pattern to adapt the National Air Force demands.
So-called the National Air Force goal is provide timely and accurate information,specifically an assessment of political,military and economic vulnerabilities and characteristics.Additionally, it doesnot need to depends on systems,because the systens are developing day by day that meet the national military force needs.After all,it is a thecnique,also,is art,but,not with fascination.In other words,the National Air Force needs different technology pattern concept in the Joint Operational environment,and the points are able to predictive and analysis,including,assessment.
Simply speaking,technology concept can permits the National Air Force that will play an important role.This is key to effective effort to provide best of Joint Operation to meet challenge.So,National Air Force is a powerful infrastructure to provide responsible rapid,and timely support.
So-called the global air threat is including airplane operations,system,and action;it will be affecting national air areas,especially,the air tactical uses.It emphasize that supporting the concept-0based of the National Air Force.
Additionally, operate on advance in technology to explain the doctrine,in a while,to relfective changes that through them to strengthening and keeping the National Air Force of Joint Operational interoperability.In particular,projecting force.fielded operational system
So,advanced technology is the National Air Force of the fielded operational system and operating it.As based on this experience that must be established a a mechanism to operating and building interoperability as well as capability to define.
Obviously speaking,the national air force will continue provide strong and fkexible detettence to aggression that the nation can respond rapidly to crises and threats.Simply speaking,forward-deployed of National Air Force will continue to be authorities force of choice and engage.For example,such as,to developing the advanced military technology to face the risks.To facing the unpredictable nature of future challenges,and that,it must demands highly capable,even,provide timely and accurate attack capability that work together to face the Air Threat for the future.After all,advanced of the science&technology is processing will show less reaction and warning time.The National Air Force has sought the operate of technology applications to improve,expand the National Air Force system framework,in spite of facing limited defense budgets,but,will still continue to drive the necessity defense that adaot the future of the purposes for National Air Force.After all,sometimes,conflicts have beeb avoided,but,at first,to demanding and encouraging more cooperation in the National Air Force to keep anticipate and awareness,even,through understanding an adversary's capabilities to assessing,and than,identifying the so-called key of problem vulnerabilities.To sum up,National Air Force has made the promise that should become to move forward frm the sky for 21st century.Because it will face challenge,also.However, technology is not without its dangers.The point is that the quality of National Air Force,and it is always takes precedence over quantity.