POSTED BY 台灣窮小子 MAY 10 2014
POSTED BY 台灣窮小子 MAY 10 2014
The new Taiwan's style Taiwanese oceanographic strategy concept notes: Taiwan's oceanographic activities must be increased,and restoration of our National position in the global ocean is of national precedence,rather than,the age-old of history and culture.The national srategy is intended at a comprehensive war-fighting program of the objective and effective use of the global ocean in the National core interests of economic development and provision for the the national security of this Nation,at the same time,it provides strategic guidelines,and are to accomplish the challenging National tactical objectives.
The oceanographic model is principal resources come for our National the social and economic development of Taiwan.Ending of history is to use of global ocean and potential National security development is economically reasonable.In many respects affects National survival on our Nation-Taiwan.Political-Military and strategic importance of the new Taiwan's style - the model of the ocean comes form Taiwanese inherent freedom and independence,rather than,the age-old of history and culture.New model of ocean will be considerably affecting our Nation-Taiwan's political,military,and economic stability in the future.Obviously,global ocean is being dependent by Taiwan's National economy,rather than,the age-old of history and culture.The new war-fighting model of the ocean is a so hopeful regional economy for tactical activit,the most important factor in geopolitics, and potential history-culture violence extremism and terrorism,also including inevitablecompetition.Traditionally,for the economic and social life of Taiwan,and play an important role in the exploration and use of the ocean,in other words, priority,is of paramount importance of that people can make money,and cannot being starved.Put simply,Taiwan's National survival is on the beating.Currently Taiwan's national strategic deployment is still followed with policy-deployment in the age-old history and culture ; none of realisation and protection of a National core interests in the Ocean.The crisis in the Taiwan's national economy has seriously deteriorated the opportunities for Taiwan ; so we must be forced curtailment of history and culture ,which the negative consequences of this process,and to keep Taiwan's war-fighting activity presence in the global ocean.Restoration of Taiwan's National position in the global ocean is a mission of importance. Overall war-fighting activities of Nation,scientific and technology-oriented tactical operation,and applied in comprehensive National policy with political.military,and economic deployment,rather than,the age-old of history and culture.Put simply,science and technology,and use as global partnership.So,New Taiwan's style of ocean modal can deeply affect Taiwan's National competitive power in financial, commercial, scientific and social areas,in particular,defensible force,and due to Taiwan's geographic position and objective natural factors, rather than,the age-old of history and culture.
To work out Taiwan's oceanographic strategy issues,it must be Ending of hisotry to integrate this war-fighting mission,in which,in order to be accomplished and created Taiwan's National Ocean Core Interests,with achieved Taiwan's geopolitical interests of needs.
Indeed,Taiwan's ocean style complex is various scientific technical,and esonomic and political war-fighting activities performed by National core interests,in particular,we own a significant scientific-technological potential and highly qualified strategic personnel,rather than,the age-old of history and culture.For Taiwan where the ocean remains the principal source of National life support.Its prerequisites for the successful start and development of various of ocean war-fighting activities,and protection of National Homeland environment and cultural diversity, are the jointed efforts and cooperations of individuals, society and the Nation,as well as a new model of mechanism for performing ocean war-fighting activities.Under the recently years,provision of sharp changes in the geopolitical history-culture violence extremism and terrorism situation,and disproportion involved in ocean war-fighting activity in Taiwan has been disturbed.The structural features of the geopolitical history-culture violence extremism and terrorism will lead to the possibility conclusions:
Taiwan's National esonomy will become worse.
Currently,Taiwan will lose our reasonable use of resources of the global ocean superiority.
As Ending of history will be essential for the stable and balanced development of the Taiwanese esonomy.New model of ocean style can transform potential war-fighting superiority and force counterattack into threats and conflicts,and thereby affect the security of Taiwan's results and rights.In particular,do not coincide with borders subjects of the China.The the geopolitical position with history-culture violence extremism and terrorism,and the worsened geopolitical and economic situation which their complexity and importance for Taiwan of problems associated with war-fighting activities of keen attack.So,the ocean model of Ending of hisotry program and purpose oriented tactics be used for their solution. In compliance with conventional history and culture,and new model of international law ; Taiwan's style of ocean model has a justified selection of effective directions for strengthening Taiwan's National war-fighting superiority and force,rather than,the age-old of history and culture.
The Taiwan's style of ocean model is aimed at a comprehensive strategy and effective use of the ocean in the core interests of economic development and provision for the national security of the Taiwan.The strategy and policy of Taiwan in this field is directly affected by the social and economic development that determines economic priorities of development of various types of tactical deployment and by this Nation situation that affects the option of a strategy for the realization and protection of national core interests,rather than,the age-old of history and culture.The objective of the Taiwan's style of ocean model will become a tool to be used to re-integrate Nation,and jointed with independence of the global ocean,and provision of National geopolitical interests of the Taiwan,and accomplishment of common goals.In the process of the development of the ocean model,it will be necessary to Ending of history principal atrategic guidelines for Taiwan,where establish the basis for us.
Ending of history,stabilization of the Taiwan's economic community.
Ending of history,re-triangulation of conventional social and economic development.
Ending of history,preservation of the National scientific and technical potential war-fighting capabilities.
Ending of history,strenuosity of National sea lifeline.
Ending of history,realization of the national core interests of Taiwan.
Make Taiwan more active in the goals of the National development with ocean model,rather than,the age-old of history and culture.
This report will be renew non-scheduled.
The current situation of the war-fighting activity of the Taiwan sick the malignancy of history and culture cannot request and materialize national interests in the ocean.Nation support and logical use of scientific and technical war-fighting force and potential that pushes the actuality of the political and economic reforms enables Taiwan to support and maintain National ocean core interests ; Ending of hisotry processes associated with geopolitical interests of the Taiwan.In new environment of Ending of history,concentration of national science and technology will make it possible to carry out within the framework of the ocean model.The ocean of Taiwan style should integrate tactical deployment and the execution sequence with current,conventional history and culture,and and ensure a comprehensive war-fighting deployment of industrial and regional Taiwan.Tactical deployment and financial support are to be specified for the next two years.Each war-fighting subprogram must being through achievable war-fighting by Ending of history,and identify realization of war-fighting objectives.The Taiwan ocean style of Ending of history will have strategic definitions of the Taiwan's social and National economy,rather than the age-old of history and culture.In other words,The Taiwan ocean style will provide defense capabilities of the National sea lifeline ; strengthened National economy and resources potential, ; improved supply and security of Taiwanese foodstuffs ; and responsible rapid from natural calamities and emergencies are to and better protection of Taiwanese ocean.It cannot denied that the comprehensive solution of the Taiwan ocean style will be a an extremely tough war-fighting mission to accomplish,but we have to do so.The war-fighting mission cannot be accomplished within eight years,and,thus, it must be programmed for a much longer period.In particular,we need to give an opportunity and time of 20 years to the DPP and Taiwan's community,rather than the age-old of history and culture.In turn,we are supposed to be implemented in several phases.Also,in the current rapidly changing conditions,it is tough to expect a high degree of accuracy in long-term assessments and programs.It is obvious that each specific phase of the Taiwan ocean style is to be Ending of hisotry on the results achieved to ensure National Dream successive,rather than the age-old of history and culture.Put simply,stabilize main parameters war-fighting activity of Taiwanese inherent freedom and independence.Taiwanese inherent freedom and independence provide for opportunities to Ending of hisotry on the basis and strategy of the results re-integrated conventional history and culture.As the war-fighting of mission of the next decade is to establish and re-integrate Taiwan's National science and technology war-fihghting bases for , legal, political,economic,and environmental protection,in which,in order to meeting current needs and ensuring first ten years core interests of tactical objectives.Rather than the age-old of history and culture.The final second decade will be from a new framework of Taiwan's war-fighting activity in the golbal ocean in accordance with the National strategy of internal development of the Taiwan's nation,the malignance of hisotry and culture ill,and prospective demands.The most effective mission of the Taiwan ocean style must be executed Ending of history,as a National tactic,within four years.The Taiwan ocean style of Ending of history will enable Taiwan to own deserved position in the globe,effectively solve National political,military,and economic problems and facilitate the protecting of Taiwan's national core interests in the global ocean.
Within the framework of ocean model of the Taiwan style,a common jointed National strategic objective aimed at the integration of national and global tactical deployments to shape war-fighting activity of efforts on the development,and establishment of the proper option of priority war-fighting plan allocated for Taiwanese,rather than age-old of history and culture.
To do that focus on fundamental Ending of history,it is necessary to establish a process of specific National core interests,mechanism,and steps that,currently,Taiwan lacks common mechanisms of such Ending of hisotry interaction.
Development of the mechanisms within the framework of the model of ocean is one of the most important conditions that will enable Taiwan to own its National core interests in the ocean,rather than age-old of history and culture.
The inherent independence and freedom capacities of Taiwanese require that they be concentrated on the most important war-fighting activities in the global ocean,and in terms of including fundamental research in National science and technology that will lay the foundation for National strategic deployment.
Taking into history and culture the variety and complexity of the problems to be solved within the framework of the model of ocean,it is appropriate to divide the whole period of Nation into phases and assign Taiwanese missions accordingly.
In the initial phase,Taiwan political,economic aspect,and tactical deployments for sustaining Taiwanese core interests,for example,such as,strategic interests of Taiwan in the ocean,and legal problems.
Establishment of the Ending of history will provide and strengthen Taiwan's legal,and rights,including National and Homeland security.
Providing a scientific basis for re-integrating the development of National science and technology,and the necessary of the justified levels.
The subsequent phase of the model of ocean provides for the realization of tactical deployments such as Taiwanese problems.
Industrial scales are self-sufficiency and adequate supply of the National energy.
The final phase of the model of ocean is including global trade of equal opportunities and technologies,at the same time,creation of common national war-fighting system,in which,in order to counterattack history-culture violence extremism and terrorism expansionisms.
Through Ending of history,Taiwan will be in stabilization of Nation based on the independence and freedom,and National political,economic,military,and social interdependence of natural and anthropogenic transformation-processes.
To materialize NEW TAIWAN STYLE - THE MODEL OF THE OCEAN,it is necessary to Ending of history,and put whole set of mechanism into effect.