Copyrighted @ 台灣窮小子 02052013
I do not believe that stupid of history and culture will create national prosperous and peace,and superiority;because of they are abnormal and hypocritical.As 台灣窮小子 loves 蔡英文 who has always been denied by stupid of history and culture. 台灣窮小子
1,Taiwan Style of military force
This report is acccordence with a word of Taiwan Style concentrates on the influence which directive effectiveness of the Taiwan military force.
Because of Taiwan Style is Taiwanese of character philosophy,rather than military framework issues.
But in fact,Taiwanese of character philosophy is the easiest of changed military force,because of our brain which can address problems.In particular,we can be ending of the age-old national defense history.
Simply put,ending of the age-old national defense history is to re-integrating national troops of loyal concept,especially,we are consecrating our heart and spirit to woman,that will also be national defense force.
The real problems facing the Taiwan Style cannot be,also nor solved by stupid of history and culture for the future,in particular,women power who will involve conditions the national,homeland security and defense.
At the same time,also,Taiwan Style does provide an opportunity to ending of histor,and build new pattern of military force,even,become a national building power,and stable fundamental principle of combination and independence of deelings.
Although,ending of history,but,future vusion will be clear,also,new pattern,newly independent and free Taiwan Style will determined to re-build our national troops and force.
These are not related to history,culture and philosophy.
In the ending of history process,Taiwan Style will explain the truth of the strategic principle for national defense,also,will try to keep traditional history and culture,and undertake risks and crises.
The past of history and culture have wasted many opportunities,so,as the high war-fighting principle of Taiwan Style of the future is to ensure an opportunity-woman.
The past of history and culture of national force are having their framework vulnerability,but,the effort of ending of ending of history and culture try to protect we can be most clearly seen by looking at development of the Taiwan Style for the future.
Because of ending of history is absolutely independent of Taiwan Style military force and dream that engage and face enormous practical problems in national security and homeland defense.
These are not related to history,culture and philosophy.
Under the traditional history and culture system and power will create ending of history of war-fighting readiness.
Because of stubborn of history and culture is the biggest problem-they do not recognize women and our brains.
Taiwan Style is not just a revolution,especially,crucial is quality-women are our most closest ties with strategic partners,and our brains/brainstorm.
The war-fighting objective is,at least,one permanent of ending of history of war-fighting readiness and mobilization.
These are not related to history,culture and philosophy.
Finally,we are faced with a simple option,if so?we stick to stupid of history and culture,in particular,they are absolutely useless.
Because of they are no countries under the stupid of history and culture command.
本報告依據,Taiwan Style 一詞認為,影響是台灣軍力的直接效益;