【總統 蔡英文說想想~~~所謂的兩棲攻擊,突襲,偵查】
POSTED BY 台灣窮小子 / 台灣總統 蔡英文之真命天子
MR.PRESIDENT OF TAIWAN,Tsai Ing-wen,(the son of destiny)
So-called the combined amphibious assault,reconnaissance raid.
The definition of Amphibious operation ~~~ the Marines conduct partnered amphibious assault .
Indeed,most of time,Marines conducted amphibious mechanized and direct-action raids which is as a part of Exercise Sabre.
For instance,Assault amphibious vehicles are deployed,with Marine Unit,launched from the amphibious transport dock,and along with Amphibious Rapid Deployment Brigade,landing on the beach.
Following the landing,Force Reconnaissance Marines with Maritime Raid Force pushed inland,and air supports from the Naval ship to conduct a simulated limited small-scale raid on a condition as a culminating result for the exercise.
The Amphibious operation offers Marines,the ability to operate in a complex and challenging environment,and allowing Marines to forge the skills and improve the interoperability with partners.
So-called the amphibious operations provide a Combined-Joint Force commander the capability to rapidly project power ashore in support of crisis response at the desired time and location to perform a wide range of military operations around the Taiwan.
The Marine Corps and Navy relationship is inherent tradition to amphibious operations.
Alongside the landing force the Marine Corps,simultaneously tied-in with the Army,and the Air Force,to make the large scale amphibious operation occur.
After completing simulated actions on goals,the force rapidly withdrew from the beach landing station, returning to amphibious shipping in preparation for the next potential mission.
So-called the amphibious operations is designed to improve partner combat readiness and interoperability through realistic relevant training,enhancing the ability and proficiency to respond to crisis as a combined capabilities and superiority while maintaining Taiwan security and stability.
【So-called the combined amphibious assault,reconnaissance raid.】