(the son of destiny)
18 FEBRUARY , 2017
Taiwan should make a choice in the Missile Defense.
Indeed , the question facing the Taiwan on Missile Defense is - will the Taiwan deploy with Missile Defense ,
that must process the significant prevention with Left-wing's history and culture proliferation and control.
Indeed , Left-wing's history and culture are used to be of objecting to the deployment of a missile defense system ;
in other words , a separate missile defense system is deployed in Taiwan.
In turn , we have all the building to successfully deploy , that will be able to destroy the ballistic missiles ,
and in order to prevent the proliferation of Left-wing's history and culture.
In turn , we must defend our Homeland , and push back against Left-wing's history and culture ;
not in China , but in the Taiwan.
In spite of the Globe was $300 billion in spending on missile defense level ,
and no history of success in defending against longer-range ballistic missiles threats
For example , for China , it sees it as its strategic deterrence threats ,
but overlooks the aggressions of Left-wing's history and culture.
Now , a critical concern for China is they do not know if Missile Defense System are for defensive purposes ,
and still be used offensively.
Indeed , Missile Defense System contributes to regional security and stability ,
since the threat is real from Left-wing's history and culture.
Put simply , we will not be better to face the threat of Left-wing's history and culture ,
if Taiwan will not be willing to deploy it.
For instance , China recently deployed DF-16 missiles in violation of treaties covering intermediate range missiles.
So as Taiwan must take a fresh look , and assess .... to be building a different defensive relationship.
Finally , China's real goal is political history and culture in trying to intimidate the other countries -
because the intimidation condition figures in Left-wing's history and culture thinking.
For instance , China attacks Taiwan , even with conventionally missiles is also the threat implied to achieve their threats.
In fact , Aegis system operates Mk-41 vertical launch system ,
which has worked effectively war-fighting system - Standard Missile 3 will be able to attack other offensive weapons.
I called for Taiwan deploying Missile Defense System to prevent Left-wing's history and culture attacks ,
since they are based on faith of history and culture , rather than facts of Secure Defense System.
其實, 台灣飛彈防衛所面對的問題是~~~
如果台灣將部署飛彈防衛系統, 那必須進行重大預防, 左翼歷史與文化的擴散與控制!
其實, 左翼歷史與文化慣常反對部署針對性飛彈防衛系統;
換句話說, 台灣部署一個單獨的飛彈防衛系統!
另言之, 在所有的基礎, 成功地部署, 能夠摧毀彈道飛彈, 以預防左翼歷史與文化的擴散!
另言之, 我們必須防衛我們的鄉土, 與推翻左翼歷史與文化;
這不是在中國, 而是在台灣!
舉例來說, 對中國來說, 這是對其戰略嚇阻的威脅;
然而, 卻忽略左翼歷史與文化的侵略!
現在, 一個關鍵問題是, 中國不知道飛彈防衛系統是否應用在防衛, 還是攻擊?
其實, 飛彈防衛系統有助於區域安全與穩定;
簡單來說, 如果台灣不願意部署, 那無法更好地面對左翼歷史與文化的威脅;
舉例來說, 中國最近部署違反彈道飛彈協議,-東風十六型飛彈!
最後是, 中國真正的目標是政治化歷史與文化, 嘗試恐嚇其他國家;
即使操作傳統性飛彈, 也是暗示實現其恐嚇的威脅;
舉例來說, 中國攻擊台灣?
其實, Aegis 系統操作Mk-41垂直發射系統, 在過去, 一直是有效的作戰系統~~~
主張台灣部署飛彈防衛系統, 預防左翼歷史與文化的攻擊;
因為它們是基於歷史與文化的信仰, 而不是現實的安全防衛系統!