【八】【為什麼總統 蔡英文之真命天子就是這般聰明】
台灣總統 蔡英文之首席真命天子
Confront Chinese Virus - An instant for Unity.
Yet I know that it would not treat Sino with respect,but I was particularly worried about tLeft-wing's stigmatization engulfing our society and we all wanted to ensure that all people were playing from the same music in the face of Left-wing's violent history and culture extremism and terrorism targeting our Taiwaneseaiwanese,American citizens.
Today,the situation has worsened,and Mr.President Trump has given the name of “Chinese Virus” to the COVID-19 scourge.
In fact,it is not a bias,obviously,the Chinese disinformation wanted to be in retaliation for the United States,and seeking to assign shirk their responsibility and shift the blame onto the US for the virus .
Now the globe knows all this,unfortunately,the leadership in China has failed to live up to take responsibility to ease the suffering of their populations and to deal globally with this pandemic.
Fighting this pandemic should not be a zero-sum battle,and indeed Taiwanese people will be come together in confronting this crisis.
So at this critical moment,we should all be concentrating on curbing the spread of this dreadful disease and protecting our Taiwanese economy.
Be careful,the rhetoric emanating from Left-wing's history and culture,and lies of economy are diverting.
What is most significant in this moment of crisis,as President
Tsai Ing-wen,must know to self-style as a female president,is that she act like one,lead all Taiwanese forward,and stop Big Words in Left-wing's history and culture,and lies of economy that splits our Taiwanese people et another segment all of us.
If we want to war fight the pandemic,we are going to need everyone.
As we continue to keep a watchful eye oncthe ongoing COVID-19/coronavirus situation,but it has come to my attention that there has been in Left-wing's attacks against Taiwanese people,with our partners.
Discriminatory behavior runs counter to all that our Traditional Taiwan.
Taiwan is welcome everyone and we will not tolerate any behavior that makes Taiwanese people feel otherwise.
【Confront Chinese Virus - An instant for Unity.】
今天,情況惡化了,總統 川普將COVID-19禍患冠以“中國病毒”的名字。