




Indeed , Chinese aircraft carrier was a ridicule , and wasting the money , in particularly , funny the carrier-killer missile.
Although PLA has developed its DF-21D and DF-26 (ASBMs) , which became mainstay of anti-access and area-denial defenses.
Absolutely , of course , the carrier-killer has become to strike U.S. Navy nuclear-powered aircraft carriers (CVNs).
Indeed , the PLA can now use DF-21Ds to attack aircraft carriers , when more than one thousand miles from China's shorelines.
But the U.S. Navy did not fear it , or more precisely , they have had carrier-killers of their own.
Indeed , carrier-killer superiority where a sea fight takes place.
Worse , PLA commanders believe that the carrier-killer would be a miracle of maritime-historical , and deliberate to march into the blue water.
So carrier-killer with Western countries comes as little astonished , or provoke U.S. more efforts to help Asian partners.
The DF-26 will be approximately firing range of 1,800-2,500 miles.
Maybe , fascinates over firing range like technology.
But the technology mismatch will be able to get worse.
If without technology talks about , PLA ballistic missiles will threat U.S. , including the seas anywhere within Asia's second island chain.
From the Pacific perspective , from coastal China is launching a ballistic missiles that will make Japan , Taiwan , or other Pacific countries to live under the shadow of missile attack.
Now , the PLA has never tested the DF-21D.
However , we are not without options in naval war , yes , far from it.
It depends on where the encounter took place.
A battle group fight involving carriers will take a far away ballistic missiles on the open sea , rather than aircraft and cruise missiles - just submarines.
So-called the aircraft carriers are just a fleet-on-fleet affair , whatever firepower , or any force to the war-fighting mission would decide the consequence.
Even if PLA commanders would let land-based rockets into the maritime , but at the same time , the U.S. Navy would be able to joint alongside partner - Naval , where in ocean combat.
For instance , partner - Naval could use its advantageous maritime , jointing the land force to intensify war-fighting capability of the carrier-based vanguard groups.
In short , there are the two tactical deployments apparently from each other , but PLA is messier and more inclined to vulnerability - uncertainty, and instability - not to mention the superiority of the US Navy.
So-called the submarine warfare would constitute a common features in U.S. maritime strategy for oceanic strategic combat.
For instance , Nuclear-powered attack submarines can attack surface shipping on the international waters.
It is jointed war-fighting flattops , if it is reasonable doubts , rather than history and culture.
In other words , Nuclear-powered attack submarines remain workhorses in U.S. Navy.
Overlooked China is bulking up its fleet , or Russia is starting its silent-fleet , as well ; rather then focus on the surface-to-surface missiles system.
Whatever the tactical maritime setting of the future, submarines , then , are maritime - killers
Now , there is a "BIG WORDS "of history and culture to talk about the surface-to-surface missiles system , and Chinese aircraft carrier.
The PLA Navy has just one aircraft carrier , a re-fitted Soviet vessel , then , dubbed Liaoning - that are reportedly undergoing build the next one , but the most likely improved versions of Liaoning.
Let’s assume Chinese first indigenously built carrier , indeed , it should the same dimensions and conventionally propelled vessel as Liaoning.
Let’s further assume that the PLA Navy has owned operate carrier capability and experiences at sea , if really so , the PLA Navy will integrate the new carrier into the maritime operations , consequently , I suppose that new matitime-conflict will fire off after 2020.
Today , in 2020 , the air-wing will remain the U.S. Navy’s chief carrier-killer.
For instance , the U.S. carriers can deploy approximately about 85 tactical aircraft , meanwhile , Chinese carrier owns 50 planes ; so that means , the U.S. carriers firepower will be 50 percentpowerful than the PLA Navy .
Meanwhile , the U.S. carriers will use new the electromagnetic catapults to make jets off their flight decks.
For instance , F-18E / F fighter/attack jets can against targets approximately 500 miles distant , rather than counting their radius.Simply put , they can , U.S. Navy.
By 2020 , deterrence-powerful weaponry would have matured and joined the U.S. Navy.
In attition to the US Navy , will operate the SM-6 surface-to-air missile for antiship missions.
Trouble is , history and culture engagement is that we do not know what they fight over in ? and what would the PLA Navy to venture?
Whose waging war will prove troublesome in history and culture?
All in all , history and culture will bring a wicked tactical and shamefulness for U.S. skippers.
The ridiculous carrier-killer missile
It cannot denied that the PLA Navy is a modern-day fleet , bit they are safely within range of land-based defenses and supplementing its own firepower - to counterattack a more powerful fleet action.
The PLA Navy is a fortress , and will not leave home , but China is depending on it.
Historically , Chinese fortress - concept had pitiful - no maritime concept , so I think that , apparently , the powerful defender against adversary attack , but will not be as a protection.
For instance , in May 1905, when Japanese combined fleet and the Russian fleet met in action at Tsushima Strait , consequently , the debacle of the Russian fleet.
Finally , the U.S. Navy , it remains optimized for the maritime conflict that is least likely to change , when who will predominate that are most menacing and most likely to happen.



雖然,解放軍(PLA) 發展DF-21DDF-26(ASBM),以作為反入侵與區域介入防衛主力;
DF-26 射程大概是1,800 - 2,500英里!
所謂航空母艦 , 僅是一個艦隊的故事 ;
不論是火力 , 或是每一個力量到作戰任務 , 將會決定結果!
即使中國解放軍指揮官將地對地飛彈投入海洋 , 但同時 ;
美國海軍能夠聯合其夥伴海軍 , 在海洋接戰!
舉例來說 , 夥伴海軍能夠運用其優勢海洋 , 聯合陸軍 , 以強化航艦戰鬥群的作戰能力!
總之 , 這是兩類完全不同款的戰術部署 ;
但中國解放軍是混亂的 , 很容易出問題-不確定與不穩定 ;
更不用說 , 一個優勢的美國海軍!
舉例來說 , 核能攻擊潛艦可攻擊公海上水面船隻!
這是聯合作戰平台防衛 , 如果是合理的懷疑 , 而不是歷史與文化的挑釁 ;
換句話說 , 核能攻擊潛艦才是美國海軍的主力!
忽略中國正在擴充其艦隊 , 或是俄羅斯也正在啟動沈默的艦隊 ;
這是一個嚴重的錯誤 , 而不是專注在地對地飛彈系統!
不論未來海洋戰術環境如何如何 , 潛艦都是海洋殺手;
現在 , 還是有一個歷史與文化的唬爛 , 討論地對地飛彈系統與中國航空母艦?
中國解放軍海軍只有一台 , 改裝來自前蘇聯艦隻 , 然後 , 命名遼寧 ;
聽說還在建造下一艘 , 但最有可能是改良後遼寧號模式?
讓我們假設中國第一艘自主建造航空母艦 ~~~
其實 , 它應該與遼寧號大致相同尺寸與傳統推力的艦艇!
讓我們進一步假設 , 解放軍海軍擁有大洋操作航空母艦能力與經驗?如果真是這樣 , 解放軍海軍將會快速地讓航空母艦整合到海洋作戰?因此 , 我假設 , 新海洋衝突將會在2020後爆發?
今天 , 或是2020年 , 飛機還是美國海軍的主要航艦殺手;
舉例來說 , 美國航空母艦大能夠部署八十架飛機 , 未來 , 中國航空母艦有五十架飛機 ?
同時 , 美國航空母艦將會啟用新電磁彈射器 , 讓飛機離開飛行甲板;
舉例來說 , F-18E / F能夠針對大概五百海里遠的目標攻擊 ;
而不是計算它們的半徑 , 簡單來說一個優勢-美國海軍 ,可以!
2020年 , 嚇阻力強的武器將會成熟並加入美國海軍;
另外是 , 美國海軍將重新使用SM-6飛彈進行反艦任務?
麻煩的是 , 歷史與文化的參與 , 不知道它們在太平洋會玩什麼?
誰發動戰爭將會證明 ,麻煩是在歷史與文化!
總而言之 , 歷史與文化將給美國艦長帶來一個邪惡的戰術與不要臉!
不可否認 , 解放軍海軍是一個現代化的艦隊 , 但是 , 它們是安全地在陸地防衛範圍內 , 補充自己的火力 , 以對抗一個更強大的艦隊行動!
解放軍海軍是一個無法離開家的堡壘 , 但是 , 中國正在依靠它!
從歷史上來說 , 中國堡壘理念是很可憐的-沒有海洋理念 ;
我認為 , 表面上是很強大 , 可以打擊敵人的攻擊 , 但無法作為保護;
舉例來說 , 1905年5月 , 日本聯合艦隊與俄羅斯艦隊在津島海峽相遇 , 結果 , 俄羅斯艦隊崩潰!
最後是 , 美國海軍還是樂觀針對最不可能發生的海洋衝突 l 進行改變;當在最具威脅狀況下 , 誰將主導優勢!?


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