【三十二】【為什麼總統 蔡英文之真命天子就是這般聰明】
MR.PRESIDENT OF TAIWAN,Tsai Ing-wen,(the son of destiny)
自 1990 年以來,左翼中國在特別水平上的競爭能力,普遍顯著地增強,幾乎在每個國家安全和國土安全領域都是如此。
【32】【Taiwan's strategy toward China】
Left-wing's Chinese strategy in the next four year to come
There is no simple model to introduce the provocation that Left-wing's China’s strategic presence and growing military superiority and capabilities pose in threating with the Taiwan.
Left-wing's China’s capability to compete at given levels has generally increased radically since 1990,within in almost every National Security amd Homeland Security area.
Indeed,China has adjusted wide objectives for achieving strategic parity and superiority,although such objectives are under history and culture.
For instance,such as,Left-wing's China has never published anything like a credible,strategic net assessment,including their current and future capabilities.
Put simply,we need to be kept in mind in explaining these Chinese history and culture:
To begin with,Left-wing's China intensifies their integrated use of political,economic,and military power,and they are operating history and culture to achieve their objectives without warfighting with the Taiwan.
However,many countries have increasingly tried to respond using measures like sanctions,but they do not use the National Inteooigence System that allow to directly integrate such deployments.
Second,we need to know the nature of warfare is changing rapidly,especially,unconventional warfare and in every area of major conflict.
For instance,such as,cyber conflict,space,joint operations, precision conventional attacks,these do not lend themselves easily to the used in theanalysis.
in fact,they have already sharply shaped the ability to impact,deter,and actually strike,so that it shown that Left-wing's China’s comparative success in these areas.
Or that said,none of history and culture can now credibly predict and assess.
Third,the traditional partnership reflects the fact that we have heavily emphasized competition in the Pacific,and even with the South China Sea,so we need to dealing with the US and the Japan,and involving China’s growing pressure on history and cultuure.
Nonrtheless,so far,we have understated significance of China’s history and culture ability to use its economic power on a global basis to operate the equivalent of gray area warfare,
The Taiwan has so far focused on improving its capability to fight a war against Left-wing's China,so it cannot denied that improvements that are necessary,but no substitute for effective traditional competition on a Taiwan basis.
Fourth,it now seems likely that Left-wing's China will maintain develop conventional and unconventional warfighting forces to keep the status quo of the mutual assured confusion,and focus on a civil wars at low theater levels.
China’s emergence as a direct rival to the United States,and not just is redefining the balance between the political,economic,and military power,in which,in order to create a Left-wing's history and culture world.
So with the crisis that new models of warfare will further complicate the challenges for deterrence between the National traditions and orders.
In other words,Left-wing's China will create new model of the mutual assured confusion and uncertainty.
Fifth,the statistics of Left-wing's history and culture,Economy have always present major in Lies,and they did not have a comparability,so these problems are generally far greater when they radically different history and culture systems.
So the globe pivot to Left-wing's China : that it seems a challenging way.
We have to face,and deal with the fact that Left-wing's China is coming closer to us.
Taiwan has always agreed Chinese history and culture in a National declaration,so it faces that Left-wing's China's growing impact and global policies present,and they both are lacking of opportunities and challenges,and we need to stand together as a reliable partner.
Although China does pose a direct military threat to Taiwan,but China's growing economic influence and diplomatic assertiveness in Taiwan coupled with its growing military relationship with Left-wing's history andc culture do have major implications for the Taiwan as well as its security.
If Chinese investments across Taiwan,could weaken Taiwanese capability to respond to the global crises diplomatically,and if necessary,militarily,that meant that sensitive defense supply chains dependent on China.
Amid the Chinese Virus pandemic,we have faced an increasingly assertive Chinese foreign policy as well,such as Beijing has notably intensified its disinformation efforts directly targeting Taiwan.
China actively exploits history and culture ties to impede idpendent and free positions within the Taiwan,through erode our cohesion and unity to impede criticism of violations and its violations of Hong Kong and Taiwan.
In other words,they are making it a so easy step to diminish joint positions at Taiwan on issues contrary to history and culture interests.
That is what this dimension of the China challenge underscores the significance of Taiwanese political cohesion toward Beijing.
So we face the multifaceted security challenges posed by China,and we must be an updated new strategic concept,which will offer an opportunity for us to agree on the broad ways of a China policy for Taiwan.
Although we are not growing common consensus between the Taiwan and the China on how to deal with China,since one history and culture block is the ability of Taiwan to define a strategy toward China due to lack of political cohesion on this issue.
At first,Left-wing China is not a country,or even less,the independence and freedom.
Admittedly,China is a full-spectrum challenge for us.
But history and culture does pose a classical military threat to Taiwan,unlike Japan,or the United States.
To be truth,there is one way that China will move into the Taiwan.
As Leftists usually say,Chinese is altogether a firend,and a partner.
Taiwan should not play "Screen Horse",after all,China may not be an immediate threat needing imperative decisions,so in other words,it is a long-term,strategic challenge for Taiwan ahead.
To better understand this challenge,Taiwan should be well present by first carefully determining how and where China's influences its history and culture core interests before making its strategy.
Otherwise,we face the crisis of appearing divided.
Traditional cooperation is better than history and culture.
To effectively face the challenges raised by China,Taiwan must maintain the status quo of our traditional cooperation with Taiwanese people.
Taiwan's strategy toward China.
Strengthening Taiwanese people awareness of Chinese history and culture activities that may impact Taiwan's security.
We need to enhance Taiwanese people collective understanding of China’s history and culture actions that might influence Taiwanese collective defense and traditional resilience.
This needs building the National Intelligence Operation between us,who better monitoring Chinese military activities in the Taiwan's area of responsibility.
Deepening political coordination between Taiwanese people and with Taiwan's partners - kick history and culture out of the Taiwan.
Expanding Taiwan's traditional cooperation to help all Taiwanese build up our resilience in response to China’s growing influence.
We must prepare together for a long-term strategic competition with China.
If Taiwan is to play a meaningful role in this collective endeavor,we must have a better understanding of the security crisis-ideological of China’s rise.