



Copyrighted @ 台灣窮小子 03162013

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I believe with all my heart that my first priority must be on 蔡英文, and that ending of history is always and only exactly right, when we have not re-written , and then with regard to ending of history!



頑固的歷史與文化不能,雖然,我僅是一個布衣;在未來,它們不再是強大的;死捧神主牌將無法生存! - 台灣窮小子













頑固的歷史與文化困擾和折磨我們很久了,是以,我們期待終結歷史的命運交匯;我們將堅持的原則-獨立自主,最重要的是,負責任的自由;我們的每一個台灣人將會是全球閃亮的標誌 - 台灣窮小子






ending 1   



我們的每一個台灣人將會是全球閃亮的標誌 - 台灣窮小子

7,To Taiwan,Style what war-fighting objective for ending of history ?


Stupid of history and culture cannot,although.I am just a 布衣 , stubborn to holding ancestral tablet's will not survive the future on which they have ended to be strong and feared. - 台灣窮小子 03162013

This chapter seven tries to answer Taiwan Style-ending of history,and, moreover,what dissimilarity it makes between women opportunities and national revolution.台灣窮小子,I myself believes,just by through an interpretation of ending of history,and why and how Taiwan Style is the important strategic deployment.Because of they are nation's political,military,and economic processes and assessments,which can be answered.These are not related to the age-old history and culture.Conclusions about women opportunities and national revolution of ending of history state are little more than suppose in the brainstorm.In this consideration,台灣窮小子 believes current central government is not taking responsibility of ending of history,including,successor to future.Moveover, Taiwan Style of war-fighting objective must be seen as historical revolution process,in which,in order to growing out of its national military culture,a characteristic set of political and economic beliefs,and war-fighting conducts.For that reason Taiwan Style of war-fighting objective will almost certainly establish national military,politic,and economy long into the future,especially,women opportunities.Today,Mr.President.Ma is in his second term,the R.O.C.,he leads strategic deployment without vision - uncertain and hesitant of characters.台灣窮小子 will try to answer the two main questions about the R.O.C.?Who is in charge of household? What war-fighting objective for?Stubborn of history and culture have always described a beautiful lie of nation's military,political,and economic dreams,but their criminalized state just a mess.Stubborn of history and culture are general painfully with people,such as,fateful and odors as rocky. But,Taiwan Style of war-fighting objective will reflect the complex processes,at the same time,it will be buffeting our nation,such as :The re-integrative,through ending of history to defeat stubborn of history and culture feel out of sort change of the stagnation of still other elements.This will be key of war-fighting conditions that we face global change and the past of history and culture.


Stubborn of history and culture accomplishments are enormously exaggerated.Speculation,through close ties to the influence who grew stubborn of history and culture of criminal activity in the past many years.Indeed,stubborn of history and culture heavily dependent on criminal activity that have been seriously damaged by national Style.Moreover,stubborn of history and culture enjoys bragging that their controlled ability,in particular,national economy.In fact,as the hypocritical came to be proved,eventhrough,controlled national economy,and had decision-making say on key policy,but,they did not have intelligence and influence - no vision.For example : There were many problems such as national military revolution and deployment,where they were almost any no role at all.Simply put,stubborn of history and culture are bragged and hypocritical.There were also many influential of technological bureaucracy manure pits.Indeed,stubborn of history and culture are just favouring cronies relations of their own,so,we must end it.This is not to say that ending of history wins every war-fighting.Because of our nation face seriously stubborn of history and culture separating,these differences are usually to appease,in particular,they cannot think our nation and people of vision and interest.It was this absence of the stubborn of history and culture,so,no matter what the nation's political,military,and economic revolutions that have been so tough.It cannot denied that money is authoritative power,but authority tyrannical will be collapsed.Simply put,they do not have rules to drive the nation's political,military,and economic revolutions,including, democratization.Change has so far been left in the cold winter.Because of the stubborn of history and culture have strong supporters in power.Change is not wasting money,so,providing aid to needy revolution.So,as what does Taiwan Style/ending of history of war-fighting objective?Taiwan Style war-fighting objective is opening up to provide great,new pattern of revolutionary chances,at the same time,minimizing the consequences of the stubborn of history and culture.Because of this is wasting national power,and establishing the country as a whole,that has become stable.The factors discussed about  Taiwan Style war-fighting objective that defeats the stubborn of history and culture have strong supporters in power of groups interests,in which,in oeder to ensure nation's survival and face potential for crisis and threat change.

(1),With the processing of era,and ending of history cannot be avoided.Because of stubborn of history and culture dramatically increases the potential for crises and threats,that may Taiwan is dominated.Stubborn of history and culture are unstable,and they can be violent or marked by nation's military,political,economic,and social discontinuous changes.However,Taiwan Style/Ending of history is to conditions contributing to national and social stability,including,national constitution and government change,in which,in order to reflecting effective strategic deployment and performance.Taiwan Style/Ending of history evolve in an orderly way,and relatively stable nation both survive and are effective.Whether, sometimes feeling out of sort and contradictory of nation's military,political,social ,and economic power are in re-balance. But,what stubborn of history and culture will last and what will not,is still problem in now.The code word of stubborn of history and culture are corrupt and criminal.Simply put,they are unchanging elements.Moreover,a word of citizen is also illegitimate-no idea!In other words,they have not been earthmen,with their strategic deployment of vulnerabilities.Despite that they have weathered shocks of war,but,can be no longer to prevent massive decline. Stubborn of history and culture of popularity have ebbed ; new pattern of Taiwan Style-Ending of history will help and support nation's military,political,and economic revolutions,in particular,women opportunities.The future single said ending of history will be the best way for nation and society to overcome their troubles.Simply put,it will be a backing of legitimate regime,and gain peoples' support.Without it nation and society will not be able to endure inevitable stubborn of history and culture of hypocrite and crisis.In other words,stubborn of history and culture have been losing their mental capabilities.

New pattern of Taiwan Style - Ending of history of strategic culture.

Taiwan Style-ending of history will be new idea in the Taiwan,especially,women opportunities.Because of people needs revolutionary tolerance,and indepence,freedom in nation's military,political,and economic revolutions than ever before. However,stubborn of history and culture continuities with the past of hegemonic culture,which overall support a powerful leadership.In other words,to more widespread groups interests.So,as New pattern of Taiwan Style - Ending of history of strategic culture have exceptional importance.Because of current and future of mechanism will be independence,freedom and democratic influences.These are absolutely related to the age-old of history and culture.Stubborn of history and culture are underdeveloped model.Such as: Mr.豬哥亮has said rightly - 十姐妹 was not growing.Stubborn of history and culture have traditionally been weak in nation.Stubborn of history and culture  did exist,and were inefficient.When they had trouble,and were no ability to executing their mission.Instead, New pattern of Taiwan Style - Ending of history of strategic culture is to emphasizing individual of indepenence and freedom,in particular,ideas.Today's stubborn of history and culture also have vague.So,people does not know whose suggestion to following it.Stubborn of history and culture cannot easily act as a catalyst for national revolution,in fact,New pattern of Taiwan Style - Ending of history of strategic culture will still be nation and people of interests , if so, the concept were widely shared and understood?

(2),Stubborn of history and culture are in charge of house ? Ridicule!

Stupid history was as closely related to traditional culture,in particular,sacrosanct authority.Under the authority,identified the sacrosanct posture with themselves,who controlled nation's military,political powers,and people,besides,shared favoured,holded LP of groups privileges in exchange for their support. Today,new pattern of Taiwan Style - ending of history attitudes characterize many nation's military,political,and economic visions,in particular,women opportunities.The stubborn of history and culture,and tradition is to their favour as well as political, coercive, and economic advantage,which is as a source and reason to reflect a age-old concept.So,as ending of history is divide and rule strategical deployment to defeat stubborn of history and culture  infighting and inconsistent decision-making,at the same time,intensify national authority.

New pattern of Taiwan Style will be in charge of house!

New pattern of Taiwan Style is to be independent,free and democratic,who represents the real national interests.Simply put,people directly affect the making decision,in particular,an opportunity to women.台灣窮小子 thinks that ending of history is representing affected policies-making of conflict and negotiating,if necessary,concludes into national security of consideration.Because of history and culture have no incentive to organize it.Such as:defence policy.Nation's political and economic framework,in particular,mode,their means and productions determines military revolution outcomes. We have seen that some aspects of defense,foerign,and economic policy in some countries support this ending of history view.But,we have also seen that stubborn of history and culture opinions,rather than, prospective deployment for the future,in generally,they suppresses revolutionary innovation factors.After all,military revolutionary innovation factors  can be of very different,this kinds depending on that driving nation's political,economic power.However,new pattern of Taiwan Style,that whatever the nature of the issue-war-fighting action in concert,or at least has a common war-fighting objective - return to super power,especially,we draw a conclusion to women opportunities ; to social,or political background are only weakly influenced. Simply put,new pattern of Taiwan Style are common shared values and experiences,in which,in order to be gathered together into national strategy.These are not related to age-old of history and culture.Despite that stubborn of history and culture have disagreed among women opportunities and military revolutionary innovation,but,it cannot denied that revolutionary driving is powerfur for national change.From the evidence explanatory in second vision description of the stubborn of history and culture seems adequate,because of ending of history arise out of different processes,in particular,we are meeting fragmented history and culture."Taiwan Style" is a word used to explain at least shown different nation's military,political,and economic systems and visions.

(3),New pattern of Taiwan Style of military and political operations.

Now that we have seen,also and One way to understand what problem is between new pattern of Taiwan Style and stubborn of history and culture,and how affects the distribution of nation's political,military strategic-deployment?According that we have seen how stubborn of history history and culture of  chaos and active imbalance,so,as new pattern of Taiwan/ending of history should be able to explain how national strategies are made of the future.Ending of history  is meant to bear any of historical burden.Because of these concepts are exactly strategic option.Especially,the initiations of stubborn of history and culture may be the increased chance of having the nation into overall war.But,new pattern of Taiwan Style-ending of history may intensify collective national security of concept,besides,protect our people,even,partners.Moreover,new pattern of Taiwan Style-ending of history is what believe national revolution and women to be,whether or not they are exact.Of course,it may be a complex problem.In particular,the problem is who will be in charge of house!At first,new pattern of Taiwan Style can set and light on strategic deployment as:
1,Setting nation's military and political revolution agenda - that is,how think and identify what kind of military and ploitical system we need in the future?
2,Executing ending of history war-fighting action of determinations and benefits how identified and changed by nation and an individual behavior.
So,ending of history war-fighting action of determinations are not qualities,but,we will discuss the nation's military and political revolution?These are not related to age-old and stubborn of history and culture.Stubborn of history and culture promise change is ridicule.Becuause of they will not bear nation and people interests.However,to reassure such problems tend to be put on the agenda,but,they do not have change concept,so,as the mounting ecidence to said that stubborn of history and culture are dramatic farces.We do know that ending of history opinion exists in the importance,however,we ignore it in longer term.So,in such instances,stubborn of euhemerists and culturists who tend to formulate strategies and policies,in which,in order to according with their so oldest ideas and international view,or they reaction to nation's military and political revolution,in particular,they do not allow women in success.So,as new pattern of Taiwan Style is accordance with the fact that perceived ending of history widely distributed means that strong enough to organize and become involved in the nation's military and political revolution,especially,women opportunities.Thus,stubborn of history and culture of war-fighting activity is relatively low. because of they usually does not perceive nation and people the results.In particular,military and political commitments are ridicules.Although,ending of history military and political commitments is relatively small,but,can be identifiable national goal,equally,also identifiable historical and cultural violence extremism and terrorism.Simply put,they are just a mudslingings.New pattern of Taiwan Style-ending of history is brainstorm capability,which helps nation confer potential war-fighting capability and superiority,rather than,stubborn of history and culture policies.Simply put,new pattern of Taiwan Style-ending of history is to create happiness,and strong encouragement,organization and explanation,in which,in order to working together to defeat stubborn of history and culture that may be  indifferent to or ignorant of the proposal. Simply put,new pattern of Taiwan Style will be also create a national commitment,including many policies and strategies,in which,its strategic goal is to restructure and upgrade national military defense.Ending of history is also more efficient of national commitment,which improved nation's economic competitiveness.Moreover,since new pattern of Taiwan Style provides full opportunity to prevent that threaten organized crime,it is unusual that these stubborn of history and culture.Because of stubborn of history and culture usually often try to achieve through historical emotion.or symbolic explains what narrow self-interest.In other words,they give us lip service.The successful efforts of new pattern of Taiwan Style-ending of history will be a important reason to nation's political and military.Because of stubborn of history and culture have already collapsed.

(4),New pattern of Taiwan Style of military and political of asymmetric tactics analysis.

Stupid of history and culture have troubled and afflicted to us for a long,a long time.So,as we will be looking forward to ending of history of rendezvous with destiny ; we will bear the principles of independent-reliance,and,above all, responsible freedom for our every individual Taiwanese that we will become that shining sign in the world. - 台灣窮小子

No matter what the China,or Taiwam,even,as elsewhere is also in the worldwide.Stubborn of history and culture war-fighting actively try to influence nation's military and political strategy,indeed,they have so characteristic vulnerabilities.Although,stubborn of history and culture war-fighting action is focused at centres power,so,as tactics means are also especially extreme.In other words,they were content with oldest things ; as they did not seek to understand new ideas thoroughly ; as they did have no aggression instead of so oldest approaches.The stubborn of history and culture war-fighting action often have particularistic goals,simply put,they just want special preference,rather than thriugh change,so this weakness means that holding compliments!In other words,they enjoys seek privileges,which gets licences,sometimes,then can reverse trues.Although,New pattern of Taiwan Style-ending of history does not have strong interests resources,even,intervening influence of traditional political parties,but,their influence directly to bear on national strategy and policy.Stubborn of history and culture actions tried to destroy change,in particular,to new ideas,and technologies,so,there is no matter what the future,or in virtually,they have collapsed.Today,stubborn of history and culture have expanded and consolidated their positions.This is still the most key of asymmetric tactics operations.Although,natural monopolies brings more strong competitions.But,this is just case in regulating their activity,whose use as variety of tricka and lies to advance their agenda.In other words,it is closed their door war-fighting action.So,prospered development to New pattern of Taiwan Style is to build the immaturity of ending of history ; change asymmetric national strategy and policy.So,this is national style for the future.During this period,New pattern of Taiwan Style may face increasing stubborn opposition,and also,may be no strong money support.But,ending of history of belief,we can drive change agendas in nation and government without having to work through intervening influence of traditional political parties.During this period,New pattern of Taiwan Style may be also unstable,but,it will explain that will be beginning to build frameworks independent of nation's asymmetric learders.In general,but,history and culture are stubborn and violent rivals ; feels out of sort of opportunism and separated unstable bear varyd on tactics roles with key issues.In turn,new pattern of Taiwan Stye is in in governing the state,which should be processed into ending of history.In longer term,stupid of history and culture carried on as age-old the politics of good graces,in order to gain the central authority power and resources,and would not willing to accept change and competition.However,new pattern of Taiwan Style-ending of history brings representatives from competing,and ensure widely distributed among national ability,at the same time,avoid stupid of history and culture from attaining so much power,and after re-balanced,we prevent any historical-cultural violence extremism and terrorism of threats and crises.Besides,they will make nation among competing groups in the global environment,and re-build security-cooperation partnerships.In short,stupid of history and culture will be fired,also,and less effective.New pattern of Taiwan Style-ending of history of representation will increasingly show how self-confidence in our every individual Taiwanese.

(5),Stubborn of history and culture crime organizational system of asymmetric tactics analysis.

It cannot denied that stubborn of history and culture crime organizational system would be considered illegally of the political system corrupt and criminal interests.which,would be no longer to process nation's political,military,and economic transformation and change.To the nation,the commitment of  stubborn of history and culture crime organizational system are weak and no powerful.Stubborn of history and culture crime organizational system helps corruption, the use of nationl and social sources for individuals interests gain.Simply put,as corruptive actions are seen by providing an unlimited range for existence.In other words,national loyalty and sovereignty are poorly defined,or non-existent.Moreover,more and more national inability would be feeling out of sort that create preconditions for nation's political,military ,and economic of illegal actions,and earned through national benefits.Because of  stubborn of history and culture crime organizational system are historical struggle,with fighting leadership,and try to discredit ending of history by selective transformation and change to seek national,social ,and peoples' good graces.New pattern of Taiwan Style-ending of history encourages a reliance on Taiwanese's personalization ; today ; rather than,stubborn of history and culture crime organizational system.It cannot denied that corruption widespread are global phenomenons.In other words,stupid of history and culture are organized crime actions,which are the major threat to national transformation,and independence,freedom,with democratic development,also,still is a major problem. The criminal groups of stupid of history and culture built themselves ideologies up on the foundation laid in the age-old era.Simply put,they are just exactly right,and authoritativeness.For example,such as,台灣窮小子 loves 蔡英文,but,stupid of history and culture must be said that:"who the hell you are"? - Get division,I don't deserve!However,in Taiwan,even,China,the pervasiveness of crime of stupid of history and culture have already clawed down nation's political,military,and economic frameworks,in particular,conventional history and culture of contributions.Especially,national pervasiveness of crime of stupid of history and culture would being awaked by new pattern of Taiwan Style.At the same time,also,ending of history is active war-fighting operation.In other words,illegal of history and culture.The illegal of history and culture have deep sources,so,they cannot be effectively started change,or,no ability to combat with fundamentally transforming the way theyselves war-fighting models.


New pattern of Taiwan Style - Ending of history war-fighting style of elites.
Does stupid of history and culture really elite? No ! Absolutely not!Simply put,they are hypocritical and abnormal.
Because of ending,we formally embrace and start new pattern of nation's political,military,and economic revolution,in particular,women opportunities.Simply put,we abandon the age-old historical-cultural elites,and indeed,they are not!
Today,stubborn of history and culture control and dominate the commanding heights of nation's political,military,and economic strategy,but,they are not feeling out of sort to change,who are coercing our inherent brains superiorities.
This is the current core fact - within this national framework,where are no dynamic and adaptable of war-fighting capabilities and superiorities for the future.Because of the age-old history and culture have built assured,stubborn,nation's political,military,and economic systems,in particular,they ignored women and people freedoms.In other words,new pattern of Taiwan Style-ending of history will be successful,and will take away the age-old and stupid of history and culture of positions and influences.
So,new pattern of Taiwan Style of war-fighting objective is a new concept and new technology of an ideology that legitimizes ending of history rule.
Taiwan Style of war-fighting objective is new pattern of nation's political,military,and economic war-fighting formula to win people confidence and good grace.But,stupid of history and culture have  failed to come up with something else.
Therefore,the key question is new pattern of Taiwan Style war-fighting objective that will create a new set of nation's political,military,and economic values particular,national humane studies and accepted rules of game.



    Taiwan Style

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