Copyrighted @ 台灣窮小子 03022013
I believe there are legitimate government functions. There is a legitimate need in an orderly society for some government to maintain freedom or we will have tyranny by individuals. The strongest man on the block will run the neighborhood. We have government to ensure that we don’t each one of us have to carry a club to defend ourselves. But again, I stand on my statement that I think that libertarianism and conservatism are traveling the same path. By Ronald Reagan.
台灣窮小子 believes that loves 蔡英文 are legitimate and proper reason,and these are not related to stupid of history and culture,yet.I think that I stand on my promise;stupid of history and culture are hypocritical.Simply put,they are destroying love of tyranny
New model of Taiwan Style-ending of history will be a independence,freedom country ;
a design being in the national security environment will determine to significant revolution.
5,Revolution in military style is as regional stability forces in the Taiwan.
Obviously speaking,Taiwan Style is a pattern of military security,and emphasize that women opportunities have shown new era of national strategic-direction for the future.So,,Taiwan Style is to combine with new pattern of military revolution,and new era of women opportuities,that we are re-facing crisis and security of the future.At the same time,increasing partnerships with other countries,in particular,they would being remained problems by dangerous and stubborn of history and culture.These are not related to history,culture and philosophy.Simply put,Taiwan Style will be facing national problem,and driving a new dimension's of national security system,especially,we will promise loyalty to woman.The most of stupid of history and culture are having hysterical,hypocritical response that does not reflect national military long-range interests,in particular,they cannot face military confrontations and hostilities.When under the sensitive issues make the case,that they would have potential for linkage to other vulnerabilities.So,台灣窮小子 tythink that studying the past history of war-fighting actions are to find decipherable strategy,in which,in order to help our nation to predict that ending of history will build Taiwan Style of military revolution,and new pattern of women opportunities in the 21st century.In other words,it is noteworthy for framework changing of national military security,and these are not related to history,culture and philosophy.These new pattern changes are best studied in Taiwan Style context,and not form a stupid of history and culture of ideological background. Because of Taiwan Style will focus on aspects of military revolution and women opportunities,also,at the same time,it applies to national security issues,in particular,those affecting national partnerships.As in the new pattern of Taiwan Style military,political framework,stupid of history and culture may have evident tension,or threaten and challenge national stability. So,we build more closer national national military security to prevent them,that such preventive strategy will also bring about deeply influence in national and regional stability for the future.In fact,we face ideologically driven competition,new pattern of Taiwan Style is involved in broader definition of national security issues.At the same time,we will also build a new concept-women opportunities.Despite that it will be a complex and protracted process,if so,we now cannot be start it,that tomorrow will be regretted?Although,the confrontational threat that stupid of hisotry and culture have disappeared, but new challenges have shown,such as,economic deranged,racial conflict,and national demographic changes that these have become pressing issues for nation and society.Finally,台灣窮小子thinks that Mr.洪榮一 of esplanation is exactly vision.Because of new pattern of Taiwan Style will be including historycal-cultural experience,national identity and national strategic space,even,national military-economic frameworks,at the same time,involved in national foreign and security policy of deployment and prospection.
According with current and future of global environment background,or as 台灣窮小子 thinks and observes that Taiwan's national and military security the relative importance have reduced,or,used as stupid of history and culture to cover domestic situation and environment,however,indeed,this is not right!The idea of Taiwan Style is,should be including changing system,identifying and assessing all possible parameters of crises and threats.After all,national security does not absolutely depend on the single national force.Simply put,new pattern of Taiwan Style is including national economy power,war-fighting ability of industry,peoples' interests and idea model,strengthen technological education and competitiveness,so on.Because of coming from real-global threat is,despite that does not specific objective,especially,historical-cultural extremism and terrorism,environmental degradation,economic vulnerability,and conflict and confrontion between religious and races,so on.So,as new pattern of Taiwan Style is to provide a national spheroid security,and achieve national power,at the same time,we must be taken into consideration in the transformative process,as following:
1,Interdependent relations between National war-fighting actions and people.
2,The issues of real-global environment ; how to intensify national war-fighting capabilities to face more increasing energy resources,environmental pollution,in particular,national economic productivity war-fighting capability and national population framework changing,so on.
These are not related to history,culture and philosophy.As,in this context,Taiwan should not analyzed not from stupid of history and culture,but,as a style problem,new pattern of Taiwan Style will start Taiwan's stability and security in the future.Stupid of history and culture cannot resolved legacy of crises and risks,and these are still a so different set of conditions.No wonder women are no chances,young people no dreams,and what Taiwan course to following?
1,Taiwan Style of fundamental strategy and direction
The fundamental strategy and direction are to face risk and crisis of change.Stubborn of history and culture are just a empty shell,and no longer is power,that would have become crisis in nation and government.We did not know,since than,stubborn of history and culture have tried to change,and reduced force.But,they have brought about what called a era of troubles for nation and people.Simply put,national force concept has collapsed.In spite of many decades of change as a process is under way,unfortunately,it is no idea.Stubborn of history and culture have become as their head successor of position and force.But,according with historical experiences have shown that stubborn of history and culture were only a bureaucratic-culture of rationalization and stability.However,new pattern of Taiwan Style is emphasizing sustained strategic power of super power position,in which,in order to become nations' politicl,military,and economic guarantees.In particular,new pattern of Taiwan Style is to re-combining force and save money,rather than wasting money in the actual execution.
Analyzing the style
According with stubborn of history and culture are longer-term of problems,low morale reflects the national and military positions are decreased.So,history and culture complain exhaustion,they respond with new pattern of change.Simply put,their disdain and distrust new pattern of change to accomplish a national military achievement.Stubborn of history and culture are brutal,in particular,causes among corruption saturate the national armed forces problems.Looming block of age-old history and culture,their inability to deal with our country armed force declining.In other words,lost national military force.Indeed,national military security concept is to emphasize main national security security concern,rather than,stubborn of history and culture.In context,we must be ending of history to change,and through,by supposing responsible risk to deal with widely stubborn of history and culture contingencies.In other words,power of military revolution may open,joined with deepening of national political,economic and financial of chains.Stubborn of history and culture is occupying a legacy of risk,and ignore nation and society needs in order to use as the age-old doctrines to achieve national security and stability.Simply put,it is wrong.Now,according to ending of history,as moved in a process of national military change and stabilization,globally,it is gathering force that will be revivable action in national military force.When military revolution has not emerged as a priority military objective,at the same time,new pattern of Taiwan Style-ending of history will be national commitment and statement of the future,but,it will be proved more adept at real improvements with national future in the future.Unless,stubborn of history and culture are peremptory,and feel out of sort to change,which may anticipate national military force that will be alive in the future.New pattern of Taiwan Style-ending of history will be a independence,freedom country ; a benign being in the national security environment will determine to significant revolution.
2,Taiwan Style of fundamental security issues
In fact,the comprehension of security problems in the Taiwan Strait has also profoundly changed since hand-in-hand between KMT and CCP.In Taiwan Strait,the future model will be geopolitical changes have re-built in the region.Also,the future model of progress,and including national military force.Simply put,cap changes will become a nations' political,military security issues.Especially,partnership.On the basis of partnership may be Taiwan Style superiority for the future.This report is just explaining fundamental security issues,which are not related to age-old histiry,culture and philosophy.For Taiwan Strait,security remains the objective of our national strategies for the future.While rich,history and culture brought biggest support,but,it also did not promise support for ending of history in the futrue.So,as Taiwan Style is national commitment,which becomes a framework to developing security and partnership,at the same time,clear statement and support regional security.Because of rich,history and culture are not a national security promise,and does not commit responsibility.So,Taiwan Style will be national desire for the future,which are not related to age-old histiry,culture and philosophy.In other words,Taiwan Style of fundamental security are vital security-pillars in the future,and as such,we expect,effort to contribute to the security framework for the future.These are not related to age-old histiry,culture and philosophy.The age-old histiry,culture and philosophy have nit replaced as national security of strategies and stability. But,Taiwan Style recognize that credible national security mechanism is a necessary security condition,in particular,national military force.So,stupid of history and culture cannot stop a major attack,and provides global intervention and aggression.As Taiwan Style will also control nation's the limited financial resources,which upgrade and support national military revolution,and security framework.Taiwan Styld is a national core value stability issue,which are not related to age-old histiry,culture and philosophy.Emerging of Taiwan Style is national mechanism to provide stability and best opportinities for the future.In particular,superiority of multilateral cooperation and dialogue.After all,national biggest security danger comes from stupid of history and culture.If so,we cannot ending of history,such a development will inevitably expand.So,new pattern of Taiwan Style will provide biggest rationality,fundamental security which link respobsibilities in the national military revolution.Women superiority will be particularly active in this process,and we can also see that they will help to enhance national indepentence,democratic development,and resolve issues,rather than,the age-old of history and culture.
The secure rationale and model for Taiwan Style are approximately with conservational history and culture vulnerability thus has several similar foundations.
Taiwan Style of the secure rationale reflects the national security policy,interests,challenges and threats.These mainly focus on concerns/Simply put,our brainstorm to resolve them,rather than,the age-old history and culture.
The age-old history and culture of threats,in anytime,can escalate into conflicts.
So,as Taiwan Style of the secure rationale is to stress national military and defense of meeting crisis and threat in determining of sufficiency.These are not the age-old history and culture.
In particular,strengthen military revolution of homeland security,which respond with the age-old history and culture of tensions threaten to separate the nation itself.
Because of the age-old history and culture of tensions threaten to national armed force of integrity and subject,at the same time,they also are relatively dependent on the age-old for their survival.
The situation may worsen further,if so,national military force cannot execute their responsibilities.
Simply put,Taiwan Style of the secure rationale is to stress homeland ocean,which has a significant regional component and focus.These are not the age-old history and culture.
In other words,Taiwan Style of the secure rationale is including national military force,which to develop ocean,and touching on national resources,that promising and protecting national military and geopolitical intersets.These are not the age-old history and culture.
At the same time,Taiwan Style of the secure rationale is to seek national and social economic development and stabilization of life community,in which,also including,national trend,fishing industries,and oceanic mineral resources and study.These also are not the age-old history and culture.
At least Taiwan Style of the secure rationale is to re-establishment as a vital of national revolution.