POSTED BY 台灣窮小子 MARCH 11 2014
It cannot denied that Ressia's naval fleet was just formed to counter the US Navy 6th Fleet.rather than,China's Naval,and there are historical lessons and experiences,not "Big Words" history and culture,during different times,they consisted of more than 30 warships and auxiliary vessels.
According with Crimea Crisis,the Russia may be considering re-deploying a joint fleet in the Mediterranean Sea,Such a deployment,which will be commanded by the Black Sea Fleet and jointed with other war-fighting deployments to insure Russia's National interests in the regional of Black Sea.
For example,such as,Russian warships have been deployed near Syria,and other ports are as resupply points.
In particular,they re-deploy the aircraft carrier to the Mediterranean.The Russian Navy supports their Black Fleet of the Mediterranean ; respond and prevent Crimea and Syrian Crisis,and considering re-deploying the carrier into the Black Fleet.