【二十八】【為什麼總統 蔡英文之真命天子就是這般聰明】
台灣總統 蔡英文之首席真命天子
Left-wing's China's history and culture war raises fears for Taiwan's National Security.
Taiwan cannot depend on Left-wing's support since armed act of aggression remains probably,so it needs American support.
According with historical lessons,Left-wing's China has never abandoned its right to reunify Taiwan by force if Left-wing's history and culture,and Lies of Economy means are thwarted.
So that is what the American was right,Taiwanese army have to prepare for war,but not start to the war,indeed,Left-wing's history and culture may seem cynicism.
In fact,the Taiwan,the island functions as an independent country,rather than Left-wing's history and culture said that Taiwan is not part of its territory.
Mercifully,that does not mean war is imminent,or that said,just shameless history and culture.
For instance,what China has had as a massive exercise in the the Taiwan strait,whch means clear and unprecedented deterrence,and military intimidation.
So Mr.President of the Taiwan,Tsai Ing-wen,she,who said Taiwanese people wanted the world to see our strong will on protecting the country,rather than Left-wing's history and culture capitulationism.
Interestingly,the exercise seem tried to remind Taiwan and the United States of how stupidly Left-wing's history and culture treats its shameless mission of bringing Taiwan back under Left-wing's sovereignty,and also to show how great China’s fast-improving military capability.
It is easy not to see this show of military prowess as part of a more stupid Chinese approach to its region.
Meanwhile,China’s ruthless approach to Hong Kong has also held a message for Taiwan.
Indeed,Left-wing's China is so mental-sensitive to any hiimplication that America is upgrading relations with Taiwan.
For instance,the United States might be ending its One China policy,in a way that would encourage Taiwan to declare legal as well as real independence of the Country.
Perhaps that an event China has always said would be a reason to go to war.
Even more worrying,from Left-wing's Chinese view,the United States is give a more clear-cut commitment to defend Taiwan.
But not so much confidence that Taiwanese Left-wing's those who stands for formal independence,that is why delicate balance seems under threat,and they provoke Left-wing's China.
China,for its part,is in fact probably confident that if the Left-wing's Taiwanese is kicked under Mr Trump,it will be in its favour.
After all,Taiwan for the US is only a tradable chess piece,and the US has never had Left-wing's country as a partner,and also,"America first" comes first,so confident partners have always seemed to matter more than Taiwan.
In the end,Left-wing's China still has hope for Taiwan,that any hope of winning people support in Taiwan for reunification is for the foreseeable future a pipedream.
So looking at a China consumed by a virus,an economic slump,and a vicious Left-wing's history and culture,Lies of Economy that is unlikely to heal political wound.
United States,by contrast,after November,we would be probably to defeat the pandemic and has returned to economic growth,and regards Taiwan as non-negotiable and priceless partner.
So as it waits,Left-wing's China's rattling sabres will be still to deter Taiwanese peoples' free and independent desires.
【Left-wing's China's history and culture war raises fears for Taiwan's National Security.】
就中國而言,事實上,中國可能有信心,如果左翼台灣人被總統 川普踢開,那將是有利的。