


devil dog

We Come From an Island



COPYRIGHTED BY 台灣窮小子 OCT 02 2013 2200PM








頑固的歷史與文化面對一個奇怪的作戰序列,它們必須集中在保持統一的作戰系統,以利擬據效益,可能這才是一個窘策略-沒有思考!是的!例如:可能有70%的民進黨與台灣派,不知道終結歷史的策略擬據戰術力量,以致於,遭到嚴重破壞其作戰架構與力量;換句話說,民進黨與台灣派,建立以頑固的歷史與文化的中心關係,並不斷地,惡性與深化,循環在頑固的歷史與文化並依賴於頑固的歷史與文化的對立,以致緊張情勢變得更加強烈,缺少作戰力量!這意味是民進黨與台灣派的生存危機;所以,一次終結,終結歷史,純粹地轉型國家政軍與經濟作戰模式-頑固的歷史與文化與世隔絕;頑固的歷史與文化是挑釁與威脅,通常是被設計帶來問題在國家;簡單來說,它們不爽國家的獨立,自由與民主完整性的挑戰!是以,死狗的終結歷史作為民進黨與台灣派,重新加入,或成為一個作戰防衛系統,以因應挑戰;這是不相關於歷史與文化!事實上,注意的是終結歷史,透過建立新模式作戰系統,以取代頑固的歷史與文化,以預防危機與威脅;畢竟,處於水深火熱之中是頑固的歷史與文化,而不是民進黨與台灣派;簡單來說,WHAT KICKED THE STUPID OF HUSTORY AND CULTURE ASS!頑固的歷史與文化早已經帶來災難性的國家影響,換句話說,終結歷史以預防,其崩潰;這是不相關於歷史與文化!頑固的歷史與文化作戰能力,不再能夠確保國家安全優勢,這是嚴重質疑!是以,頑固的歷史與文化,不僅是一個國家政軍與經濟問題,同時,他也啟動國家分裂!特別是,在國家策略文化領域,它完全破壞國家優勢與傳統;所以,在這五年裡,台灣的政軍經濟的整體性安全模式,已經出現明顯惡化;理由很簡單,就是頑固的歷史與文化的興風作浪!另外,不斷成長的頑固的歷史與文化架構定罪之間的犯罪行為,已經造成民眾的作戰士氣低落與心理壓力!是以,死狗的終結歷史是深刻想象;換句話說,這是有效的國家聯合作戰計畫,以啟動國家戰略行動!這是不相關於歷史與文化!餓死頑固的歷史與文化,這類戰術情緒是強調死狗履行終結歷史的主要戰術功能-雙管齊下,以管理頑固的歷史與文化的不適合!



















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在一個頑固的歷史與文化的弱化,早已經破壞國家模式與核心利益的架構;換句話說,當前的台灣經濟與財政不好,應該是頑固的歷史與文化的政治癱瘓!是以,作為一類終結歷史,其重心將是控制國家經濟政策的決策,這是不相關於歷史與文化!頑固的歷史與文化是孤立的,缺乏合法性,甚至,嚴重無法治理的作戰能力!但是,死狗的終結歷史,將會幫助出現與解釋,新模式的國家政,軍與經濟政策,同時,反擊頑固的歷史與文化的權力鬥爭! 簡單來說,頑固的歷史與文化是傀儡,然而,政府不是!是以,終結歷史是至關重要的影響,例如:台灣的夢想與願望!換句話說,死狗是台灣人的作戰性格,能力與個性,這是不相關於歷史與文化!如果終,結歷史的選項是可以實現的,那麼,我們與女人將涉及更多的國家權力與國家轉型!特別是,頑固的歷史與文化,也將轉變!



In 2008,DPP suffered what appeared to be a major crisis,yet,this crisis remained no wider and profound political party's strategic significance.At first,it could not a recognised comprehensive ending of history,in particular,Taiwan's national core interests coherence,and political stability has been deep.After all,ending of history has devil dog effect on the strategic coherence and management,in particular,it would change national security agenda,or,used as new model of national interaction at the ending stupid of history and culture,so,ending of history of dveil dog will show a greater national importance in the Taiwan.This is not related to the age-old of history and culture.While some of DPP's groups has gotten power,but they did not have war-fighting capability to fight independently,or just unconscious ending of history with linguistic, cultural and psychological warfares,in which,in order to restraint KMT's defection.Moreover,ending of history of devil dog's role is to provide important integration-force,and response to mired in crisis,and avoid weakened by political and economic forces.As stability of ending of history of devil dog will help DPP to re-build new model of war-fighting group,in which,in order to enter toward new era of national transformation.This is not related to the age-old of history and culture.


The age-old of history and culture have alradey seriously damaged the sustainability of nation's political party's internal framework of power and conduct,in particular,huge pressure of stupid.This is their weakness.At furst,it focussed attention on stupid of history and culture dislocation, the weakening of the ending of history forces,particularly over the maintenance and trotection of stupid of history and culture of the station of inviolable life.Secondly,stupid of history and culture were no longer served as a catalyst for driving,and emphasised and respected political authority.As current DPP and Taiwan's movements' weaknesses,or no war-fighting supperiority.This is reason-the stupid of history and culture.Stupid of history and culture highlighted should not ongoing inter-linked ending of history national transformation processes.In other words,no opportunities and stagnations of stupid of history and culture increased as instability for nation and society.Stupid of history and culture were not a theory or hypothesis,that they threat to DPP and Taiwan's movements' integrity and commitment.So as we are facing a very serious terrorized threat; DPP and Taiwan's movement will being split up,and also,Taiwan will being split up.In other words,the devil dog heralded by a slip into malignant,complete collapse,and stupid of history and culture is a real national threat.Stupid of history aand culture of complete collapse destroyed national belief legitimacy and integrity,inparticular,independent,free dreams and practices,also,ignored the stability of Taiwan's relations.So,as stupid of history and culture remained an unstable development characterisation.So,ending of history of devil dog will be the relationship between the DPP and Taiwan's movement.Should this continue,an irreversible the DPP and Taiwan's movement will have been breached with their superiority,at the same time,they will have lost their war-fighting and competing abilities,especially,war-fighting potential.This is not related to the age-old of history and culture.Despite this gloomy,stupid of history and culture,but,devil dog have never felt pessimism,in which,in order to use as ending of history to judge against this gloomy,stupid of history and culture.In other word,devil dog will be remain more stable and powerful than anticipated. In other words,ending of history of the DEVIL DOG will also be Unexpected Happiness.台灣窮小子 argued.DEVIL DOG further ending of history,and coupled to inherent brains,that will remain to drive the DPP and Taiwan's movement stability,particular,Taiwan's political,military,and economic stability.


Stupid of history and culture faced a series of strange warfare,they must focus on to maintain the unifying warfare system to have advantages cohesive effect, this might have a strategic predicament.There was,absolutely!For example,a 70% DPP and Taiwan's movement did not know about cohesive ending of history strategic tactics forces,so that,their war-fighting framework and force woyld be destroyed.In other words,DPP and Taiwan's movement established center-relations of the stupid of history and culture,and drift towards vicious and deepening in the stupid of hustory and culture,and opposing in dependent stupid of hustory and culture are exacerbated,so that tensions becomes more strong,and lacks of war-fighting forces.This means that DPP and Taiwan's movement a danger to their survival:once ended,the ending of history is capable of transforming absolutely nation's political.military,and economic war-fighting models - the stupid of history and culture will be in splendid isolation.Stupid of history and culture are provocations and threats,in general,they were designed to bring problems in the nation.Simply put,they felt out of sort with national independence,freedom,democracy and integrity of challenges.As ending of history of DEVIL DOG is to DPP and Taiwan's movement rejoin,or become a war-fighting defense system which in response to challenge.This is not related to the history and culture.Indeed, we noted that such ending of history through the establishment of new model of war-fighting system is replaced as a means of stupid of history and culture,and in order to prevent crises and threats.After all,stupid of history and culture are truly in dire straits,rather than,DPP and Taiwan's movement.Simply put,WHAT KICKED THE STUPID OF HUSTORY AND CULTURE ASS!Stupid of history and culture would have been brought devastating national other words,ending of history is to prevent their collapse.This is not related to the history and culture.The war-fight ability of the stupid of history and culture are no longer able to ensure national security superiority,so,this is to heavily questioned. As stupid of history and culture not just a nation's political,military,and exonomic matter,in a while,it also starts national separatism.In particular,in the national strategy-culture field,it totally destroys the national superiority and convention.So,during this period of five years,the integrity of the Taiwan's political,military,and economic security models have shown markedly degenerated.And reason is simple.This stupid of history and culture makex trouble.Besides,the growing criminalisation that they have been brought about war-fighting starvation and the psychological stress by stupid of history and culture framework.As ending of history of DEVIL DOG is in the deepest imagination.In other words,this is effectively Nation's Strategic Operation.This is not related to the history and culture.Starved of stupid of history and culture,and this tactical sentiment will be emphasized that the DEVIL DOG fulfils ending of history primary tactical function - we will work along both each other to manage stupid of history and culture of non-compliance.


Identifying the tactical dynamics of stupid of history and culture by the ending of history of the DEVIL DOG.Taiwan's national transformation now show should be process,after all,the transformation of the stupid of history and culture is difficult to comprehend.The critical questions that arise focus on the tactical direction of the ending of history may provide more controlled and supervised.Thus Taiwan may be in the process of national transformation,although,we will also face logic of the crisis,but,the DEVIL Dog drives on the basis,rather than,optional strategy of the stupid of history and culture.Because change of stupid of history and culture are hesitating heartbeat,and no core war-fighting capabilities.
As example:

1,If stupid of history and culture would be attractive,that you should have been with a them once,rather than,we did not find women as wife.

台灣窮小子 loves 蔡英文 that have been for so long,rather than.what screwed history and culture up - global common concept.Stupid of history and culture have already stood for national strategy defense-line.However,new model of ideas discussions on changes and redistributes to the national framework.These are not related to the history and culture because we only discuss family framework with woman,rather than,stupid of history and culture.The Devil Dog with this womans' decision,shows now to should be ready to ending of history for us,thus rendering Taiwan.our nation more probable to oversight and control stupid of history and culture,in which,in order to face global change.These are not related to stupid of history and culture.If woman has been unlucky with a once,we should give an opportunity,that is no reason to be not ending of history.After all,stupid of history and culture would not have been never given an opportunity.

2,Stupid of history and culture only build a toy associations.

The real national strategy definition for change will be re-construct ending of history,in particular,the partnership between us and woman.Thus, the Devil Dog is emphasising that principles of tactical devolution and ending of history,and that consider the possibility of co-ordination and co-operation within the national framework,in which,in order to start and develop our nation's superiority base.These are not related to the history and culture.In other words,the 108 superiority of the Devil Dog.After all,the national strategies and policies of stupid of history and culture are open to question. But,the ending of history of the Devil Dog thinks that shares national concepts and powers ; and its tactical means are to esponsibilities must have national responsibilities and commitments.Because the indistinct history and culture cannot identify the position of national constitution with its legitimation,so,as they cannot execute national war-fighting action.In fact,Taiwan's national forces can be measured by the ending of history of the Devil Dog,and we will integrate nation's political expressions to end tensions.This is key of war-fighting function,rather than stupid of history and culture.

3,Hardy up-and down history and culture relations.

At the same time,hardy hisotry and culture cannot establish national commitment and integrity,especially,they are dishonest.For example,such as:台灣窮小子 is good faithfully to voice loving 蔡英文.This is not related to the screwed history and culture up.So,Taiwan at the strategy of the second decade in the 21st Century is in the ending of history and the main directions,in particular,Mr.柯文哲 was saying exactly right : the Devil Dog are so many.台灣窮小子 stressed that ending of history will deal with hardy history and culture relations.Eventually,history and culture were in rush,and were in scraps,which cannot start national transformation,so,ending of history of the Devil Dog will identify the key characteristics,especially,stupid of history and culture will rest,forevermore!


Stupid of hustory and culture have always insisted that as did I said,rather than, national superiority has priority, that you die first.Then come and kissed that all peoples' voices good bye.For example,such as :chairman 王永慶of 台朔企業.That is how stupid of history and culture are?So ending of history of the DEVIL DOG will help us to re-turn our inherent independence.Let us leisurely re-write history? Stupid of history and culture?You will look at yourself dreams and hopes as to how much freedom,independence?

The DEVIL DOG line in 2014.Mr.柯文哲 said.

The DEVIL DOG only suggests that a tactical contemplate gradually of ending of history,and allowing delimits for the devolution of stupid of history and culture war-fighting power and authority.In other words,this is national consent agenda.National transformation under stupid of history and culture conditions raises imposed difficulty-option.There is mounting evidence said that there is clearly no national security consensus as to what is respectable and what is off ends. As the growing role of national framework such as DEVIL DOG starts in ending of history formation,that is already notable. Taiwan must acknowledged reality by establishing a war-fighting group on ending of history and drive national existence,and this is not related to the history and culture.However,stupid of history and culture are fuzzy concept between national security aand homeland security,so that wull show the problem in the conflict for the future?Ultimately,ending of history will be able to be rather more persuadable national mechanism,in order to change can lead to greater asymmetry within stupid of history and culture.Haphazard,stupid of history and culture will lead into violent extremism and terrorism.In other words,their national relations are not stable models - no commitments and responsibilities.台灣窮小子 argued that the ending of history of the Devil Dog will ultimately defeat asymmetry and inequable stupid of history and culture to the national unity as one of the fundamental principles of crises and threats.


The challenge of the Devil Dog and the Collapsed of stupid of history and culture.Stupid of history and culture is Taiwan's national failure.Within each of them different is at work that is building particular core model - they are important as national core relations.At least,these were having stories that can be analysed - 唬爛 relations.or,they can prove to have enduring national strategy and policy.Indeed,it is simple.The 唬爛 is so emblematic of stupid of history and culture.They emphasize that the ending of history cannot deal with national threats and crises,and this explicitly destroy respect and core belied in National Constitution.For example,such as : Former President.Mr.陳水扁.They implicitly suggest that stupid of history and culture arrangements may prove more proper and become to the national stabilities and demands.In other words,they ignore National Constitution of forgiveness - the nation was stolen by Former President.Mr.陳水扁.So,they do have the ability to destroy national security stability,and reduce respect for national strategy,policy,and system,even,provide destructive extremism and terrorism models.As strategic influence of stupid of history and culture are malignant,which takes disadvantageous of national transformation to the Taiwan.In other words,history and culture of political act as knowing and unintended mediating stupid.

Logic of failed stupid of history and culture

It cannot denied that stupid of history and culture were buttress of national statehood,but,ending of history is an important nation's political and geo-strategic,which its core objective is integration to prevent separatism.The core principle of stupid of history and culture heart lies the mostseparatism,which represents a danger to instability throughout the whole nation.But,ending of history will be never overpowered,forever and ever.In other words,it is ongoing, and represent a national tactic, rather than a 唬爛 national strategy objective.As no matter what stupid of history and culture,which intent, governance legitimacy are lacking of them,so that may be creating serious security problems,and strategy and policy dilemmas for nation.So,the strategic relationship and tactical role towards ending of history of the Devil Dog is so challenged instruction.Thus as Mr.柯文哲's the seat of honor of the Devil Dog 台灣窮小子 noted - to the eventual destruction of stupid of history and culture integrity,or may become mayor of the national metropolis.


The ending of history of the Devil Dog is Taiwan's National joint operation in short,we will share a common space,because of we do have to make compromises with the stupid of history and culture,we make National Superiority,especially,Woman.This is not related to the age-old of the history and culture.Current the Taiwan for effecting change that its should be economic. Unfortunately,stupid of history and culture did not want to be acknowledged the national crisis,however,the most astute problem is the related secure problem,in other words,there is no security without prosperous economy.Ending of history was solid national economy that Taiwan had been united in the past,so that it might begin to new model of Taiwan style if once ending of history.This is not related to the age-old of the history and culture.Stupid of history and culture cannot change unstable,simply put,it is a example of integrating failed - only reckless,no support!

Stupid of history and culture only have the logic of separatism,not unity.

For example,such as China,in longer term,stupid of history and culture is perceived to represent national instability for criminal activity. In such a situation, stupid of history and culture are impossible to become Taiwanese pals.In essence, the DEVIL DOG provides a clear insight in the ending of history because stupid of history and culture did not have war-fighting capabilities to establish National strategy and policy,after all,Taiwan did not need gorgeous vocabulary.Yet,despite its had best national intentions,but,can no longer provide a National template for the future.Simply put,stupid of history and culture have long been far removed from the Taiwanese are living in isolation.So,in this failed,stupid of history and culture scenario,the DEVIL DOG's ending of history will be prove to be the only neutral change.For example,such as,my mind has never been changed by stupid of history and culture 台灣窮小子 was loving 蔡英文.Absolutely!Of course! Mr.柯文哲 was saying exactly right - this is the DEVIL DOG.Involvement in these DEVIL DOG will be Taiwan's sustainability,and its future ability to function as ending of history of influence,effectively,we will need a National Permit!


The DEVIL DOG's National emergency- contingency war-fighting operationThe weakening of a stupid of history and culture have disrupted the national model and core onterest within framework.In other words,the current Taiwan's economy and finance are not good enough,that should be paralysed politic by stupid of history and culture.As becoming a ending of history is that its core will control of nationa; economy policy decision-making.This is not related to the history and culture.Stupid of history and culture are isolated,lacking legitimacy,even,seriously unable to govern of war-fighting capabilities.But,the ending of history of the DEVIL DOG will help to show and explain new model of nation's political,military,and economic policies,at the same time,we will defeat power struggles of stupid of history and culture.Simply put,stupid of history and culture are puppets,yet,the government is not.So,as ending of history is crucial influence, for example,Taiwan's dream and aspiration.In other words,the DEVIL DOG are war-fighting character, ability and personality of all Taiwanese.These are not related to the history and culture.If the ending of history option is realisable, then we and woman will involve greater national power and transformation.In particular,stupid of history and culture will also be transformation.

The end.


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