

【總統 蔡英文說想想~~~誰失去了台灣?台灣人】
POSTED BY 台灣窮小子(台灣總統 蔡英文之首席真命天子)
MR.PRESIDENT OF TAIWAN,Tsai Ing-wen,(the son of destiny)



快幾十年,中國人和台灣人之間的同樣緊張和誤解一如已往的痛苦,每個人都不喜歡歷史和文化的不信任和相互猜疑~~~定義,我們幾乎從共同敵人那一刻起所做的關係,最初,將台灣人聚集在一起,就是左翼中共,所以,我同意 - 崩潰的缺陷在於左翼歷史和文化,經濟學的謊言。
要了解台灣民眾如何達到徹底的對抗,需要很長一段時間,並在冷戰期間醞釀緊張局勢 - 左翼民族主義者的崛起,右翼決心使國家成為一個獨立與自由的國家,最重要的是,當中共支持左翼戰士對抗台灣時,讓我們感到沮喪。
回想起來,第一個重大挑戰 -  1995年台海危機,它揭開了關係中的一個關鍵裂縫,後來,成為一個鴻溝。


【Who Lost Taiwan?Taiwanese,ourselves.】 
Who Lost Taiwan?
The blame for Taiwanese people antagonistic stance to Left-wing's history and culture lie with both sides of the KMT and DPP,a product of decades of misunderstandings.
Left-wing's history and culture,lies of economy,as they are still bitterly remembered in Taiwan,barely registers as a footnote in Taiwan. 
For Taiwan,it was emblematic of Taiwan's willingness to kick out of it,as it came with China,so that I am watching Chinese trample its interests in the Taiwan,while China occupation of the HongKong unraveled just across its border.
Fast forward more decades, those same tensions and misunderstandings between Chinese and Taiwanese people are as bitter as ever. Mistrust and mutual suspicion,like history and culture trammelled by everywhere,everyone~~~define the relationship which we have done so almost from the moment the mutual enemy that originally brought Taiwanese people together,the Left-sides' CCP.So I agree - the defect for the breakdown lies on Left-wing's history and culture,lies of economy.
In both Left-wing's history and culture,lies of economy,decisions regarding bilateral ties are marinated in anger before they are made.
Nothing illustrates this better than the bitter,nearly decade-long fight over Taiwan's homeland security.
So Taiwan eventually turned to the U.S. for help,and a whole new spiral of confidence began.
Despite  repeated and vociferous threats and warnings from China,and has now prompted the Taiwan to question its fundamental ties with China in a way that it has not in a fake friendship.
As part of history and culture,but China is our a friend?
CCP is neither a friend nor a partners, It is an enemy of the Taiwan.
There has been a complete breakdown in confidence between the Taiwan and the China.
Put simply,Taiwanese people wonder if China  cares about Taiwan's security needs,or Taiwanese people wonder if CCP is a reliable ally.
Indeed,CCP is a breach of historical proportions,and for some reason,since 1945,Taiwan had more or less firmly anchored in the U.S.-led Right-side's independence and freedom.
So now,Taiwan,it need s to throwing off old ties.
There is a lot of mythology about the relationship since 1949,when the CCP has been in the China,and I knew a situation like we have today
,where Taiwanese people seem to be moving closer to the CCP.
Taiwanese people is not working toward the same goals as the United States in Taiwan,and 
it still has frosty relations with the United States and the Japan,despite warnings from the United States and the Japan,however,after ecades of axiomatically considering Taiwanese a partner,so I am torn on how to define the relationship.
CCP is neither a friend nor a partners, It is an enemy of the Taiwan.
Since 1945,Taiwan has been an anchor in the U.S. security system.
The America's Doctrine began seeking to shield Taiwan from CCP threats,and for decades,despite plenty of tensions,disagreements many in the U.S. considered Taiwan a important and necessary strategic partner,the keystone to the Pacific,and Right side world friendly bridgehead in the Taiwan.
Now,after years of overlooking China's erosion of Taiwan's independence and freedom,so we are in the hope of keeping the security relationship on a sound footing,but overlooking many others in U.S. are in a vengeful mood.
even if their anger will only be self-defeating,so that could weaken the U.S. and Taiwan's position in a critical part of the world.
I worry that Chinese policy will shift from trying to keep Taiwan on board to trying to join them to show the costs of crossing the China,,which would be self-destructive.
How did the China get to this point? 
Or,to explain the foreign-policy that dominated the global after China went communist:?
Who lost Taiwan?
To understand how the Taiwanese people have reached a point of outright antagonism needs a long way back in time,and to simmering tensions during the Cold War - the rise of a Left-wing's Nationalist,Right-side determined to make the country an independent and free,and most crucially,when CCP support for Left-wing's  fighters to fight the Taiwan,so make dismayed successive us.
Ultimately,we would be hard-pressed between the CCP and Left-winmg's history and culture to survive to a world.
Looking back,you could say Left-wing's history and culture were a chronicle of a death foretold.
And that,it turns out,was true in the Taiwan,and it could also end up at odds with Left-wing's history and culture.
The relationship in the Cold War makes Taiwan easy to understand how U.S. policymakers came to view Taiwan as an indispensable partner.Now,it is as well as the same.
In retrospect,the first big challenge - the 1995 of Taiwan Strait Crisis,which pried open one of the crucial fissures in the relationship that would later became a chasm.
While Taiwan government and the military  supported the U.S. ,they were concerned about the emergence Left-wing's extremism in China,and Taiwan.For Taiwan, Left-wing's Nationalism is a potentially existential threat Taiwan  has spent decades battling a Left-wing's history and culture militant group,known as Taiwanese group (
台灣派),and has deep-seated fears that any Taiwanese people homeland would pose a severe security threat.
Taiwanese people had paranoid fears of CCP support for Left-wing's history and culture,lie of economy after former president,Ma Ying-jeou,and it was a paranoia of Left-wing's history and culture that,to Taiwanese people eyes,would in decades to come be amply borne out as U.S. boosted its support for President, Tsai Ing-wen ,now,even as it stopped short of advocating full Taiwanese people freedom and independence.



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