Mr.President of Taiwan , 蔡英文之首席真命天子
Copyrighted @ 布衣小子給蔡英文的報告
因為,我們真的說太多,也很久了,簡單來說,沒想法!布衣小子相信,在下個十年,甚至,二十年我們所面對的威脅與挑戰,換句話說,這是基本的國家戰略定量和定性分析在未來的作戰模式!是以,我們必須體認,終結歷史的改變,必須加快努力在這類顯著的未來變化;布衣小子的報告,希望將有助於建立一個強烈的共識,我們一起來改變國家安全前途來面對未來的挑戰;共識必須建立在國家安全前途的必要支持,其將是相當重要的戰略視域;我不會,也沒有提供答案;簡單來說,作戰目的僅是說明未來戰略重點的改變來面對未來的挑戰和需求;不可否認,不論是國家安全前途或安全共識,這是集體的創造性思維;因為二十年後,我們必須維護我們的安全;這類是改寫歷史,文化與哲學和強調未來的國家安全戰略;最後,國家安全前途是所有因素總和的國家力量,而不僅是回應!換句話說,聯合作戰上的戰略定義,同時,我們將告訴我們的安全夥伴,特別是美國-we are pals.這類是不相關於老掉牙的歷史,文化與哲學;因為我們真的說太多,也很久了,簡單來說,沒想法!所以,如果我們做到終結歷史,也將實行我們的國家使命與國家承諾!
布衣小子,知道,實現終結歷史的改變,是需要一個 棘手的平衡;但如果,我們不樣做,明天就會後悔?布衣小子無意反擊歷史,文化與哲學;
事實上,它們真的說太多,也很久了;是以,新模式的國家安全前途決議將發揮安全作用在未來;畢竟,如果,我們不終結歷史,現在啟動改變,那意味著我們的國家沒有準備好未來,特別是,kissed that 未來幾代台灣人的安全 good bye.所以,我們現在必須開始-終結歷史,否則,就可能無法地應變未來;
......Chapter four:New pattern of National Security Resolution ......
National Security Resolution of report,布衣小子 to 蔡英文,October,2012.
I am still commoner,who has picked cans up,and happied to provide the report of the New pattern of National Security Resolution,in which,in order to explain the future of the national security,in particular,ending of history.布衣小子 of report focuses on that,we must identify historical changes,and visions and issues of the future,in particular,we can ensure national position,security,and prosperity and well-being of the people in the next decade,even,two decades.
These are not related to history,culture,and philosophy.National security perspective is to face challenges of the future,so as we must undertake broad national security ideas,and frameworks of changes.布衣小子 envisions that ideas and frameworks of the change are the most important,and because of they will be including support and reform for the future,in particular,ending of history,and breaking of confrontation,at the same time,as 布衣小子 pointed out forcefully in national joint initiative.These are not related to history,culture,and philosophy.Because of we have spoken so much,and also,for a long time.
Simply put, It is no idea.布衣小子 is convinced that we will be face threats and challenges,during,next decade,even,two decades.In other words,these are fundamental quantitatively and qualitatively of analyses for national strategy in the future of war-fighting style.As we must recognize that ending of history change must be sped up,in which,in order to commit on significant change for the future.布衣小子 of report hope that we will help to build a strong Taiwan security consensus,in which,in order to working together to changing national security perspective,and all whose are facing challenge for the future,The consensus must build on the necessary support of national security perspective,which will be critical in strategic vision.I cannot,and also have not to provide the answes.Simply put,the war-fighting goals are only to explain on change of strategic priorities for the future,that we will face challenges and demands of the future.It cannot denied that these are collective of creative thinking,and no matter what the National security perspective and Taiwan security consensus are.Because of we must safeguard our security,and these are re-writing history,culture,and philosophy,also,and emphasis on national security strategy for the future.Eventually,National security perspective are all the elements of national force,rather than simply responds to it. In other words,it will be strategic definition of joint operation,and at the same time,we will tell our secure partners,in particular,the United States - we are pals.These are not related to history,culture,and philosophy.Because of we have spoken so much,and also,for a long time.Simply put, It is no idea.So,if we achieve that ending of history,also,we will fulfilled our national mission and commitment to all of us.
Preface one :
Today,we are still in the period of terrorized confrontation.In particular,Historical and Culture Violence,so,we need more a relatively secure perspective and deployment.After all,they are so smart,whose are understanding the past of failure,and also,as we face them are to take very different war-fighting patterns.
It cannot denied that the nation enters the new another era of power and superiority,in which,no matter what the political platform,consensus,or secure perspective.So,we must be willing to change,in particular,ending of history and breaking of confrontation.If not so,we will lack of having secure forces to protect our nation and people,also,we cannot face decade,even twenty years in the future. Although,national security perspective of change is complex to national committment.Simply put,we cannot forecast the threats and challenges in the future,so as we must own critical options and strategies-national security perspective and common consensus.Because of all of Taiwanese are really no stubborn,who are certain,yet,the biggest danger lies on that we are stubborn to history,culture and philosophy.Perhaps that some of people feels recalcitrant and out of sort,but,let's think about it, 蔡英文 said.The very oldest of history,culture and philosophy are to feel out of sort,also,an unwillingness,even,an inability to change nationl war-fighting posture of the future,or in time,rapid response to meet the challenges of the next generations.New pattern of national security perspective resolution will be strategic deployment for the future,that will enable us to meet range of security challenges in the next decade,even,twenty years.These are not related to very oldest of history,culture and philosophy.So,we must to do so that we will be still avoid Historical and Culture Violence Extremism and Terrorism of attacks,threats and risks.We can assume and find New pattern of national security perspective resolution and common consensus.when we meet the future secure war-fighting environment.Because of our history,culture and philosophy may be vulnerable,however,the future of threats and attacks will be increasing.It is likely that they will find new patterns to challenge our national core benefits.In spite of national security perspective options may have risk,but,we must take the risk. Because of national security perspective will concerned that,for people,in other words,perhaps that it become a national war-fighting means of justifying current and future national powers.Simply put,布衣小子 believes that it will be strategic priority to go the future.In short,we can anticipate new pattern of national security perspective resolution,also,welcome those opposed and challenged our national core benefits,but,we must remember our traditional of national superiority.Especially,our patterns of support.
Preface two :
National security perspective of change will face challenges for the future.Maintaining national stability is the best pattern to prevent Historical and Culture Violence Extremism and Terrorism of attacks and challenges.Yet,the first among them,is to build a stable national security perspective of visions.
In basically,national missions persist with unchanged - simply put,we do not essential to shake the ancestral tablets' of national constitution,but,we can emphasis and ask for are likely to related national security framework,that we will face change of the future.In other words,this demands are to through efforts as well as the comprehensive integration of national polotical,military,economic,and diplomatic war-fighting activities.Especially,with our secure partners of interactive relationships.These are not related to very oldest of history,culture and philosophy.Unless,布衣小子 of eyes drives insane?Because of we must have the ability is to develping new pattern of national joint operation ideas.The ideas we should still expect ; these deployments should be viewed as a defeat Historical and Culture Violence Extremism and Terrorism of attacks and challenges of traditional missions, simply put,this will be our national core responsibilities for the future.
Today,we need a key of related stable national security environment,so as national security perspective will be a very important of peoples' well-being and national security in our homeland.These are not related to very oldest of history,culture and philosophy.Unless,布衣小子 of eyes drives insane?
According with over time,our war-fighting focus of efforts to prevent Historical and Culture Violence Extremism and Terrorism of attacks,including,our secure partners.Today,they will destroy our national interests,even,harm our partners.National security perspective as the central focus of common consensus are to prevent Historical and Culture Violence Extremism and Terrorism of attacks.and will will be possibly use of needs in the future.So,as traditional history,culture and philosophy may not be sufficient to stop them,whose attack us with our patterns.So,national security perspective is to consider and maintain national superiority,especially,we will integrate existing and new war-fighting systems,in a while,operating and upgrading advanced technology.These are not related to very oldest of history,culture and philosophy.Simply put,we must own offensive and defensive of effective war-fighting capabilities.In particular,also,national security perspective is a major element of national power.It will still be national challenge we must look beyond.Simply put,national security perspective provides an effective,integrated,and proactive national challenge,in which,in order to command central government and people.In other words,this is a two-way street.
In particular,all of Taiwanese are reallt no stubborn,unfortunately,we are being stubborn by history,culture and philosophy.It cannot denied that national security perspective are a two-edged sword,which have biggest vulnerabilities,but also,opportunities.In addition,we must work together to set free - color of.
Because of national superiority will provide innovation through time-based competition,during coming decades.Ultimately,if we are to be successful in facing the challenges of the future, national security perspective will become more coherent,integrated,and proactive,also,must adapt national security of the future.These are absolutely not related to very oldest of history,culture and philosophy.
In 布衣小子 of report has explained in this national security perspective that will achieve national committment,although,they have been tough and complex,too.But,they can protect our national security interests. In other words,these are our ideas and believes ; if we will not change in a timely, and also,we will not be prepared to face the future.Especually,they are related to risk the safety of future generations of Taiwanese.So,ending of history will have enough time and the opportunity to change.We are not really stubborn,so as we must begin now.
Chapter one:
Independentance and freedom will determine to the national security perspective resolution of support.- 台灣窮小子
Looking back in the past,studying in the current,and moving in the future,from 2016 to starting:Our nation must change,this process that must start now - ending of history!It cannot denied that the ending of history of national committment will to be tough and complex. But,indeed,we understand and recognize that we cannot forecast the threats and challenges of the future.In particular,historical-culture violence-extremism and terrorism.Especially,we must fully upgrade to change in national security technology.So,National security perspective will be critical strategies and options for the future,especially,re-integrate significant investments of national abilities and resources.These are not related to very oldest of history,culture and philosophy.The path of national security perspective will be to increase and have required national defense framework,also,including,the future of nations' political,economic,diplomatic,and military strategies to meet challenges for the future.In an era of the future,yet,national security perspective are not very oldest of history,culture and philosophy.So.we need a ending of history of national security perspective resolution,that enables our nation to have a principle to face challenges of the future.布衣小子 knows that we achieve such ending of history change will need a delicate balance,but,if we cannot to do so,that tomorrow will be even regret.I am inadvertently defeat history,culture and philosophy,indeed,they are really talk so much,and for a long time.As new pattern of national security perspective resolution will be play secure action in the future.After all,if we do not ending of history,now,start to change,that will mean that our nation will be unprepared for the future.In particular,kissed that security of future generations of Taiwanese good bye.So,we must start to ending of history,now,or may not being responsed future.New pattern of national security perspective resolution will seek consensus to defeat historical-culture violence-extremism and terrorism,and intensify our national desire.If we cannot establish national security perspective resolution and consensus,or our national ability and protect national interests of the future will break up inexorably destroy.
Because of current and future of the national security perspective resolution and consensus are to provide a strategic deployment and prospective.After all,we also are in the historical-culture violence-extremism and terrorism of threats.But,is clearly,certainly,if we cannot be ending of history ,and change national security perspective,that will not be in time,rapidly response to meet challenges for the future.It cannot denied that threats and challenges are not necessarily in the future,the focus is that we can see,and willing to seek new pattern of national security perspective,so as our nation may have forces to protect us in the future.
These are not very oldest of history,culture and philosophy.New pattern of national security perspective resolution will be future superiority for national political, military,and economic powers.As we rethink today's ending of hiistory,that will be future efforts for us and our nation.Because of it will be new era of operational concepts.It is time.ending of history is necessary to change.In other hands,we cannot forget our partner - Unitied.States.America.
Because of we are reliable partners.This report will explain that the critical principle of the national security perspective resolution that they are our nation of rapid response capability with our partners.
Chapter two:The women in 2016
The future is hidden from the women who make it.-台灣窮小子
Since over three decades,and in accordance with studying experiences have shown that nation enters the every periods facing challenges so different from those paterns.These are not very oldest of history,culture and philosophy.Simply put, the national security strategy,interrelated and parallel are a driving change.
New pattern of political technologies and strategies may define the new era environments of the future.Ethnic-cultural-religious principles of the twentieth century will be also redrawn.It cannot denied that entities remain exist.The entities are changing-technological promises and efforts are to achieve national change.
All of strategies must be related to war-fighting operation taken by the nation.Today,war-fighter strategies we make about what we stand for as a nation position of the future,that will determine on enormous implications,not just for our future-women changes history.Women changes history will show that interdependent of a worldwide,also,will affect the the well-being of our nation and people.As followed:Woman will continue and gain to have strong achievement and obligation that support historic and culture,and than,intensified interaction with other countries,and to effects on long-term stability of national development demands.
Women involvement will likely increase,and follow over time to change history,also,and these relationships will even more important. Because of women promise to be important to national ssecurity strategic interests.We neither can overlook the importance of those women.In short,women are representing nation and social changes that fundamentally change history,and face new pattern of national security perspective.
Chapter three:New pattern of national security perspective in three decades of the future.
The future of national security perspective are not related to history,culture and philosophy,not only in considering various global war-fighting environments and technological development of trends,in which,in order to working together to our ability and intelligence who should have national strategic deployments.
National technology,geopolitical developments,and soical and people trends,especially,women,and ideas may fundamentally change current and future of national entity.Simply put,these new pattern of joint operation framework,and no matter whose you are,and where you come from?
We are working together to concern about these progressing challenges of the future,yet,also,reflect about less relevant history,culture,and philosophy will fail.
So,the national security perspective in three decades,may have,as followed:
1, New concepts
2,Ending of less useful,and outdated.
In the future three decades,we must to do so,that the national security perspective of change will be a national security area of establishment.The focus is that we must understand - protecting traditional history and culture,and our nations' strategic resources,and supporting national system,and promising the safety of people.Simply put,this is an new array of the national security perspective challenge for the future.Our nation must be able to handle in the 30 years.
An new array of the national security perspective encourages national stability as well. For example, we must encourage China - Ending of history.At the same time, we must encourage our national ability is to defeat new regional threats,and influence events in our national interest.In other words,an new array of the national security perspective strongly suggests a war-fighting pattern to to preparing for the future,that are not related to history,culture,and philosophy.We must keep enough national war-fighting capability to adequate challenge for the future.At the same time,we are ending of less useful,and outdated power and idea,and shift the emphasis of our national forces. In addition to historical passes we will understand about progressing challenges and continuing to intensify our national ability.Ending of history - we will start the era of new pattern of the national security perspective.
Chapter four: The future challenges to the national security perspective
To look back in 1991,Taiwan perspective Resolution might be a demonstration,but,today,it has not the best demonstration.
Because of these successes were earned by devoted history,culture,and philosophy,and laws whose have no provide real National Joint Operation Concepts,and technological superiority to give Taiwan to master and meet global challenges over the past two decades.
As we would like to enter a new era,and we will face challenges,also that will ask for us to own a new pattern of elements of national security to meet future challenge for the future.
So,if we have learned from Taiwan Perspective Resolution in 1991,that the new pattern of the national security perspective will be able to give us assumptions and simulations - the future of environments,situations,and competitive competitors.
Because of history,culture,and philosophy are unlikely to help us to protect our nation and people,even,conventional history,culture,and philosophy.
To us,we need to establish the new pattern of the national security perspective of superiority forces- A overwhelming national force.
Because of Historical-Culture violent extremism and terrorism may find new ways to attack our society,people and national interests,even,national power.
In particular,they will seek strategy to encounter their war-fighting superiority attack our national weaknesses. Especially,unconventional joint operation pattern.
As the new pattern of the national security perspective of superiority forces will be the most important deployment for the future.
布衣小子 does not deny that historical illustration and future link,also,they are determine to drive change of conditions in the next decades.So,as we realize considerations of the national security perspective for the next decades.
As we can basically change the national security environment that face global trends,and create our secure perspective for the future,as their hypothesis are followed:
1,The national security perspective cannot be viewed as a ancestral tablet's history and culture.Because of the ancestral tablet's superiority is uncertain.So,we will anticipate current and future of standreds,as new pattern of the national security perspective that face various competitions for world.
The national security perspective intensify national leadership,and challenge historical-Culture violent extremism and terrorism of threats and attacks.
Therefore,we adapt existing security relationships with our partnership to working together to counter these challenges. We must be clearly perceivable secure threats to upgrade national force,in which,in order to give nation can be quickly concentrating force to confront powerful adversaries.In other words,national combat operations.At the same time,we defend our homeland is to avoid attack.
The national security perspective explains a secure environment,which cooperate and create a relatively stable national order and development.
People little chance of influencing the national security perspective are very importance,but,because they are not related to history,culture,and philosophy.Simply put,secure protection of the future.
Chapter five: New pattern of the national security perspective faces different types of challenges and threats.
The challenges and threats are the most adaptive of competitive adversaries whose can operate superiorities to attack our nation and people.-台灣窮小子
The challenges and threats are the most imaginative in war-fighting techniques - They depart from the superiors and revolt confront orthodoxy ; so,as we have to use mutli-combinations war-fighting patterns,and there are no matter who you are,and where you come from,in which,in order to working together to gain even greatest joint effectiveness - stave them off our homeland.-台灣窮小子
According with historical experiences have shown that the challenges and threats are potential competitive adversaries,they will seek many advantages to attack us ,all the time,so,they are not our partners - historical-culture violent extremism and terrorism.
As new pattern of the national security perspective will be concepts and tactics for our futrure.This including,our partners.
As new pattern of the national security perspective will unite and gather together our will and force,that seek their force and ability.
It cannot denied that this will face potential challenges for the future.
In short,new pattern of the national security perspective will be our preeminence,at the same time,we can own rapid response war-fighting capability.
War-fighting capability and preeminence are determining to the national security perspective,in which,in order to insist on national territory and sovereign.These are not related to history,culture,and philosophy.In particular,for them,we can use punitive strikes to protect traditional history,culture,and philosophy.
Thus,we will foster and establish the the national security perspective resolution,and intensify our national force and political influence.
Chapter six: Future of the national security perspective opportunity,face competition,intensify vulnerability.
The float water is as well as the smart women,who can avoid vulnerability,and intensify secure force in the future.-台灣窮小子
Simply put,the national security perspective are our and women of war-fighting capabilities of projection,all who are working together to meeting continue to increase challenges and demands.
The war-fighting capabilities of projection are not related to history,culture,and philosophy.Because of our war-fighting capabilities of projection is to intensify precision strikes capabilities in the national security perspective,in particular,as we defeat historical-culture violent extremism and terrorism.As national security perspective of the war-fighting capabilities of projection is to,as followed:
1,The national security perspective of the war-fighting capabilities of projection will lead us to face political options to the future.
2,The national security perspective is to intensify precision strikes capabilities,that face greater demands.
At the same time,they protect our nation and power,including our partners.Simply put,we must master technoligies that provide new conditions in our national security perspective,and in other words,we keep and control our abilities to face challengs,which are not related to history,culture,and philosophy.The national security perspective operations.The importance of history,culture,and philosophy are most overstated,which cannot give us to having national positions.
In other words,national positions will be determine to a reliable national security perspective.Because of historical experiences have shown that nation must have significant technological superiority-our intelligences and responses.
These are not related to history,culture,and philosophy.So,the national security perspective operations are important to the process for the future,especially,we and our partners all whose are working hand-in-hand to face challenges.
In other words,it will be probably to the success of national joint operations.These are not related to history,culture,and philosophy.
Chapter seven:the national security perspective faces global challenges and threats.
It cannot denied that global challenges and threats,by tactics definitions,we need reliable partners,such as the United States of America,the China,and the Japan.
These global challenges and threats are real in existence.In particular,they would be still security threats to national perspective,and these are not related to history,culture,and philosophy.
These global challenges and threats have already proven attack capabilities,that gave greatest potential to do nation and people of perspective harm,in particular,historical-culture violent extremism and terrorism,and enterprises.
It cannot denied that they will also nfluence to our nation of happiness,including,they make up to dishonest govern's officials,at the same time,they do money laundering,that challenging our national and homeland security.
So,also,as the national security perspective is to effectively prevent its risks,that protects our nation and people. These are not related to history,culture,and philosophy.
In short, the increasing intension of these global challenges and threats,so we should change current pattern-National Security Perspective Resolution,in response,defeats historical-culture violent extremism and terrorism,and enterprises.
Especially,our secure partners.
New pattern of the national security perspective characterized by key that we must maintain the national sovereignty,independence and freedom,national and homeland securities,and protect safety all of Taiwanese,and than,provide peoples' happiness and national prosperity,in which,are not related to history,culture,and philosophy.
The national security perspective will be secure ideas for the future.
In other words,the future of secure ideas and strategies will be : 終結歷史,騰籠換鳥.
Moving forward to the future,national security perspective is a useful mechanism,in particular,we will need it in the next two decades time-frame - to develop our national capability.
The national security perspective are determining what forces to keep as useful framework and mechanism,in which,are not related to history,culture,and philosophy.
Because of resolution will determine to our required rapidly response capability to defeat,at the same time,also,explain that we can continuing to successfully engage-idea is cinfidence.
We do have a national security perspective resolution - 終結歷史,騰籠換鳥,and explining strong demand for the future.