平心而論,不是有意以文誌頂撞 郝伯伯!實在是目籌真的沒有給喇仔肉糊到?特別是:
一,"multilateralize framework".之於蔡英文主席,平心而論,真的沒有說明錯誤;
二,呂前副總統 秀蓮女士,也無引述有誤;
但依 郝將軍之停火一詞,應該是如:
Under the cease-fire,what is the abandon the hostile pattern between both sides?In particular,the Strategic Attack Weapon targets each other.
20110904 posted by 台灣窮小子
So-called a word of the abandon the hostile pattern should be international common,in particular,under the confidence,the strategic dialogue,and than,specific groups or people are restricted that cannot provide a nationwide missile system that become the basis for developing one,especially,strategic retaliation capability.Therefore,it must agree between both sides of central government.
The abandon the hostile pattern may protect each sides to have own defense system,and followed the long-term studying that the range must be in 1,300 kilometers apart to build the creation of effective defense zone.
The abandon the hostile pattern can emphasize the accurate quantitative and qualitative,in a while,limits are imposed,including,military deployment.And,followed the long-term studying that it must be in 100 missiles and launchers,so,in the hostile pattern of the agreement and treaty to managing and ordering,including,its spelled out in very specific detail in the statements.in particular,Agreed Statements are signed and issued between the both sides.
Thus,to facing the unsettled of strategic balance and reducing the presure of the technological level that can work together to discuss and dialogue:to prohibit development, testing, or deployment of ballistic missile system.
Obviously speaking,this is the National Security Technology that are not related to history and philosophy,and so on.Unless,the Ex.Secretary of State of U.S.Condoleezza Rice whose eyes drives insane.
Agreed Statements are signed and issued between the both sides
The both sides are sign and issue the Agreeed Statement to abandon the hostile pattern that also establish the Consultative Commission,but,do not forget the DPP, work together to promote its strategic partnership of objections and executions.From now on,no matter what,in which,feels out of sort?And followed the Memorandum has allayed each other.It will emphasize the national security interests,also.So that it does not need to be amended at schedule.
To abandon the hostile pattern is used as multilateralize agreement and treaty to promote the confidence and understanding,including,review.So,Chairwoman 蔡英文 said:" multilateralize framework",which no mistake is?
The eyes drives insane to "multilateralize framework".
二零一一年九月四日發表 台灣窮小子
除非,美國前國務卿 萊斯博士是目籌給喇仔肉糊到?
目酬給喇仔肉糊到?"multilateralize framework".