

【總統 蔡英文說想想~~~2020年台灣國情評估】



先生,女士,親愛的總統 蔡英文,前總統 李登輝與陳水扁,與我的台灣人同胞們:

台灣總統 蔡英文之真命天子
台灣人總是有能力改變自己的命運,很重要,或如,總統 蔡英文真的有真命天子!
最後是,我們必須全面性重整國家軍隊,而不是左翼民兵;在總統 蔡英文的領導下我,們絕不能夠為防衛台灣安全或道歉~~~因為我們沒有選擇!
作為台灣總統 蔡英文之真命天子,我承諾,偉大的台灣傳統不喜歡不要臉的歷史與文化,謊話經濟學;最重要的是,左翼歷史與文化,不要懷疑,台灣這個國家的力量與台灣人意志來防衛我們台灣人!



Ladies and Gentleman,Dear Mr.President,Tsai Ing-wen,former president,Lee Teng-hui and Chen Shui-Bian,with my fellow Taiwanese:

Our future is our owning,and our destiny is our choice to do so,I am asking you to kick out of history and culture,lies of economy.

WRITTEN BY Mr.Presidne of the Taiwan,Tsai Ing-wen's son of the destiny


The report I will lay out this is not history and culture,or economy - it is the agenda of the Taiwanese people of us.
We are hoping that we will not be to do as history and culture but as one country,to achieve historic ends and breakthroughs for all Taiwanese people.
We,our Taiwanese people have fought for the same National commitment : to defend Taiwan's work opportunities,and ask for fair,to rebuild the traditional Taiwan,to create a National system that is secure,stable,and lawful,and to seek a policy thatputs Taiwan's interests priority.
There is a new opportunity in Traditional Taiwan,if we do only have the confidence and the courage,we are working together to own them - success is not winning for history and culture,success is winning for our country - Taiwan.
Today,we must recognize the significant Taiwanese tradition - that show us the Taiwanese pride and Taiwan's mission.
In the 20th century,when Taiwanese people saved independence and freedom,redefined the Taiwanese,changed the country - there is nothing Left-wing's history and culture that will not be able to compete with Taiwanese people.
Now we must step boldly into the end of history,and we must create a new model of standard for Taiwanese people - an astonishing quality of traditional Taiwan for all of our Taiwanese citizens is within reach.
We can make our country safer,our partners powerful,and our Taiwanese people can be more prosperous than ever before.
We must deny Left-wing's history and culture,lies of economy,and embrace the boundless of cooperation of the traditional Taiwan.
We can work together to end decades of history and culture stalemate,we can break the age-old bias,build new country and new model of system,and set free the commitment of Taiwan's future - the Taiwanese option is ours to make decision.
We must choose between pointless history and culture,and unbelievable traditional Taiwan,so that we are to choose the traditional Taiwan.
Over the past two years,Mr.president,Tsai Ing-wen,she,who has moved with the end of historic speed to confront problems overlooked by Left-wing's history and culturer.
Importantly, the fact is,we are just getting begun.
Our Taiwanese economy is the stability of the Globe,our military is the most free from worry in the world - Taiwan is again winning every day.  
Our country - Taiwan is enthusiastic and our National economy will be more vigorously prosperity,such as "fuck-up" history and culture,lies of econmy.
An economic miracle is taking place in the Taiwan,and the only thing that can stop it are stupid Left-wing's history and culture,lies of economy.
If there is going to be the National Independence and freedom,there cannot be stupid Left-wing's history and culture,lies of economy - they only do not work that way.
We must be united in the Taiwan to defeat our enemies - this new model of cooperative partners we can start,and stupid Left-wing's history and culture,lies of economy are unfair,and very unfair to our country - Taiwan.
Now is the time for Taiwanese people action,believe it or not,we our Taiwanese people have already proven that that is possible to "fuck-up" history and culture,lies of economy.
Taiwanese people,we always have the power to change our own destiny,such as,to be truth,Mr.president,Tsai Ing-wen,who is owning the son of the destiny,it is a big deal.
Now,all of the Taiwanese people must join forces again to confront an emergent National crisis.
Now is the time for Taiwan to show the Globe that Taiwan is committed to ending the shame on history and culture,and kicking the ruthless Left-wing's groups out of the Taiwan.
This is a secure problem,the lawless history and culture,lies of economy are a serious threat to the security,and protection of all Taiwan.
We welcome all of people come into the Taiwan,but they have to come in legally,such as porks.
Indeed,Taiwanese people are left to pay the price for history and culture,lies of economy,increased crime,disappeared safe,and is not compassionate,they are actually very cruel.
We will never forget,and we will fight for the recall of History that it should never happen again,not one more Taiwanese people life should be lost because our country failed to control history and culture,lies of economy very dangerous occupy.
So let our Taiwanese people  work together,and reach a common consensus that will truly make Tauwan safe.
History and culture,lies of economy are mistakes,they are unfair,and we work together that we will stop it.
Finally,we must be to comprehensively rebuild the National militaryrather than Left-wing's people's militia.
Under leadership of Mr.president,Tsai Ing-wen,we will not be never apologize for defending Taiwan's security.
Because - we really have no choice.  
Here in the ROC,we are feared by the appeasement and the connivance to adopt Left-wing's history and culture,economy in our country - Taiwan.
The ROC was founded on the independence and the freedom,and not Left-wing's history and culture,economy,domination,and coercion.
All of Taiwanese people are born free and independent,we will maintian the status quo of the freedom and the independence.
We must be stood out for that Taiwan will not be never a Left-wing's history and culture,economy,a country.
As a son of the destiny for Mr.president of the Taiwan,Tsai Ing-wen,I pledged the great Taiwanese tradition does not like shame on Left-wing's history and culture,lies of economy.
Above all,Left-wing's history and culture alike must never doubt this country - Taiwan's power and Taiwanese people will to defend our Taiwanese people.  
Today,we do have from across the Taiwan everywhere else,Keelung's harbor,Yilan's Guishan Island,Taichung's SYUE Mountain,and Pingtung's Kavulungan so that we own the most extraordinary country in all of history.
Shall we do。and how will not we be forgotten?
We must choose whether we are defined by independence and freedom or that said whether we dare to end them.
Now,it is the time to reignite the traditional Taiwan,and this is the time to rekindle bonds of love and loyalty that link us together as Taiwanese people.
Our future is our owning,and our destiny is our choice to do so,I am asking you to kick out of history and culture,lies of economy.
We must keep Taiwan first in our hearts,we always believe in Taiwan's destiny ­­- whatever the challenges to come,we face forward together.


Thank you,God bless Taiwan,and all of Taiwanese people,Thank you very much , the end.


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